
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

SOUTH SUDAN in Brief! All the talk and no work

2 min read

By Deng Deng, Juba, South Sudan

There shall be no pressure under the earth, under the sun that’ll make Pres. Salva Kiir to put his pen on an order that’ll cancel the 32 States. What Pres. Salva Kiir can do is 2 allow the people of South Sudan to go for a referendum – Ateny Wek

I will never take you back to war (President Kiir in 2014)

1000 tractors, South Sudan will be food basket in 2 years time. Hon Onyoti in 2014

Aswa dam to be completed in two years. Hon. Nunu kumba in 2013

Ramciel City to be ready by 2021. FVP Taban Deng

Airport to be ready for Independence Day. Lino Makana in 2011

We shall build a pipeline in 8 months (March 2012)

The dollar will stay stable at 18.4 (Deng Athorbei 2015)

Juba will be more developed than Kinshasha by the end of this year. Kiir, St. Theresa’s cathedral Kator 2010

The freedom bridge will be launched in the next 18 months. Rebecca Joshua in 2016

Currency Devaluation will help stabilise the economy (Wani Igga and Agrrey Tisa Sabuni in 2016)

South Sudan will be the hub for investments in the whole of East African region by the end of 2020, Undersecretary ministry of petroleum, during the oil and power conference 2019 -Awuou

We already signed MoU with Denmark, a large modern dairy & vet facilities will be constructed for the Reizigats, Missiryas & the Maluals… Governor King Awan in Gokmachar.

South Sudan economy is booming – Ezekial 2018

All areas will have access to tap water – Nunu Kumba in 2013

We will eradicate corruption in South Sudan in 100 days – Benjamin Marial in 2013

Zero tolerance on corruption. Salva Kiir Mayardit in 2005.

Thousands of refugees are returning home, Yei is getting full. David Lokonga in 2016

The goverment will repatriate refugees in few months – Tobiolo Alremo Ram 2018

SPLM will take towns to the people in the villages. Kiir in 2009 election campaign.

You don’t want to be a second class citizen in your country, vote for the independence of South Sudan. President Kiir

20 million trees to be planted by 2020 – Taban Deng Gai.

All the talk and no work.

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1 thought on “SOUTH SUDAN in Brief! All the talk and no work

  1. It is great reminder to the leaders and if we look back in the history of this country. All age group have joined to pulled down our leaders by doing opposite to what is need. As you refered us back yes! Most leaders were push by human interest which is leadership to go beyond what young people need.
    Now, let us not point fingers but united to rebuilt this nation that we have ruin by contributing of pulling down our leaders then pushing them up to be upright leaders.
    Thanks for your reminder Deng Deng as that show you love this nation. Together we will rise and all promise will be fulfil by God’s willingness for great people in South Sudan.

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