
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

PaanLuel Wël Media (PW): The Best Articles, and Opinion Writers, for the Year 2021

29 min read

2021 in Review: PaanLuel Wël (PW) Media’s Best Articles and Opinion Writers for the Year 2021: “We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing”

By Editorial Team, Juba, South Sudan

Sunday, January 09, 2022 (PW) — PaanLuel Wël (PW) Media occupies a central stage in publishing opinion articles and news analysis featuring ordinary South Sudanese from around the world making sense of the dire situations in our beloved country. This makes PW an instrumental informant to South Sudanese worldwide as it publishes writings from South Sudanese, both within and outside the country, expounding on the general and specific lives and situations of South Sudanese in countries such as Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, USA, UK, EU and many other places where South Sudanese are taking refuge.

Today, 2021 in Review, PaanLuel Wël Media (PW) website is celebrating the diverse and excellent opinion articles and news analysis of our best writers and acknowledging the work of other numerous contributors, columnists and opinion-writers whose names or works may not necessarily appear in these highlights. As we usher in the New Year 2022, it is imperative to motivate and encourage our best writers with something unique to mark the end of the year 2021 and the commencement of a happy – peaceful and prosperous – New Year 2022. On the eve of 2021 (like in other previous years), we celebrated our writers by showcasing their works for the year 2020 on our website. As part of that tradition, we bring to your screen the best of 2021 as featured on PaanLuel Wël Media (PW) website.

Instead of being constrained by the ritual of the “top 10” best writers, opinion articles and news analysis, we have elected to showcase the rich compilations of the best writings from the best opinion writers and news analysts. For instance, a piece of writing that highlights the horrors of the civil war and economic crisis that our people are enduring in dignified humiliation, particularly the one that best capture and present not just a constructive criticism of our leaders from all sides of the political, economic, conflict and ethnic divides, but also a viable resolution of the ills that have been ailing our dear country from the 2005 CPA era to the dawn of the civil war in December 2013 and presently characterize the bungled implementation of the revitalized peace agreement (R-ARCSS) in the Republic of South Sudan.

Here is the Year 2021 in Review:

