
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Tributes in Memory of Hon. Ustaz Martin Mou Mou Athiaan Kuol

4 min read

Hon. Ustaz Lewis Anei Madut Kuendi: Condolence Message for the Public

Sunday, February 21, 2021 (PW) — It is unfortunate to inform the public that the long serving public servant and a significant community member, an elder, an SPLM Veteran and a man who never had any enemies all his life has unbelievably left us this after noon, after a few days’ illness at Juba Teaching Hospital.

We have lost Hon. Ustaz Martin Mou Mou Athiaan. Ustaz Martin is a rare gem, an academician, a researcher, a mathematician, a linguist of the highest order whose English writings served as school books in Khartoum University.

The Late Martin Mou Mou Athiaan was such a hardworking person who will also be missed by the East Africa Community, who treasured his hardworking habits and diplomatic skills.

The late Martin Mou Mou Athiaan from Patek clan of Lou Ariik Mawien was born around 1952.

He went to Langkap Sub-Grade school and later came to Mayom Abun Missionary Primary School until 1964 when the school closed down due to war of Anyanya one.

Martin went back to the village. But he returned to school in 1972 after the Addis Ababa agreement.

Martin later had his secondary school education in Rumbek secondary. Martin was admitted to university of Khartoum, faculty of economics. Martin specialised in statistics since he was a gifted in mathematics.

Ustaz Martin became a teacher in Khartoum Old Secondary school, from where he was appointed minister of communications under President Matthew Ubur Ayang of the then Coordination Council Government in Khartoum.

Thereafter Ustaz Martin left Sudan to one of the Gulf States where he continued teaching English for a number of years. Then he proceeded to Norway. From Norway Ustaz Martin completed his postgraduate degree and continued to serve under the SPLM Chapter in Norway.

After the CPA he was recalled by H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit and appointed Ustaz Martin Undersecretary in the Ministry of General education. He later was shifted to Ministry of Higher education under the same post.

He was relieved and later appointed Secretary General with the sole purpose to establish the Ministry of East Africa Community Affairs in South Sudan, an assignment he did with distinction. Ustaz Martin was then appointed Undersecretary for the ministry he established and he continued as its sitting Undersecretary until the time of his painful sudden death.

Ustaz Martin Mou Mou Athiaan is a long serving teacher and a civil servant, survived by three wives, with a good number of children.

Ustaz Martin Mou Mou Athiaan Kuol is our highly respected elder in Tonj and a leading elderly intellectual member of his clan. Ustaz Martin is known for his honest, open, generous character, with a true sense of unity among his colleagues, Patek family LOU and South Sudan. He is a true man of peace, another Dhor Ariik lost by LOU in particular, Greater Akop Constituency, Greater Tonj and South Sudan in general.

I write this condolence message with deep sorrow, that in Ustaz Martin Mou Mou Athiaan I have lost a true friend, an industrious man, a genius, a colleague, a respectable age mate, an academician and a fellow teacher, whose gap will not be easily filled in the shortest possible time.

I take this moment to plead with the people of Greater Tonj to receive this pain incident with strength of heart and resignation to fate.

I also take this moment, on behalf of the people of Greater Tonj, to thank President Salva Kiir Mayardit for allowing Ustaz Martin Mou Mou Athiaan to serve his people in the Government until his sudden last hours.

God gives, God takes. May his name be praised.

For the Public

Hon. Ustaz Lewis Anei Madut Kuendit, Former First Governor of Warrap State and Acting Community Leader for greater Tonj in Juba

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