
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Governor Tong Aken Ngor Should Denounce “his Story” of Aweil City Change of Borders

3 min read

By Dr. Aldo Ajou Deng-Akuey, Juba, South Sudan

I am disturbed by verbal messages flowing from Aweil-Northern Bahr Al Ghazal State, now led by Governor, Tong Aken Ngor (SPLM), Deputy Governor Tong Lual Ayat (PP), representatives of SPLM IO and SSOA.

This is the composite of the partisans State Government in accordance with the R-ARCSS and South Sudan’s Transitional Constitution 2011, amended. It is not any longer a one party’s government. The Government of SPLM from 2005-2018 has been ended and replaced on 22.2.2020, by Presidency headed by President Salva Kiir Mayardit along with the Unity Government, R-TGoNU.

We are verbally being deafened by stories of new internal borders of old Aweil District, created by British in 1922-1956. Aweil District was only divided into further Districts of Aweil, Nyamlel, Ariath and Wanyjok 1974. In 1994 Aweil became the state of Northern Bahr Al Ghazal with the same borders, respective to Abiem, Malual, Paliupiny and paliet, with two more Districts of Aroyo and Malek Allel.

Who talks about new borders that incorporated Aweil Town? No new borders: (a) Wanyjok county is for the whole of Abiem section, with its original borders, including Mayom Wel Payam. Malual county, at Ariath (transfer to Gogmachar illegally by SPLA 2003), strictly within Malual section’s borders, same stands for Paliupiny section at Nyamlel which includes Cemel of Chief Kuac Kuac (Kuac Mayiel) and Ajuet of Chief Mawien Diing Akol. Aweil is only composed of Aweil of Deputy Chief Akot Aru and Deputy Chief Kon Dichak of Chad excluding Ariak Riak of Chief Tong Tong.

For recent history, Northern Bahr Al Ghazal, Aweil, was divided into three states as from 2015-2018 only. Then, as everybody is aware of the historical fact that, President Salva Kiir Mayardit decreed cancelling the 32 states, along with Aweil, Aweil East and Lol and restored the 10 states with standing borders of 1994 and independence South Sudan in 2011. No change to Aweil Town borders so far.

The Governor should withdraw his stories, demarcating Aweil Town border extensions into Wanyjok county areas, which includes Mayom wel Payam and Nyamlel county which includes Cemel and Ajuet. Aweil Akot Aru and Nyanlath of Kon Dechak are part and parcel of Aweil Town for Now, until the borders are changed by law.

I advise Governor Tong Aken Ngor to denounce his story of Aweil city change of borders. Ariak Riak remains a part of Wanyjok county and not Aweil Town.

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