
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

R-ARCSS: President Kiir Decrees the Formation of the Revitalized Central Equatoria State Govt, Juba

2 min read

Presidential decrees tonight for appointment of state ministers, commissioners, advisors and chairpersons of independent commissions on Central Equatoria State.

State ministers:

  1. Hon. Wani Godwil Edward, minister of cabinet affairs (IO)
  2. Hon. Moro Genesio minister of local government and law enforcement (SSOA)
  3. Hon. Gerald Francis, minister of local government and law enforcement (IG)
  4. Hon. Taban Emmanuel Baya minister of parliamentary and legal affairs (IO)
  5. Hon. Paulino Lukudu minister of information and communication (OPP)
  6. Hon. Dorrin Wosuk Ladu, minister of culture, youth and sports (IG)
  7. Hon. Diana Susu Hassan, minister of finance, planning and investment (IG)
  8. Hon. Wani Top Sebit, minister of trade and industry (IG)
  9. Hon. Lily Kafuki Paul, minister of agriculture, environment and forestry (SSOA)
  10. Hon. Alex Latio Elia, animal resources, fisheries and tourism (IG)
  11. Hon. Peter Lujo Yospeta, cooperative and rural development (IO)
  12. Hon. Flora Gabriel Modi, housing, land and public utilities (IG)
  13. Hon. Mawa A. Moses, roads and bridges (IG)
  14. Hon. Modi John Molla, labour, public service and human resource (IG)
  15. Hon. Nejua Marshal, minister of health (IG)
  16. Cirisio Zachariah, general education and instructions (IO)
  17. Martin Mollai Dodo, gender, child and social welfare (IG)


  1. James Modi Laku, peace and security (SSOA)
  2. David Wani, economic affairs (IO)
  3. Jacob Gore Samuel, legal affairs (IG)
  4. Bullen Amos Soro, Human rights (IG)
  5. Mariam A Zachariah, fever and social welfare (IG)

Independent commissions

  1. George Wani Elia, anti-corruption (IO) deputised by Kenyi Abiaso
  2. Asio Moses John, employees justice chamber (IO) deputised by Huda Michael Laila
  3. Marino Michael Sebit, HIV/AIDS (SSOA)
  4. Felix Lado Johnson, RRC (IG) deputised by Amal Suleiman
  5. Isaac Wuri Eluni, human rights (IG) deputised by Emmanuel Kose Wani (IO)
  6. Henry Kala Sabuni, conflict resolution and reconciliation (IG) deputised by Amule Barnabas Lemi (IG)

County commissioners

  1. Hon. Charles Joseph Wani, Juba county (SSOA)
  2. Hon. Aggrey Cyrus, Yei River County (IG)
  3. Hon. Joseph Mawa John, Morobo county (IG)
  4. Hon. James Lino Malou Anok, Terekeka county (IO)
  5. Hon. Emmanuel Khamis, Lainya county (IG)
  6. Kenyi Erasto Michael, Kajokeji county (IO).

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