
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

A Decade after South Sudan’s Independence, Border Communities still Living in Mortal Fears

4 min read
Attack in Aweil, Jan 2022

Attack in Aweil, Jan 2022

Government should stabilize border Areas

By Ater Garang Ariath, Mading-Aweil, South Sudan

Thursday, January 06, 2022 (PW) — Almost 11 years after South Sudan got its independence, the border communities still living in fear. Its border with Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and Congo was neither delimited nor demarcated. As per this piece, I squarely focus on the border between South Sudan and Sudan since it remains a hotspot for volatility in the region.

The recent kickstarted of 2022 with hostilities embarked by our heartless neighbours, both Misseryia and Rezeigat of Sudan, beg immediate national and state government intervention. The political crisis in Sudan, which left criminals at large to be instigated by forces of darkness, call for parade efforts from both Sudan and South Sudan leaders.

While a series of agreements that were signed in Addis Ababa on 27 September 2012 needed to be revisited through Technical Border Committee (TBC) which were set up by South Sudan and Sudan with efforts from AU and IGAD. The status of the contested areas of the border between South Sudan and Sudan, especially the time tie bomb question of Abyei remains begging vacuum for its settlement.

However, the recent onslaught attacks carried by armed militia groups of Misseryia, at Rumaker, Yinh Pabol and some parts of high lands of Aweil East County need proactive intervention from the national government. Therefore, to be articulate, Northern Bahr el Ghazal state indeed needs strong leadership that can understand the complicated issues of borders and act decisively.

A strong leader, who can stay in office for eight hours a day and spend most of the months in the state rather than, two months in Juba and two weeks in Aweil, to and fro with huge entourages. As Aweilians, we are known for being humble, government loyalists and down to earth peace-loving people, but lack of strong political leadership is the heart of the crisis in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state in different fronts of our society setup.

Attack in Aweil, Jan 2022
Attack in Aweil, Jan 2022

Aweil community in zero hour

Nevertheless, to capitalize on this, what happens to a community without a strong leader? Answer: it will be disorganized and no law to bind its citizens.

Explanations: to elucidate this problem, common sense will be applied.

Let me use an analogy, what will happen to a body without a mind to command? It will be useless and worthless; their true purpose will not be applied and used. Just like a community without a leader, each subordinate will run in chaos and death will be unavoidable, crimes and violence will be on pace, we are at a crossroads for sure.

The interview was done by the state Security Adviser on Radio Akol Yam FM, aftermath of the incident of Yinh Pabol, shows the state leadership lack team integrity. Since integrity is such a critical element of strong political leadership, it makes sense that the leadership of NBGS, quickly erodes its values and integrity since its commencement.

Albeit government and people of NBGS, were given a leader who have no capacity to learn and seek advice from Aweil previous leaders and elders apart from exchanging informed ideas and views with the youth, women and colleagues. Last but not the least, the current leadership of NBGS can be summarized into five things that marred its credibility as follows: (1) Indecisiveness, (2) Disorganization, (3) Ethical slips, (4) Fragmentation, and (5) No vision.

Our communities run around like headless chickens whose heads were chopped off. For instance, the incident happened at Yinh Pabol, while the head of security, who is a governor himself, is here in Juba where he celebrated both Christmas and New Year, while the Deputy Governor who was tasked to remain as Acting accompanied Vice President on Services cluster to Warrap on a fateful night.

Painstakingly, I have nothing to hide. People behind stubborn ears of NBGS power, don’t want their illusions destroyed, but maturity is telling the truth and making someone cry, which is better than telling a lie to make someone smile.

In nutshell, NBGS is not a bakery, and I don’t sugarcoat anything, if you ask for my opinion then that’s what you will get. Thereafter, especially to beneficiaries and benefactors at equal footing, don’t be mad when it is not what you want to hear, be cool.

Youth at highlands

My last message goes to our communities at the border to remain vigilant and maintain a peaceful coexistence spirit, especially not to terrorize traders from the other side that are living in our territories. There are no sweet fruits for belligerence and nature will prove those disgruntled Misseryia armed militia groups wrong in the near future.

My condolence message to the families, friends, in-laws and nation at large to the victims of Misseryia attacks in different areas, may their souls rest in external peace.

The author, Ater Garang Ariath, is the former State Secretary-General of the Defunct Aweil East state, and a teacher, journalist political Commentator on national topics and Human Rights Activist. You can reach him at Email:

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