
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Governor Louis Lobong Survives a Deadly Road Ambush at Camp-15, Eastern Equatoria State

3 min read

Eastern Equatoria State Governor survives a deadly ambush at the restive Camp-15 shanty town

By Aliandro Lotok, Torit, South Sudan

Tuesday, March 30, 2021 (PW) — CAMP 15: The Governor of Eastern Equatoria Lt. Gen. Louis Lobong Lojore has survived a deadly ambush laid by heavily armed youth from the Buya community on Monday evening.

Governor Lobong was in Camp-15 to calm down the high tension in the area following an attack on the trading center on Sunday.

Sunday’s attack in Camp-15 had left 17 people dead and four others nursing wounds at Chukudum’s Hospital. One body guard to the Governor died in the well coordinated ambush and three others sustained life threatening injuries.

A wife to one SSPDF soldier was also killed when the angry armed youth followed the Governor and attacked the military barracks in Camp-15, bringing the death toll of the incident to two.

Lobong who is a Lieutenant General in the army heroically fought back the attackers. The attackers laid an ambush to Governor’s after he successfully concluded a peace rally in Camp-15.

Governor Lobong during the peace rally appealed to the Youth from the Buya community to restrain and to allow the government take charge of the situation in the area.

But, the youth opted to attack the Governor’s convey when he was embarking on the same peace mission to Kapoeta.

After a two hour long gun battle with the armed youth, the Governor’s Protection Unit together with the SSPDF soldiers at Camp-15 barracks managed to push back the attackers.

The Governor and his peace delegates are back at the SSPDF barracks, but in defensive positions to respond to any impending attack.

The SSPDF Commander for the Seventh Infranty Division Maj. Gen. Robert Ewot Okimo, who is accompanying the Governor said they have called for reinforcement from Juba to help rescue the Governor and evacuate him from the trouble region.

Sunday’s attack on Camp-15 was believed to be a revenge attack to what had occurred at the SPLM-IO Cantonment sites at Lowuareng.

The Governor has called on communities in Eastern Equatoria to refrain from conflict and to build a harmonious and progressive State in the country.

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