
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

“Döm Cuar Ku Tit Röt”: President Kiir, the Victim of a Square Peg in a Round Hole

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Salva Kiir Mayaardit: The Joshua of South Sudan. Grab your copy at

By Dut Kuot Akok, Aweil, South Sudan

Thursday, November 05, 2020 (PW) — Since his up-thrusts to the higher office back in 2005 after unexpected death of our founding father, Dr. John Garang de Mabior, the president of the autonomy southern Sudan by then, who later became the first president of the republic after Independence in 2011 had been innocently placed in sweltering pot of criticisms as the real failure of this milk and honey nationby his peer critics. 

That gloomy and positional motivated criticisms went from bad to worse especially after the outbreak of December 2013 senseless war of interest and positions within the liberating party. Early after his ascendant to the higher office, he did unknowingly engulfed himself with noisy and foolish talkers who only knows how to gossip and bring any active cadre into political loggerhead with him using gossiping mechanisms until they placed him, together with the inhabitants of this blessed nation in a very unfortunate situation we don’t expect, especially after our overwhelming votes for separation in early January accompany by hoisting of our costly flag at the crack of the dawn of 09 July 2011. 

Salva Kiir Mayaardit: The Joshua of South Sudan. Grab your copy at

He the president at the outset did surrounded himself with countless fish out of water who do give flight of fancy on daily basis, that open floor given by the president had enable them by then to established themselves as a force to be reckoned with, little he didn’t know that, the camouflaged company wereworking silently behind him towards his downfall as evidenced by theirs careless and wild Attitudes towards public treasury.

Politically, they fittingly cemented theirs positions in earthly paradise of his Excellency until they grew pungent horns of positional appetite within the system, and started to eye towards the taking over of his position since they comfortably succeeded in accumulating adequate financial resources in theirs accounts in multiples foreign countries and within the country. 

Theirs visible indiscipline gesture towards the supreme being in the country did at last annoyed the president until he took a long shot by disannulling the whole cabinet at the eleventh hour in 2013, thus after the damage had already been done for the reason that, he did finally realized that, he have been working all that long with the company dominated by a nine day wonder whose ultimate Bourne is simply to enrich themselves regardless of what could befall the disadvantage group.

As a matter of facts, the above cited company of square peg in around hole based on what I observed from their body language and attitudes is that, they don’t feel pity to those who have sacrificed theirs everything in term of properties and human lives to ensure our freedom at last from posterior genocidal regimes in the former Arab and Islamic country as our brothers do claimed. These square peg in a round hole have made president Kiir to shoulder heavy load not of his own making.

Constitutionally, he have an absolute constitutional right to dismiss who ever caught misappropriating public wealth, and therefore, any counter rebellion by the dismissed cadres which has contributed negatively towards our economic downfall shouldn’t be misplaced/blamed on him just because he happenedto be the leader of the fragmented ruling party. He is not the problem of all these circles of rebellions and political instabilitywhich have crippled developmental activities across the countrysince 2013 debacle.  

President Kiir without embellishments is one of the most benignant name with regards to his baseborn way of doing/handling things, he possessed soft heartened characters beyond description such as, his none stop pardoning of wrongdoers and appeasement of corrupts officials since 2005. 

Globally, it is impactful to note the great influence or attempts put forth by the leader and give credit where it’s due in lieu of these endless and motivated criticisms towards his negative part while savvily neglecting his positive contributions howbeit, they are that visible and louder as bell. 

Putatively to all, president Kiir had been working all this Long lonely as said above without helping hands from the aforementioned square peg in a round hole in his paradise on earth. He is and always with that super-patriotic needs toensure/wanting prosperity to all ages irrespective of their tribes, religion, geographical location or political affiliation.

He do always thought of ensuring that but his unmovable blockade always based on my none motivated observation is lack of active and nationalistic cadres beneath his armpits since his earthly paradise is unfortunately flooded by the wrong company with selfish interests and ideologies. Wherefore, he shouldn’t be just crucify spuriously for the miss of all. He should be given his due credit for the half part he dedicated his everything for, instead of crucifying him wrongly/wholly for things that are not of his own making/intention.

