
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Let us do farming, nobody will come from heaven to help us

4 min read
Pal Chol Nyan, South sudanese Political Analyst and Commentator

Pal Chol Nyan, South sudanese Political Analyst and Commentator

By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan

Monday, October 26, 2020 (PW) — The Parties reached a consensus on the pending issues last week. I am talking about the divided SPLM Factions known by the acronyms or suffixes they added to the historical SPLM to mislead the public attention. They are now working on nominating their candidates for appointments as deputy Governors, Ministers and Commissioners.

The Revitalized National Assembly will be reconstituted as well as the State Assemblies. Lawmakers will be appointed. That is and was a positive step towards sustainable peace and stability in our country . 

Funny enough, the kind of competition I am seeing is an aberration. Where I come from, more than a dozen people are contesting for just a position of a Commissionership.

Is that really about serving the people? It isn’t. In my view,the contest is a geared towards a mere material greediness coated as a political contest. 

I am privy to the fact that in the course of the war, many people lost what they had before the outbreak of the SPLM factional infighting. I call it former comrades war over power. Given that, many people want to get appointed so that they retrieve their lost money.

It reminded me of a story five years ago when a man of a distinguished but tainted calibre challenged his boss to the point of death that he had squandered his money to sustain the rebellion and that he had every right to take up the docket of his choice.

When it became not the case; the result was what we saw; it impacted badly on the lives of innocent citizens. I agree with President General Salva Kiir that in South Sudan he has people who know only how to eat but no people who know how to work.

I say this point here in solidarity with the man who gives jobs but who doesn’t get a feedback. The President actually needs help. It is not where I come from alone that in droves contest for a single seat;I heard it is the same in Tonj, Nasir, Pibor, Torit and many other places.

If we honestly intend to serve our people and build our country, let us go for people who are competent despite their political affiliations; it is what they will do that will help our people but not where they come from or who they are loyal to.

It is people who have basic knowledge of how public service works that are needed; but not the dudes morally wounded by tribalism; who don’t know what the future holds for them and their children . 

I stand to be corrected here; Public Service doesn’t take into an account much the certificates or glittering titles we own.

It is the work experience one has and the ability to be up to the job that matters. Why should we get indulged in the eating narrative? You can still eat if you do well. Eating is right when you get what you eat from your sweat but not through shortcuts by swindling; cheating or gambling.

I know of many who have eating dishonestly but trust me most of them are not with us. They have been called by the one who owns us. I always say I will not steal to be rich quickly. 

On a particular note, let me address the citizens of South Sudan. Please, go to your farms, nobody in Juba, Malakal or Wau who will help you to better your lives. The man who holds the mantle of power in this country said it so. Believe him; he is the Head of State. He knows his ministers, politicians or commanders.

What I like from him is because he is always honest; he says what is in his mind. Let us cultivate and make our own food. We will bring what we produce to them. They will come and buy it. There is no Master Agricultural Plan to produce food. Let me say this secret; dollar crisis will not stop because no local production.  

What we hear in the media is PR. Pay not attention to it. Where are the tractors the President distributed to the defunct 32 States for food production?If you ask those to whom they were entrusted;they will tell you that they broke down. Some can stammer for fear of saying they sold them out.

In conclusion, let us fight tribalism to the finish so that this country becomes stable. 

The author, Pal Chol Nyan, is a Graduate from the College of Radiological Medical Sciences from Sudan University of Sciences and Technology. He also holds a Diploma in Teaching Methodology and a Diploma in General Medical Sciences. He was a red army soldier, a former Primary school teacher, currently serving as a General Medical Practitioner in Juba Teaching Hospital in Juba, South Sudan. He is a columnist with local newspapers in Juba/South Sudan and contributes in many websites about social, security and economic. You can reach him via his email:

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