
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Hon. Malek Cook-Dwach: The Man Who Replaced Dr Riek Machar as MP for Leer at the National Legislative Assembly in 2016

4 min read

Hon. Malek Cook-Dwach replaced Dr. Riek Machar in parliament representing Leer Constituency while Hon. Taban Deng Gai replaced Dr. Riek Machar as the 1st VP of the Republic of South Sudan, both in the aftermath of the 2016 dogfighting at J-1.

By Hon. Malek Cook-Dwach, Juba, South Sudan

Thursday, November 05, 2020 (PW) — There was/is this question ever asked about who replaced Dr Riek Machar at the transitional National Legislative Assembly by both SPLM-IO intransigent and sympathizers of the personality who took-up the seat of big man. This debate goes on and on for years and up to the presence moment when I decided to jot down some of clarifications for the public to know.

Hon. Malek Cook-Dwach, the author of this article, is the one who replaced Riek Machar Teny in the Parliament representing Leer Constituency while His Excellency General Taban Deng Gai replaced him as the First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan in 2016.

First and foremost, there is no parliamentary seat which is permanently for someone to be called after him/her as long it falls vacant by default or other circumstances that might arise. The logic and the laws of nature dictates that it is deemed to be filled or occupied by somebody who is from that family lineage, regardless of being son or anyone who is ready to serve and meet the criteria of a sound minded that can deliver.

Once upon a time, I have had met with challenges from those who beliefs in myths of Prophet Ngundeng Bong, and some were predicting two months for me to kick the bucket for replacing Riek Machar. When the two months passed by nothing of that kind come to be. Some others speculators extended it to one year in which I have had also survived. Those are the misleading perceptions one need to correct.

I took a deep study about the world political dynamics, there was nowhere in which it was mentioned that people should first believe in myths and expecting things to happen by miracles when there is no strategies set about mentoring and empowering youths in case of any eventuality for a leader to have a safe exit.

There is always this say that goes “you cannot have it all’’ which entails that when you have an idea of reforms you must have good cadres who can execute/implement the plan, it could not necessary be you often.

I stand firmly on my grounds knowing that, decision is the gateway but it take a determinations and clear conscience for oneself to accomplish what God called me for. With the spirit that I found in me to be a Leader I took oath before the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan like any other leader in this country to do my parliamentary roles in the interest of those I represented.

Leadership comes in different manifestations, you can be elected, appointed, and replaced someone but what matters most is how to handle it. Will you be on the people expectations? This always comes with responsibilities when empowered financially to deliver the basics services deemed paramount by one constituents.

I have been confronted by wishful thinkers who don’t like my presence in the August House to vacate the seat, and they were conducting celebrations for the dissolution and the reconstitution of would be Revitalized Transitional National Legislative Assembly (R-TNLA) in the hope that maybe I wouldn’t make it again to the parliament.

The little they don’t know is that my coming or not coming back to the parliament is not their business, it is our internal arrangement in our camp with H.E General Salva Kiir Mayardit the President of the Republic of South Sudan and H.E Taban Deng Gai the Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan as per the agreement as ITGONU.

From the onset before joining politics, I have been working with Sudd Petroleum Oil Company (SPOC) in the production department which I resigned prior to my appointment. I am also resourceful in the Oil sector for those who are envying me.

The author, Hon. Malek Cook-Dwach, is a Member of Parliament (MP), Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA), and a holder of BSc. Oil and Gas Management, Uganda Christian University (UCU); MA: Security and Strategic Studies, Juba University (UoJ); MA: Economic Development and Policy Analysis (ongoing). He can be reached via his email address at:

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