Best Opinion Writers: Best Opinion Writers and Analysts for the Year 2021

  1. PaanLuel Wël Media (PW): The Best Articles, and Opinion Writers, for the Year 2020, By Editorial Team, Juba, South Sudan
  2. PaanLuel Wël Media (PW): The Best Articles, and Opinion Writers, for the Year 2019, By Editorial Team, Juba, South Sudan
  3. The Biography: Commemorating the Martyrdom of Comrade Kerbino Wol Agok, By Dengdit Ayok, Cairo, Egypt
  4. South Sudan has Become a Nation of Beggars: Who & What are We (NSS) Protecting in this Mess?, By Akol Makheer Galuak
  5. Kitgwang Declaration – SPLM-IO Chief of Staff Gen Simon Gatwech Dual, and Gen. Johnson Olony, Declare Coup against Dr Riek Machar, Press Release
  1. What Make a Successful Civil Uprising? Hon. Atem Garang Dekuek and Dr. Lam Akol on the PCCA, By Hon. Atem Garang DeKuek, Juba, South Sudan
  2. Civil Uprising in Juba? Declaration by the People’s Coalition for Civil Action (PCCA) in South Sudan, Press Release
  3. My Painful Story – How I Lost my ONLY Beloved Wife at Juba Teaching Hospital, South Sudan, By Engineer Tiger Koang, Juba, South Sudan
  4. Cornelius Khan – My Life in the SPLM/SPLA in Full Details: Why We Must Rid South Sudan of Tribalism, By Cornelius Khan Galuak, Juba, South Sudan
  5. Kemetic Egypt: A Dialogue on the History of Civilization in the Nile Valley, By Thiik Mou Giir, Melbourne, Australia
  6. Juba’s Little Kalisto Who Rose Too High: The Rise and Fall of Lord Mayor Kalisto Ladu Wani, By Oyet Patrick, Juba, South Sudan
  7. Riding on Old bandwagon, Capt. Mabior Garang Came to Sacrifice on Juba Political Altar, By Malith Alier, Kalgoorlie, Australia
  8. December 15th: It is Juba Massacre, not Nuer Massacre, By Duom Peter Chol, Juba, South Sudan
  9. Letter of Apology to President Kiir and VP Wani Igga, By Mayen Dengdit, Denver, USA
  10. Taking a painful decision sometimes saves lives: Replacing cattle rearing with education in South Sudan, By Ustaz Abraham Mabior Rioc, Juba, South Sudan
  11. Press Release: Bul Nuer Community Demand an Apology from the Nuer Community at Home and in the Diaspora, Press Release from Nuer Community at Home and in the Diaspora
  12. Oil Industry Will Not Be the Same Again in South Sudan, By Dr. Ater Yuot Riak (PhD), Juba, South Sudan
  13. One Year Anniversary: In Memory of Comrade Kerbino Wol Agok, By Diing Mou Aguer, South Sudan
  14. Lakes State Dilemma: Between Law and Necessity in Managing National Affairs in South Sudan, By Makoi Majak, Nairobi, Kenya
  15. Gen. Gatwech Dual Made History in Ending Riek Machar’s 30 Years’ Misrule over Nuer Community, By Deng Vanang, Nairobi, Kenya
  16. Reflection of an Unaccompanied Minor: The 1987 Long March from Bor to Pinyundo, Ethiopia, By Ayuen Achiek Mayen, Bor, South Sudan
  17. Why Jieng Council of Elders (JCE) has finally given us something to talk about at tea places, By Jok WaMonychok, Juba, South Sudan
  18. Toward a Viable Future for South Sudan, Report by Crisis Group
  19. African National Forum (ANF) and the SPLM: “Which is the Mother of Which?”, By Madit Them Arop, Juba, South Sudan
  20. South Sudan has Killed its Best: In Memory of Kerbino Wol, South Sudanese Businessman and Philanthropist, An Obituary by Dr. Robert Portada, Pennsylvania, USA
  21. Is Abyei Present Predicament a Fault of Ngok Customary Authorities or a Colonial Blunder? By Ustaz Jok Arop, Abyei, South Sudan
  22. How Customary Law is Undermining Justice at the Lower Statutory Courts in South Sudan, By Joseph Aciec Mathen, Juba, South Sudan
  23. Half of my Grade One Class Died during the War of Liberation: The Case of Pator Ayual Primary School, Twic East County, Jonglei State, By Reuben Garang, Canada
  24. Minister Martin Elia Lomoro’s Political Sycophancy Hits a New Low in South Sudan, By Laila Lokosang (PhD), USA
  25. Ezra Group is a lucrative forex business, with its electricity outfit providing the conduit to siphon off public money, By John A. Akech, Juba, South Sudan
  26. Where is the Future of South Sudan with the Widespread Examinations Fraud and Malpractices? By Awan Achiek, Juba, South Sudan 
  27. Why the Likes of Dr. Edmund Nabena are Taking South Sudanese for a Ride!! By Dr Thuou Loi, Juba, South Sudan
  28. Does Salva Kiir impose himself on South Sudan? A Response to Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial, By Dr Amb. Akech Khoch, Juba, South Sudan
  29. In 10 years, Bor, Yirol and Rumbek will have the highest number of sex workers in South Sudan, By Duom Peter, Juba, South Sudan
  30. 26 Reasons Why Dr. Riek Machar is Declared Nuer Public Enemy No. 1 in South Sudan, By Deng Vanang, Juba, South Sudan
  31. Deliver Public Goods and Services to End the Wars in South Sudan, By Machien Luoi Dagoor, Juba, South Sudan
  32. Justice for Sherkat Victims: My Cousin Magot Arok Maketh was Killed in Cold Blood in Juba, By Mawut Chol, Juba, South Sudan
  33. South Sudanese Intellectuals Have Fallen Short to Match the Critical Demands of Our Time (Part 1), By Thiik Mou Giir, Melbourne, Australia
  34. A Poem: You Broke My Heart, By Makoi Mayen Chienggan, Juba, South Sudan
  35. Hon. Aggrey Tisa Sabuni: My Personal Experience with COVID-19 of Which I was Rumored Dead Twice, By Hon. Aggrey Tisa Sabuni, Juba, South Sudan
  36. Why Nhial Deng Nhial Has No Clear Path to the Presidency in South Sudan, By Malith Alier, Kalgoorlie, Australia
  37. When I Think of Abyei: I remember all those who died for the land of Abyei, By Akuot Sarah, Abyei, South Sudan
  38. Catholic University: A Paragon of Quality Education in the Republic of South Sudan, By Makoi Mayen Chienggan, Juba, South Sudan
  39. South Sudan’s Solid Waste Management Advocacy and Awareness, By Philip Ayuen Dot, Juba, South Sudan
  40. South Sudan Is Flourishing in Sport Diplomacy at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japana, By Dut Augustino Agei, Tokyo Japan
  41. South Sudan must do things differently on the anniversary of the tenth year of independence from the Sudan, By Dut Augustino Agei, Helsinki, Finland 
  42. South Sudan-July 9th: No Public Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of South Sudan Independence: The council of ministers has resolved that there will be no official celebrations for the country’s 10th independence anniversary
  43. An Excerpt from Gen. David Uziel’s New book “Mossad Agent in South Sudan, 1969”, Mossad Agent in Anyanya-1
  44. Dear Molana Kalisto Wani: Your Only Crime is Refusing to Vow Before the Agents of Corruption, By Longar Mathiec Wol, Juba, South Sudan
  45. Climate Change and Climate Disasters in South Sudan, By Philip Ayuen Dot, juba- South Sudan

R-ARCSS: Best Articles and News Analysis on the Revitalized Peace Agreement (R-ARCSS) for the Year 2021

