
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Peace Deal with Garwech Dual’s SPLM-IO Kitgwang Faction is a Misplaced Agreement that will not Hold Water

5 min read

The peace deal inked in Khartoum between the Govt (SPLM-IG) and (SPLM-IO) Kitgwang armed faction led by Gen. Simon Gatwich Dual is a misplaced agreement and it will not hold water.

By Ustaz. Morris Mabior Awikjok, Juba, South Sudan

Tuesday, January 18, 2022 (PW) — As a concerned citizen of South Sudan, I would like to take this opportunity to share my thoughts and analysis with the president of the Republic and the people of South Sudan about the three days peace negotiations in the capital Khartoum between (SPLM-IG) and (SPLM-IO) Kitgweng armed faction under Gen. Simon Gatwich Dual and his Deputy Gen. Johnson Olony.

The peace accord reached by the two parties under the auspices of the Sovereign Military Council of Sudan does not meet the regional and international standards of peace agreement mechanisms. My dear President, I would like you to observe this peace critically because it will not hold water despite the fact that there’s no peace in the world that is inked on the basis of preambles only. It is another war in Juba in the making. Watch out properly and take measures now before it is too late.

The (3) pages peace accord which was signed yesterday on Sunday in capital Khartoum is fake and it is pregnant with another deadly bloodshed if implemented just like that. The parties and guarantors to that fake agreement merely inked the preamplifier preambles with unpolished text and a genuine version of the real agreement. 

Your Excellency, why do you allow your Advisor on national security affairs to make peace with the Armed faction, you are not at war with. With my takes and analysis, I wish this agreement would have been negotiated between Dr Riek (SPLM-IO) in Juba and Gen. Simon Gatwich Dual (SPLM-IO) Kitgweng. Why do you allow yourself to be trapped during broad daylight, my president?

Why is this a “fake peace” and not a real one? In contrast, what is real peace is all about?

First of all: this is a fake peace because there was no war or conflict between (SPLM-IG) under your determined leadership and those of Gen. Simon Gatwich Dual (SPLM-IO) Kitgweng. The parties to the recently renewed conflict in Upper Nile state are forces of First Vice president Dr Riek Machar and his former Army Chief of General Staff Gen. Simon Gatwich Dual. What bothers the government here to make fake peace with the wrong Armed group who have already got their Lion share in the revitalized transitional government of national unity? You can’t make peace with a party you are not at war with.

Secondly, I understand that the mission of your Security advisor and two intelligence officers was not to make peace with the Kitgweng breakaway group, but a “normalization Mission about the ongoing political crisis in the Sudan” between the military Sovereign Council and civil population demanding for the civilian-led government. The delegation mission also was to discuss the crisis along the border with the two sisterly nations and strengthen bilateral relations.

The normalization of the political stability in the Sudan and conflict along the borderlines would have been a priority number one among other things to be achieved. The relations is certainly a good thing between the two sisterly nations, but it is not an end to a conflict. The Kitgweng crisis is not a priority now because it is the same Dr Riek Machar with different types of rainbow colours. Hon. Tut Kiew cannot stone (5) birds with one stone at a go. It is unbelievable and unacceptable bany Kiirdit.

Third, this is more of a “deal” Mr President. You are our favourite leader and we don’t want such games of your security affairs Advisor to cause another civil unrest in the country. Your Advisor has already caused serious political instability in Sudan and he wanted to penetrate South Sudan to implement the regime change agenda by opening so many windows and weaknesses for you.

Lastly, the timing of this deal was extremely dangerous and South Sudan is ticking to another deadly conflict. It was clearly related to other internal political crises, in which he and his cronies threatened us with assassination plans and you heard about this.

What are some examples of serious negotiations for real peace?

1). Real peace is commendable and concluded after several phases and stages are completed with appropriate negotiation mechanisms monitor by regional organizations and international actors to peace and conflict management in the world. Peace negotiated by the intelligence of Sudan, with the intelligence of South Sudan and opposition intelligence from the other opposition intelligence is a great deal that required critical thinking. Otherwise, our intelligence is playing a suicide mission against its own system. President Kiir Mayardit should wake up now.

2). Real peace would have been accomplished with the negotiations between Dr Riek Machar and his former Army Chief of General Staff Gen. Simon Gatwich. Now, the delegation signed on behalf of the government while Gen. Johnson Olony signed on behalf of his Army not on behalf of SPLM-IO Kitgweng according to my observation. People blindly and they didn’t read it and understand it very well.

3). Real peace would have been achieved once again when Dr Riek negotiated and signed a peace treaty with his breakaway group. Nothing has to bother SPLM-IG here. 

These are all examples of genuine efforts to reach peace agreements with such opposition interest groups or political entities which had previously been at war with one another.

Nevertheless, this is the policy of Gen. Tut Gatluak and his Khartoum government allies to further their plans for regime agenda to the Republic of South Sudan. Despite the brief mention of their desire to overthrow the government, they create more conflict everywhere in order to achieve their political will.

In the agreement between SPLM-IG and the SPLM-IO Kitgweng, everyone knows that this is totally lip service and that these current “leaders” who inked the agreement lack intellectual capacity, they would have not signed it.

The writer is a diplomat by profession, experienced teacher by training and a Political Activist. He is currently pursuing a Master’s program in “Global affairs and strategic security planning, at Atlantic International University. You can reach electronically him by email:

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