
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

We must move nation forward

6 min read

By Ater Garang Ariath, Juba, South Sudan

We,  the people, South Sudanese people both at home and abroad must forgive ourselves for the wrongs past and rally our national cohesiveness in the service of building a brighter future as a nation.

This is how we will quickly move forward and build sameness as South Sudanese people rather than staying in the bitter past.

Frankly speaking, South Sudan as a nation needed our collective commands and positive engagement to foster forgiveness as people and leaders.

We must strongly together, as proudly South Sudanese carry the weight of a nation building processes on our shoulders, this is how we shall move forward.

If our leaders failed to rally nation behind shared objectives, vision and mission than we South Sudanese people ourselves must pick the lead.

At personal level, I have seen for myself the dangerousness of our continuing antagonistic spirit embedded in tribalism, which stemmed from the deeper, more fundamental problems of our past that we must overcome.

My fellow country men and women, self forgiveness as South Sudanese people irrespective of the past wrongs is critical to healing and growth, dare I ask South Sudanese family of orientation roots.

Our leaders, politicians fight over power, but can we continuing allow them to convince the whole world that we cannot govern ourselves as South Sudanese as projected by Khartoum based Arabs?

Therefore, the ball is at our court as South Sudanese people and we must show our political maturity by saying the last stage of tribalism, corruption, illiteracy, bigotry, acute hunger,  bourgeois and power hunger must end, comes 2023 general elections.

The rhythm of change from tribally setup communities to nationally driven communities must be given patriotic uppermost.

As South Sudanese, we have the blessing of the wealth of our vast untapped resources, the unused power of our talent and  resilient people. Let us collectively grasp the opportunities before us and meet the challenge.

Nevertheless, our national anthem, patriotic songs must guide and coalescing our masses around a shared vision as South Sudanese people.

So, the gist of this message is to not let some marginal crowd of fanatics to carry us into another naked power war, since we have seen the current broad based government of revitalized peace agreement still mishandled political, social and economic crisis worse then before.

There is nothing more dangerous than allow our masses to be tribally driven masses instead of nationally consciousness.

South Sudanese themselves tasted the fruits of tribalism and I think they should also join me and realistically say, there are no sweet fruits in that ugly tribalism trees.

As patriotic South Sudanese, we must put our good hearts forward to our masses and that hearts must win a national battle of cohesiveness.

I believe in loving others, South Sudanese fellow men and women, I believe in loving each and every person I  come into contact with. 

After all with this approach, I have the opportunity to leave an impact on everyone I have meet, so why not do so all of us.

As South Sudanese, each of us have so much to offer in so many different areas of nation building processes, it is the beauty in having differences.

Where you lack, someone is there to provide. 
Where they lack, you are right by their side to fill in the gaps, so let’s engage our leadership to do three things; economic development, defence and foreign policy with ambition of South Sudan interest first.

I am so passionate in the betterment of our nation, helping improve themselves and love ourselves more than ever before, which gives our country life and meaning.

Culturally, as Dinka  I do not simply want to exist for myself and indulge in selfish pursuits, I want to open my heart and arms out to those who are in need of love and appreciation.

Holistically speaking, we can never be loved or appreciated too much by other nations around us, unless we uplift ourselves as South Sudanese and living happy life as a country.

Sometimes we encounter people that rub us the wrong way. Sometimes we come across people who tear us down, discourage us and  fail to realize our beautiful shared history of independence liberation.

In situations like these, we have to rise above as South Sudanese masses, we have to reach into our hearts and find compassion for our collective suffering. 

We must destroy our egos and have good hearts, move past the concept of eye for an eye. If they other tribes are being rude and cold, do not be rude and cold in return. This serves no benefit to the nation.

Do not seek revenge from other tribes and do not treat others tribe poorly, since we are building a nation of many tribes.

No matter how dirty they do you, you must treat them how they deserve. They can be an awful person to you in that tribe and they may simply be an awful people in general, but we must search for potential in others.
Potential will be more difficult to find in some, and easier to find in others. That being said, do not give up on people, since we belongs to one nation.
They do not deserve it just as you do not either. If they cannot see their worth, help them find it.
 If they think they amount to nothing, draw out a vivid picture of all that they amount to and all they are capable of. 
We are in critical time that we reveal our greatness to ourselves as South Sudanese.
 The best thing we can do for ourselves is to help ourselves believe in ourselves, together we rise for better nation.
  It takes great strength to love ourselves full heartedly while having the best interest of others at mind at the same time.
 Be strong for ourselves as nation and be strong for those nations around us.
 Albeit, encourage ourselves and uplift ourselves for national cohesiveness.
Let’s be honest, negative people among ourselves make it nearly impossible to extend an arm to and show compassion for; however, have enough confidence in ourselves and know showing kindness to even the rudest people can leave a huge impact without taking away from your own happiness.
Lastly, to my fellow tribe men and women, especially  Dinka folks,  having a good heart 24/7 may seem draining, but in the end you must be able to understand that giving does not equate to taking away from all the good you already have built inside you. 

Rise above and remember: a good heart win all.

Cde. Ater Garang Ariath is former SG of defunct Aweil East state government, former Senior Reporter of former The Citizen Newspaper, SPLM senior youth member and Pan African Youth Activist, you can reached him at Email:

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