
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan: Don’t Accept Gifts from Strangers

4 min read
Gum Makur Gum, Teaching Assistant at Rumbek University of Science and Technology, Lakes State, South Sudan.

Gum Makur Gum, Teaching Assistant at Rumbek University of Science and Technology, Lakes State, South Sudan.

By Gum Makur Gum, Rumbek, Lakes State, South Sudan

Wednesday, January 5, 2022 (PW) — Gifts occupy a crucial place in our social life, it’s built our relationships with other people’s. Gifts are given for anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, New Year, and for some reason. Gift-giving has been a long tradition that dates back thousands of years as far back as man can remember.

It is not everything that can be expressed with words, so gifting is one of the best ways which makes it easy for every individual to make the other person feel special and to make them aware of their feelings too! Nowadays gifts are a very important part of our life and they play a valuable role in every relationship.

The recipient of the gifts is expected to be vigilant because some gifts are meant to destroy you. Don’t trust any enormous gifts from strangers. You have no clue what might be in it.

The Trojan horse story teaches us to always be alert and never believe anyone easily because you never know how that person or thing is. Trojan Horse is one of the earliest recorded pieces of evidence of using betrayal to win over a war. As it turned out, the Greek soldiers were hidden inside the Trojan Horse, which led to the fall of Troy.

The Trojan Horse is an impeccable example of how the world functions. Most of the gifts that you receive, especially from your enemy, aren’t gifts at all, but rather, a way to lead you down the wrong path. The Trojan Horse can easily be compared to false flattery, fake friends etc. Things that one should, at all costs, stay away from.

The idea of using the Trojan horse occurred to the Greeks only after 10 years of war, by then the Greeks had lost too many of their men. This was the age of chivalry when great men fought with equals by challenging them.

The Trojan horse was the last resort. It was a suicidal mission that succeeded. The lesson is to defeat the enemy quickly or make peace and bring the conflict to an end. But do not carry on the war. If both can’t be done, then only a very risky strategy will work and it may end in failure.

Before a total disaster happens, save whatever you can. In the case of the Greeks, they won the war and massacred all the Trojans.

The horse was very important to the Trojans, they worshipped it. It was almost impossible to penetrate the Trojan city, the war became too long, and the soldiers were tired. That’s why Ulysses, the smartest of the Greeks, gave the idea to build a wooden horse, to put some Greek soldiers inside, to leave it in front of the gates of the city and then to pretend to leave with the rest of the soldiers. His plan succeeded

The whole issue of Troy started with the kidnapping of a married woman by Prince Paris. Because of his self-centred idiocy, he caused the war and the death of tens of thousands of men and women and the destruction of Troy. It was the greatest war in history at that time, involving at least 100,000 men in each army as well as 1,184 Greek ships.

The common soldier suffered and died badly, because of stupid and dirty politics. For the common citizens, they were raped, tortured, and killed. Throughout history, these scenes were repeated uncountable times everywhere in the world.

Since the Trojans thought that the war was over and that the horse was a gift for them as winners. The Trojans opened their gates and let the horse in. Then they partied all night. when everyone in the city was asleep and drunk, the Greek soldiers came out of the wooden horse and killed everyone. Thus, the Greeks won in the war.

The author, Gum Makur Gum, is a Teaching Assistant at Rumbek University of Science and Technology, Lakes State, South Sudan. The views expressed are solely mine and do not necessarily represent the official views of Rumbek University of Science and Technology. He can be reached at

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