  1. Revisiting the 2015 Arusha Agreement: SPLM Party Among the Root Causes of Conflict in South Sudan, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Juba, South Sudan
  2. Kitgwang Declaration: Is IGAD partly responsible for current deadly confusions in South Sudan? By Bol Khan, Juba,South Sudan
  3. SPLM-IO Deputy Leader, Hon. Henry Odwar, Resigns from the Revitalized Govt and Endorses Kitgwang Declaration, Press Release
  4. Salvaging the Wreckage of the Revitalized Peace Agreement (R-ARCSS) in South Sudan, By Koang Tut Jing, Juba, South Sudan
  5. R-ARCSS: Do We Need a Second Extension of the Transitional Period in South Sudan?, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya
  6. 2021 and Beyond Prospects: South Sudan still Mires in the Doldrums, By Malith Alier, Kalgoorlie, Australia
  7. President KiiRiek: Power Sharing Mechanism of the 3 Administrative Areas: Abyei, Ruweng and Pibor, Press Release
  8. Lou Nuer Community: Declaration of Breaking Away from SPLM-IO of Dr. Riek Machar, Press Release
  9. The Constitutional Underpinning of the Revitalized Peace Agreement (R-ARCSS) in the Formation of R-TGONU, By Wani Michael, Juba, South Sudan
  10. Rights Organizations Welcome the Move to Establish Hybrid Court of South Sudan, Press Statement
  11. Remarks by US Ambassador to the UN at a UN Security Council Briefing on South Sudan, Remarks by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield at a UN Security Council 
  12. SPLM-IO-Taban: An Open Letter to IGAD on our Exclusion from the Revitalized Govt (R-TGONU) An Open Letter to IGAD
  13. South Sudan’s Rome Peace Talks: Obstacles and Spoilers, A Commentary by Chol Duang & Makoi Majak, Nairobi, Kenya
  14. Will the Dismissal of SPLM-IO Chief of Staff, Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual, Doom the R-ARCSS in South Sudan? By Koka Lo’Lado, Juba, South Sudan
  15. Why the Presidency is Responsible for Delays in Convening Reconstituted Parliament in South Sudan, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya
  16. How Effective and Helpful are UNSC Sanctions on Trades and Arms Embargo on South Sudan? By Dut Augustino AgeiHelsinki, Finland
  17. The Arrogance and Intransigence of SPLM-IO in Yirol May Derail the Revitalized Peace Agreement, By Makoi Mayen Chienggan, Juba, South Sudan
  18. Why R-TGoNU should reduce the number of checkpoints, regulate taxes and revenues collection in South Sudan, By Bol Khan, Juba, South Sudan
  19. Civil Society Condemns National Security Service for the Cancellation of a Panel Discussion on the “Constitution History of South Sudan” in Juba, South Sudan Civil Society Forum (SSCSF)
  20. South Sudan’s Oil Audits Should Be Brought to Reality, By Philip Ayuen Dot – Juba, South Sudan
  21. Revitalizing the Revitalized Peace Agreement (R-ARCSS): A Call for a Homegrown Peace Process in South Sudan, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya
  22. South Sudan: Restoring Peace and Political Stability at Home is Paramount, By Ater Garang Ariath, Juba, South Sudan
  23. Gitgwang Faction is Dead: An Open Letter to the Youth of SPLM-IO, By Jesus Panther Deng, Juba, South Sudan
  24. Press Statement: Fresh Fighting at Magenis between Riek’s and Gatwech’s Forces, Press Statement
  25. When was the Last General Election Held in South Sudan?, By Malith Alier, Kalgoorlie, Australia

Politics & Government: Best Articles and News Analysis on Politics, Democracy and Governance for the Year 2021