Head-on, I was one of the critics who do see all the screw-upacross the country as to have been the sole responsibility of president Kiir himself, but after I took long breathe over the current madness going on since 2005 with thorough observations, I wondrously came to realized that, the fundamental problem crippling our development and prosperity in all field is not him but, it is the aforementioned square peg in a round hole.

He the president as we all knows is a Man of lowliness with inborn spirit of forgiveness and unity. before his ascendant to presidency, he was that silent and humble servant willing to serve the interest of his people of which he is currently attempting to do helplessly, and that was why he did amicably and silently served pricelessly both in the first movement under Joseph Lagu and later under Dr John Garang de Mabior in wilderness without the change of guard/color.

In fact, he was unshakable engine behind the success of ourfounding father in positive navigation of the people movement to it mapped destination, and as such, it is illogical to hold him hostage for the visible crimes and failure of multitudes within the liberating party.

He is innocent to shoulder that heavy load of all since he is purely a victim of a square peg in a round hole, he was actuallya leader with absolute trust and humility which seems to have been taken for grant by his comrades.

In spite of indistinguishable pressure he might have felt from his comrades, he single handedly and humbly demystified to everyliving soul that, he own South Sudan in his heart and blood as evidenced by his self-disparaging concessions, such as the creation of five vice president positions perhaps in world history, and unanticipated decision of a backing the country to previous ten states.

Time and again, president Kiir seems to be up to his words nowadays of which, his pledges to bring everlasting peace to the suffering indigent of South Sudan and his absolute war against foreign currency hyperinflation last month are the case in pointof a man longing for total transformation.

Evidently speaking, president Kiir is undeniably a victim of a square peg in a round hole because, his leadership quality and humility of pardoning his peer critics and political witchcrafts are lucid signs of a truth leader longing for everlasting peace and development we have been eyeing for all this Long. 

His pardoning of warlords since 2005 up to Independence were a positive gesture of a peace loving leader, thus it do indirectly give his political witchcrafts time to join together in opposition with sole aim of fighting theirs way back to his paradise on Earth, henceforth, methinks that, all our tribal and political motivated criticisms shouldn’t be just blamed on him since he was not alone in all these aimless negative occurrences across the country.

Now and again, his Excellency is visibly a complete victim of a company who don’t fit the bill of services delivery but only knows how to gossip behind some hardworking cadres as previously outlined.

They have nothing in possession other than unethical language of we have liberated you, we fought for 21 years even those who were born in 1990s, followed by theirs embedded principle of “our turn to eat” as if they are working in theirs inherited family consortiums.

And with all that they preach and worship the most, I don’t know why we still dwelling with endless illusion and criticisms towards this innocent man living miserably between Scylla and Charybdis when it is impossible for him to divide himself in to multiples pieces to ensure full implementation of developmental activities? Or are we at his neck just for the sake of criticisms and other gloomy motivations?

Oftentimes, I do used to say that, the current company aroundhim are ready to do whatever they can to ensure and maintain theirs prolong stay in theirs paradise on Earth even if it means the complete sellout of our costly land and her neglected inhabitants.

Currently, president Kiir is having at least some active cadres beneath his armpits but I don’t think  they would avail them chance/enough time to give theirs helping hands and talents to his Excellency in term of services delivery to the masses since they are well trenched already in theirs gossiping zone to get rid of them as usual. They are overly busy painting them as former X and Y when each and every party is currently in need of new tenderfeet/cadres.

Since 2005 up to the present date, president Kiir is busy banking on the above cited company with absolute confidence that they would work tirelessly towards the betterment of all, but to his perturb and wail, the very people whom he trusted to be his close associates and servants of the nation were all busy working antithetically against the interest of all including his legacy as a leader. 

He came lately to realize that he had bark up the wrong tree on people who are working shamelessly for their own interests on daily basis. His regret in one of his statement that he got people who entirely knows how to eat and not as to work can substantiate how victim he is amidst square peg in around hole. 