  1. Why the PCCA is a premature idea for a country with an illiterate and tribal majority civil population, By Makwei Achol Thiong, Bor, South Sudan
  2. The UN trusteeship: Foreign Tutelage is Unacceptable in South Sudan, By Ater Garang Ariath, Aweil, South Sudan
  3. South Sudan Governors’ Forum: President Kiir’s Closing Remarks at the 5th Governors’ Forum in Juba, South Sudan, Resolutions and Recommendations of the 5th Governors Forum, Juba, South
  4. Gen. Kuol Manyang Juuk: “We have destroyed the Country by ourselves” – Briefing Statement by Gen. Kuol Manyang Juuk
  5. The Birth of Red Card Movement and other Civil Society Activism: Demonstrations or Not, The March Against the SPLM Party is Unstoppable in South Sudan, By Malith Alier, Kalgoorlie, Australia
  6. National Conversation: Does South Sudan need a name change?, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya
  7. The Ramifications of the Proposed National Name Changes: The Case of South Sudan , By Machiek Akuocpiir Chayier, Juba, South Sudan
  8. From the Unknown Gun-men to the Unknown Graft-Men: Sack, Praise and Reappoint Circus in South Sudan, By Malith Alier, Kalgoorlie, Australia
  9. The Historical Revolutionary Relationship Between the Red Army (Jesh-Amer) and the SPLM/SPLA, By Deng Bol Aruai Bol, Juba, South Sudan
  10. South Sudan is not a Poor Country, but a Poorly Managed Rich Nation, By Atem Ayuen Biar, Melbourne, Australia
  11. Challenges and Opportunities: The Crucial Role of Traditional Leadership in South Sudan, By Joseph Aciech Mathen, Juba, South Sudan
  12. Jemma Nunu Kumba: The First Female Speaker of the National Legislative Assembly in South Sudan, By Larco Lomayat, Juba, South Sudan
  13. On Genuine Concerns Regarding Actions of Hon. Kalisto Ladu, the Lord Mayor of Juba City Council, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya
  14. Why People’s Coalition for Civil Action (PCCA) Calls for Peaceful Uprising is a Success Story in South Sudan, By Kuach Loch Garang Deng, Calgary, Canada
  15. A cry for the beloved country: A glimpse on the Political past, Present and unpredictable future in South Sudan, By Emmanuel Ariech Deng, Wunkuel, South Sudan
  16. “Pay your Membership Fees or Lose your Vote,” UN General Assembly tells South Sudan, UN General Assembly to South Sudan
  17. South Sudan: The Generation Exit Paradigm, By Malith Alier Deng, Kalgoorlie, Australia
  18. The Blatant Illegitimacy of the Current Parliament in South Sudan, By Taban Gabriel, Juba, South Sudan
  19. Jieng Council of Elders (JCE): We Applaud the National Dialogue Committee for Diagnosing ‘State and Leadership Failure’ in South Sudan, Press Release
  20. Taking the War to J-1, The Jieng Council of Elders (JCE) Message Builds on National Dialogue, By Malith Alier, Kalgoorlie, Australia
  21. Jieng Council of Elders (JCE): Breaking the Silence – The Way Forward to Political Stalemate in South Sudan, Position Paper by JCE
  22. South Sudan: Why Revolutions fail as leadership conspiracies prevail!!! By Atek Lual Achuil, Juba, South Sudan
  23. Full Interview with Hon. Michael Makuei Lueth, Government Spokesman and Minister for Information, By Mathiang Cirilo Yel, Juba, South Sudan
  24. South Sudan is Museveni’s Laboratory of Bad Leadership that Produces Toxic Leaders to Misgovern Blue people, By Zechariah Makuach Maror, Juba, South Sudan
  25. Governor Louis Lobong Survives a Deadly Road Ambush at Camp-15, Eastern Equatoria State, By Aliandro Lotok, Torit, South Sudan
  26. Governor Tong Aken Ngor Should Denounce “his Story” of Aweil City Change of Borders, By Dr. Aldo Ajou Deng-Akuey, Juba, South Sudan
  27. Executive Appointments in the Era of Political Dilemma: What Next for Young SPLM’s Cadres? By Longar Mathiec Wol, Juba, South Sudan
  28. An Open Letter to Duk County National and State MPs? By Noble Leek Goi, Bor, Jonglei State
  29. South Sudanese Came a Long Way Hoping to Get a Better Life But the Country is Now at the Melting Point, By Dr Akot Makur Maluach, Nairobi, Kenya
  30. Lack of Promotions: The Detrimental Effects of Too Much Corruption within the Police Ranks, By Ariik Kuol Ariik Mawien, Juba, South Sudan
  31. Lack of Promotions: The Detrimental Effects of Too Much Corruption within the Police Ranks, By Ariik Kuol Ariik Mawien, Juba, South Sudan
  32. The Lado Enclave: Why the Equatoria Region May Secede from South Sudan, Excerpts for the attached research paper
  33. Hon. Nhial Deng is not too Selfish to Grab Power through Unconstitutional Means: A Response to Malith Alier’s Article, By Ustaz. Morris Mabior Awikjok, Pretoria, South Africa
  34. South Sudan’s Martyrs Day: Martyrs, Martyrdom and Inspiration to draw from it, By Machien Luoi T. Dagoor, Juba, South Sudan
  35. July 30th: Saluting our Martyrs and all South Sudanese People, By Ater Garang Ariath, Aweil, South Sudan

Gender, Peace & Reconciliation: Best Articles and News Analysis on Gender, Peace, Unity and Reconciliation for the Year 2021