In fact, that gentle and sincere statement was a clear bell of alarm to his critics that, he is not the problem of our decade backwardness and monotonous instability in the nascent nation since he did tried to do all he can for the sake of country inhabitants. Hence, subjecting him to isolative criticisms in the madness of all is so discriminative in nature.

Observably, president Kiir had left no stone unturned for the sake of this country but all in vain since the company had ran wild towards public treasury.

On developmental failures that are attributed to him negatively in actual sense were not of his making if we look at thing based on analytical intellectual point of view as it is the case in other tribal free countries.

Currently, some cadres are still unconfident and not knowing that, the development and prosperity of this country rest solely within us since there would be no angel falling from the blue sky to put things in order for us as nation. 

Up to this far, some idiots and incompetent believers do completely believed on some scholars who did wrote in theirs various writing that, there is no single liberation movement in Africa that transitioned out of the bush into government which is illogical. It is illogical because our liberation movement was born well-armed financially compared to other liberation movements in Africa. 

And despite his attempts to put things in order, the company around the higher office with theirs selfish attitudes had victimized vast majority of our people including president Kiir himself to loiter in miserable dilemma not of theirs own making. And as such, it is fallacious to shoulder him heavy load when he is a victim of a square peg in a round hole.

In the up to the minutes country politics/network under the leadership of the above cited victim, the so-called rascal called corruption is nakedly seen as a blessed and a well-coordinated bailiwick in a country were poverty and developmental backwardness is seen everywhere.

People and in particular company around the president have refused to work towards the betterment of all, and whenever they are detected by the president and got fired without accountability, they in return do without shame seek refuge in rebellion as the only tool of fighting theirs way back to the earthly paradise of his Excellency.

Pitifully, all these rebel factions fighting this helpless man were part and parcel of looting and all forms of corrupt malpractices in the country since 2005 up to the present date. These Nationwide resources profiteers observably are the fundamental problems crippling our prosperity and stability all this long in lieu of this innocent being we are shouldering all the blames upon.

Henceforth, president Kiir in my priceless and none motivated observation is a victim of the above cited Dinka saying which literally meant “catch the thief and be extra careful in term of self-protection”.

He is a victim of that saying because all these countless factions leading cadres were part of this government, and after they were dismissed from theirs various positions on malpractices ground, they without hesitation decided to form self-covering rebelfactions and started to talks positively as if they were not part ofyesterday looting company.

In conclusion, I do like to makes it plentifully clear that, the current rebels factions fighting the system are under the leaders who were in the driving seats of president Kiir for many years barrenly, and therefore, it is fallacious to shoulder him all blames when he is visibly a victim of a square peg in a round hole and “Döm Cuar Ku Tit Röt” scenario.

He is an innocent victim because, the same people who played with public wealth and if got dismissed, they without hesitation decided to rebelled and started to labelled wrong accusations against this innocent being.

The Genius of Dr. John Garang: Speeches on the War of Liberation Paperback – November 26, 2015 by Dr. John Garang (Author), PaanLuel Wël (Editor)
The Genius of Dr. John Garang: Speeches on the War of Liberation Paperback – November 26, 2015 by Dr. John Garang (Author), PaanLuel Wël (Editor)

Evidently speaking, president Kiir is not the only victim of this life threatening scapegoating tactics based on what I experienced.  Countrywide, whenever you descry canker malpractices being done even by mere idiots and you stand over it, beware to be heedful enough because you can onerously be victimized for being luminous since there are always some invisible hands/security outfits behind the cozenage. It is a network that can venture your dear life if you are not extremely alert since the company of mostly illiterates are heartlessly deformed to be reforms.

Therefore, I don’t see any reasonable ground of shouldering all blames and failures of our country on a man working single handedly with countless hypocritical believers who knows best how to gossip better than what their wives do at home.

Please know that president Kiir is a victim of a square peg in a round hole and “Döm Cuar Ku Tit Röt Dinka Proverb”.

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