  1. A Message to all Peace-loving Citizens of South Sudan, By Lucy Ayak Malek, Juba, South Sudan
  1. Why the Love and Craving for Riek Machar is Fading Drastically among the Nuer Community, By Gatwech Puoch, Juba, South
  2. Sport for Peace: It is time To Disarm the “Brains and the Mentality” of Youths in South Sudan, By Ariik Atekdit, Juba, South Sudan
  3. Sisterhood Solidarity’s Call to Action: Stop Forceful Stripping of Young Women in Bor, Jonglei State, Press Release
  4. In this Christmas Season, Let’s Resuscitate South Sudan with Love and Forgiveness, By Ater Garang Ariath, Aweil, South Sudan
  5. Defrosting the Frozen Lives: Turning South Sudanese Urban Refugee Youth Community Leaders into Community Agents of Positive Peace in Kenya, Press Release
  6. SPLM questions & issues that may need answers for Sustainable Peace, By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya
  7. Why Kiir and Riek Must Continue to Turn the Table in South Sudan, By Garang Ater, Juba, South Sudan
  8. Gen. Salva Mathok vs Gen. Akol Khor: Why do some Personalities Hate Peace in South Sudan? By Mariak Madut Thiik Riiny, Juba, South Sudan
  9. We must move nation forward, By Ater Garang Ariath, Juba, South Sudan
  10. Dinka vs Murle: Killing of Two Youth in Anyidi Payam Triggers Revenge Killing in Bortown, Jonglei state, Press Release
  11. American Friends of South Sudan: President Kiir Should Observe Human Rights and Implement Democracy in South Sudan, An Open Letter
  12. R-TGoNU: Where are the Women in our Leadership Structure in South Sudan, By Lucy Ayak Malek, Juba, South Sudan
  13. Open Letter: Why I Won’t be Part of the Liturgy for the Enthronement of Archbishop-Elect, Moses Anur Ayom, of Jonglei Province, By Bishop Peter Joh Mayom:
  14. Greater Jonglei’s Inter-Communal Peace Conference Kicks Off in Juba, as Murle Raiders Attack Palabaach Village, Bor County, Press Release
  15. The ECSS Politico-Heresy in Jonglei State, By Ruben Ayuen De Mach-Matur, Bor, Jonglei State
  16. The Profound Crisis of Polygamy in South Sudan, By Betty Yom Mager, Nairobi, Kenya
  17. Tonj Youth Union Worldwide Condemns Communal Conflict in Tonj East County, Warrap State, South Sudan, By Tonj Youth Union Worldwide, Juba, South Sudan
  18. “Evacuate Sherkat of all Land-grabbers” Chiefs of Rajaf Payam Plead with Governor Adil Wani, Press Statement
  19. Press Release: Padang Condemnation Statement on Endless Killing of Civilians in Akoka, Upper Nile State, Press Statement
  20. Who is Responsible for the Incarceration of Artist Larson Angok? By Brown Akoon Yel Dut, Rum-Marial, South Sudan
  21. IWD 2021: South Sudan Should Stop Increasing Women’s Vulnerabilities! By Madit Them Arop, Juba, South Sudan
  22. IWD 2021: The role of women in conflict resolution in South Sudan, By Peter Wek Mabiordit, Juba, South Sudan
  23. The Essence of Ruweng’s Tradition of Generational Age-Set in Modern-Day South Sudan, By William Tim Monybuny, Pariang, South Sudan
  24. Renaissance of the Murle-Aftermath of Sultan Ismail Konyi, By Biar Peter Ayuen, Juba, South Sudan
  25. The Imperative for Peace and Reconciliation in South Sudan, By Baak Chan Yak Deng In Wau South Sudan
  26. My Dear Sisters from Bor Dinka, Think Twice!! What will You Bring to Your Future Husband, By Duom Peter, Juba, South Sudan
  27. Ms. Aluel Deng from Warrap, the Mother of Twins Detains in Nairobi Hospital over $15k Medical Bill, South Sudanese Mother detained at a Nairobi Hospital
  28. South Sudan: The solution and the problem would be answerable if martyrs return? By Manyuon Mayen Manyuon, Juba, South Sudan
  29. Happy Independence Day: Marking 10th Anniversary of July 9th, with no Celebration in South Sudan, By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan
  30. The South Sudanese Women Intellectuals Forum (SSWI) Awards Over 20 South Sudanese Women for Peace (SSWAP), By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Nairobi, Kenya
  31. South Sudan: The Roles of Security Forces When Executing their Constitutional Mandates, By Ariik Kuol Ariik, Kapoeta, South Sudan
  32. Emmanuel Malwal – How Social Media Triggers Conflict in South Sudan in December 2013, by Emmanuel Malwal, Nairobi, Kenya
  33. Marginalisation of Minority Community has become Predominant in Jonglei State, particularly Bor County, By Mading De Ngeth Angoh, Australia

Economic, Business and Environment: Best Articles and News Analysis on COVID-19 and Business, Economy and the Environment for the Year 2021

  1. How Church Can Foster Socio-Economic Transformation in South Sudan: A Case Study of Bishop Abraham Yel Nhial of Aweil Diocese, By Daniel Athior’o Atem, Nairobi, Kenya
  2. R-ARCSS on Economic & Financial Management Reforms in South Sudan (Part 1), By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, Juba, South Sudan
  3. Statement of Gen. Salva Mathok on Kator Court’s Verdict on Jebel Lodge and Rock City Hotels, Press Release
  4. An Open Letter to President Kiir: Introduce the Permanent Universals Basic Income in South Sudan, By Machiek Machiek Akuocpiir Cayier, Juba, South Sudan
  5. South Sudan: A doctor recalls trauma and triumphs with Covid-19 patients, South Sudan AfDB Project Impact Story
  6. South Sudan: Good Education Protects the Country; Bad Education becomes Culprit of the Law, By Ariik Kuol Ariik Mawien, Kapoeta, South Sudan
  7. NilePet: Eng. Bol Ring and the Quest for Rapid Development and Ideal Programs in South Sudan, By Ranlei Mikol Mayiik, Juba, South Sudan
  8. From Underdeveloped to Middle Income Country: The Role of Non-Oil Sectors in Transforming Economic Growth in South Sudan, By David Ayual Mayom, San Francisco, USA
  9. The Cancellation of Sovereign Guarantee for Amok General Trading on September 24, 2021 by the Presidency , By Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit, Juba, South Sudan
  10. End Sandalwood trafficking in South Sudan and the East Africa Region, By Philip Ayuen Dot, Juba-South Sudan
  11. By Being Dishonest, We are Raping Mother Africa: Why my Kenyan Company has Stopped Employing Kenyan Workforce, Opinion Article
  12. The Dirty Cattle Boys: Reminiscing of Boys’ Life at the Dinka Cattle Camp in Yirol (Part 1), By Dr. Sunday de John, Nairobi, Kenya
  13. Rational pieces of advice to new graduates across South Sudan. A Reflection of my personal, educational experiences, By Ustaz Abraham Mabior Rioch, Juba, South Sudan
  14. Duluma Maker: A Dissertation Presentation for the Award of BSc. (Hons) Degree in Agricultural Sciences, Juba University, By Duluma Maker Dhalbeny
  15. Several Hotels in Juba demand $10 Millions Accommodation Arrears from the R-Gov’t,  Letter from Managers of hotels to Tutkew Gatluak, Chairperson of Transitional Committee.
  1. South Sudan: A Nation Drowning in the Sea of Misery, By Zechariah Makuach Maror, Juba, South Sudan
  2. Out of Hard Currency: Juba Power Plant Threatens to Shut Down Unless Govt Intervenes, Press Release
  3. Letter to Ms. Achai Wiir: Request for $22,804 to Pay off South Sudan’s International Arrears to the UN, Letter to Achai Wiir
  4. Why South Sudan should Consider Accountability as an Aspects of Governance, By Mel Arel Mel, Juba, South Sudan
  5. Did Corruption and Bad Governance Undermine Effective Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Sudan? By Mawien Maring, Upper Nile, South Sudan
  6. Why it is Vital to Improve Air Quality in South Sudan, By Philip Ayuen Dot, Juba, South Sudan
  7. South Sudan Lack of 2020/2021 Budget is a Major Economic Blunder, By Malith Alier, Kalgoorlie, Australia
  8. Ensuring the Safety and Security of Our Learners and Teachers During COVID-19 Pandemic in South Sudan, By Ustaz John Garang Ayii Riak, Juba, South Sudan
  9. Why Bor Dinka Cattle Keepers Ought to Quit Equatorian land, By Mangar Biar Kucha, Bor, South Sudan
  10. Report of the Auditor General on the 5% share to oil-producing states and communities, Audit Report on the 5% Net Revenue share to oil-producing states (2%) and communities (3%)
  11. Why NilePet Should Takeover and Manage Petroleum Operations in South Sudan, By Gabriel Matut Maliah, Juba, South Sudan
  12. Challenges Facing Pastoralist Education System in South Sudan, By Ustaz John Garang Ayii Riak, Bor, South Sudan
  13. Report: Rumored Hidden Church Treasure Splits Aweil East Community, By Ajith Ajith Pioth, Juba, South Sudan
  14. The waters of the Nile River, Euphrates, Tigris and the Curious Positions of the Arab League, By Hon. Atem Garang Dekuek, Juba, South Sudan
  15. Protection and Preservation of Wildlife Game Reserves and National Parks in South Sudan, By Ayuen Dot Mangar, Sydney, Australia
  16. Let’s Prioritize Inclusive Education in All Levels of Education in South Sudan, By Ustaz Garang Ayii Riak, Juba, South Sudan
  17. Youth Protest over NGO Jobs: Monyomiji Presentation to VP Rebecca Nyandeng in Torit, Monyomiji Presentation to Nyandeng
  18. COVID-19: South Sudan Re-Imposes ‘Partial’ Lockdown Measures Amidst Rising Cases in Juba, Press Release
  19. Low Cattle Milk Production in South Sudan: What could be the actual causes?, By Makur Garang Apadieer, Abyei, South Sudan

Letters & Speeches: Best Speeches and Open Letters for the Year 2021

  1. President Kiir’s Speech on the 10th Anniversary of South Sudan’s Independence, Speech by President Kiir
  2. VP Rebecca Nyandeng’s Speech at the UN General Assembly in New York, 24 Sept 2021, Speech by VP Nyandeng Garang, UN General Assembly, New York
  3. An Open Letter to President Kiir: You have Failed our Country and your own community, An Open Letter to President Kiir
  4. Grievances to President Kiir: Why Luanyjang Community is Being Neglected by Government, by Monychol Kulong Madut, Tonj, South Sudan
  5. DPOC National Staff Go on Industrial Strike over Disputed Human Resource Policy in South Sudan, Press Release
  6. Peter Garang’s Concession Speech: Election Results for the South Sudanese Community Association of Queensland, Australia, Peter Garang Kooch’s Concession Speech
  7. An Open Letter to President Kiir: Request for Presidential Pardon of  Governor Kwel Agwer Kwel , By Ater Garang Ariath, Aweil, South Sudan
  8. President Kiir’s Statement at the Closing Ceremony of the National Dialogue Conference in Juba, South Sudan, Statement by H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit
  9. 37 Years Later: It is Painfully Hard to Reconcile the Sweet Aspirations, with the Bitter Realities, of the Liberation Struggle in South Sudan, Dr. John Garang de Mabior’s Speech
  10. Declaration Letter: Dr Achol Marial Rejoins Dr Riek Machar, Declaration letter for Dr Achol Marial Deng to SPLM-IO
  11. SPLM-IO SG, Peter Tingo, Resigns; Accusing Riek Machar of Dictatorial Management, Letter of Resignation
  12. Does Taban Deng Ghai Deserve to be a VP in South Sudan? A Petition Letter to President Kiir, Petition letter
  13. SPLM/A Day: President Kiir’s Speech Marking the 37th Anniversary of May 16th Bor Uprising, Speech by President Kiir
  14. July 9th: President Kiir’s speech marking the 9th anniversary of South Sudan’s independence, Official Speech
  15. An Open Letter to Hon. Tong Akeen Ngor: Disregards the lobbyists and pleases the majority of NBeG state, By Tito Awen Bol, Juba, South Sudan
  1. An Open Letter to Dr Riek Machar: Ensures Full and Timely Implementation of R-ARCSS, By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan 
  2. An Open Letter to Hon. Samson Oyay, Chairman of Chollo Community in Khartoum, Sudan, Letter from Joshua Dau Diu, a member of the Jieng Council of Elders (JCE)
  3. An Open Letter to Hon. Denay Jock Chagor, the Governor of Jonglei State, By Bol Deng Bol, Juba, South Sudan
  4. An Open Letter to the President of the Republic of South Sudan, H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, By Dut Deng Kok, Juba, South Sudan
  5. An open letter to Prof. John Akech, Vice Chancellor of the University of Juba in South Sudan, By Dut Augustino Agei, Oslo University, Norway
  6. An Open Letter from Equatorian Intellectuals: Why Prof. John Akech Should Reinstate Prof. Taban Lo-Liyong, An Open Letter from Equatorian Intellectuals
  7. An Open Letter to Prof. Taban Lo-Liyong: A Professor of English and Literature at the University of Juba in South Sudan
  8. An Open Letter to President Salva Kiir & the 1st Vice President Designate Dr. Riek Machar, By Dr. Luke Geng Geng, Kuacjok, South Sudan
  9. James Kok Ruea: Letter of Resignation from the SPLM National Liberation Council and the SPLM Party, By James Kok Ruea – Letter of Resignation
  10. Greater Pigi Community in Diaspora: Evacuate the Occupying SPLM-IO Forces from Atar & Khorfulus land, Petition Letter from Greater Pigi Community in Diaspora
  11. An Open Letter to His Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, By David Nyuol Vincent, Australia
  12. President Kiir Conveys “Get-Well Wishes” to Dr Riek Machar and his Wife, Official Letter
  13. Dear Governor Tong Akeen Ngor: Learns from the past and starts from where you stopped last time, By Dut Kuot Akok, Aweil, South Sudan
  14. Dear President Kiir: Why are Dinka Bor vs. Dinka Bahr el Ghazal Killing Themselves over our Land? Official Letter
  15. Letter to President Kiir: Repatriate all the IDPs in the UNMISS PoCs, An Open Letter
  16. Luachjang Community in Diaspora: Condemnation Letter from Australia, North America, New Zealand, and Europe on the killing of civilians in Romic, Tonj East, Press Release
  17. Kiir-Adem: Mile 14 Should not be Sacrificed to Sudan’s Messieriya and Rizeigat Arabs, Letter of Condemnation on Kiir-Adem (Mile 14) 

Press Releases and Statements: Best Press Statements for the Year 2021

  1. Taking Towns to the People: Pictures of County Headquarters in South Sudan, Press Release
  2. Who is Peter Lam Both: The New Acting SG of the SPLM Party?, Press Release
  3. Gen. Garang Mabil Deng Survives Plane Crash in Chueibet, Former Gok State, Breaking News
  4. Press Release: Padang Community Condemns SPLM-IO’s Killing of Civilians in Maluth and Akoka, Press Release: Padang Community Condemnation to SPLM-IO Killing of Civilians in Maluth and Akoka
  5. CEPO Condemns SPLM-IO Military Clashes Between Riek’s and Gatwech’s Forces at Magenis, Upper Nile, CEPO Press Release
  6. Fighting Erupts at Magenis, Upper Nile, between Riek’s and Gatwech’s Forces, SPLM-IO-Magenis: Press Release
  7. Ngok Lual Yak Dinka Community Condemns Governor Abudhok for Trying to Annex Malakal River Port to Makal County of Shilluk Kingdom, Press Release
  8. Govt Targets Bank Accounts of PCCA Members and Associated Organizations, Press Release
  9. President Kiir Ushers Capt. Mabioor Garang de Mabioor into J-1, Juba, Press Release
  10. 19 Military Officers Resign from NAS, Accusing Gen Thomas Chirillo of “Lack Clear Organizational Structure” and “Isolationist Policy”, Press Statement
  11. Congratulations: Cde. Peter Lam Buoth Deserves Promotion as Acting SPLM Secretary-General, By Garang Ater, Juba, South Sudan
  12. SPLM-IO-Juba Acknowledges the Resignation of the Deputy Party Leader, Hon. Henry Odwar, Press Release
  13. The People’s Coalition Civil Action (PCCA): South Sudan Transitional Framework, Press Release
  14. The Diaspora Lou Nuer Community Leadership in the US, Canada and Australia Endorse Kitgwang Declaration: The Diaspora Lou Nuer Community in the United States, Canada and Australia
  15. Manasseh Zindo: Why I am Resigning from SPLM-IO-Juba and Joining SPLM-IO-Magenis, Personal Statement

Eulogies and Biographies: Outstanding Eulogies and Obituaries for the Year 2021

  1. Tribute to Dr. Zachariah Bol Deng, one among great South Sudanese public figures, A Tribute by Atem Yaak Atem, Sydney, Australia
  2. Tributes in Memory of Hon. Ustaz Martin Mou Mou Athiaan Kuol, By Hon. Ustaz Lewis Anei Madut Kuendit, Former Governor of Warrap State and Community Leader for greater Tonj in Juba
  3. Eulogical Tributes to the late Dr. Edward Yakobo Momo, Dean of College of Education, Juba University, By Abraham Mabior Rioc, Juba, South Sudan
  4. R.I.P Dr. Amon Wantok Ater, one of the key founding ideologues of the SPLM/SPLA, An Obituary
  5. Obituary: Celebrating the Inspirational Life of the Late Sultan Dhor Ariik Mawien, By Ariik Atekdit Mawien, Tonj, South Sudan
  6. Tributes in Living Memory of CDR Michael Miakol Deng, Commander of the SPLM/SPLA Abushok Battalion, By Ustaz/Tim Monybuny, Juba, South Sudan
  7. R.I.P Reverend Canon Clement Janda: An SPLM/SPLA Liberation Icon, By Hakeem Legge, Juba, South Sudan
  8. R.I.P His Grace Archbishop Paulino Lokudu Loro, Juba Metropolitan, Obituary
  9. Panyijar County: Press Statement on the Unfortunate Death of Dr. Louis Edward Saleh, Press Statement
  10. The legacy of Simon Dau, who was killed on 16 June 2020 in South Sudan, By Dr. Robert Portada, Pennsylvania, USA
  11. Par Chongriah Nong: The longest Serving Paramount Chief of Greater Fangak, Jonglei State, By Bol Khan, Juba, South Sudan
  12. Obituary: Chaat Paul – One of the Legendary Freedom Fighters of SPLM/SPLA, By Halle Jørn Hanssen, Norway
  13. Obituary – Biography of Late Hon. Akoon Monydhar Atek, By Ariik Atekdit, Tonj, South Sudan
  14. Tribute to Chief Kuer-Malou Manyok Duot, former Court President of ‘Wangulei Court Centre’, Twic East County, By Atem Garang Dekuek, Juba, South Sudan
  15. Farewell to our Beloved Waadit Ajingdit Deng: A Legend of An African Spiritual Culture in South Sudan, By Dr. Francis Mading Deng, Nairobi, Kenya
  16. Martyrs’ Day: Weep My Soul, Weep ye Daughter of Kush, for thy Son is Slain on July 30th, “Real heroes don’t die”
  17. Tribute to John Luk Jok: One of the Brightest and Most Articulate Lawyers of South Sudan, By Atem Yaak Atem, Sydney, Australia
  18. Tributes and Eulogy to Brig. Gen. Chol Ghai Arou: An Exemplary Teacher and Fearless Revolutionary Freedom Fighter, By Mangar Malith Deng, Washington DC, USA
  19. Remembering a true Public Servant: An Interview with Dr. Toby Maduot Parek – Circa 1981, Obituary
  20. The Late Hero Isaiah Abraham: 8th Year’s Reminiscence of Realist Think Tank, Obituary
  21. Commanding the Martyrs in Heaven: Dr. John Garang, Kerbino Kuanyin, William Nyuon and Arok Thon Arok, By Kuek Deng Kuek, Juba, South Sudan
  22. CDR Kerubino Kuanyin Bol: An Oscillating Legacy between the National Dream and Multiple Camps of Loyalty – Part 4-1, By Dengdit Ayok, Cairo, Egypt 
  23. Tributes to educationist Dr el Samani Abdalla Yaccoub, former Vice Chancellor of Juba University, By Pesuech Arok Deng, Juba, South Sudan
  24. Obituary: Tributes to Paramount Chief Malong Yor Lual of Ajuong, Aweil Dinka, By Dr. Aldo Ajou Deng Akuey, Juba, South Sudan
  25. Two Years Later: Tributes in Loving Memory of My Dad, Mayendit Arok Nul Lual, By Lual Mayendit Arok, Juba, South Sudan
  26. Tribute to Comrade Edward Lino Wuor Abyei, One of the Founding Members of the SPLM/SPLA, By Atem Yaak Atem, Sydney, Australia
  27. Alfred Taban: An Inspirational Story of a Patriotic Journalist Who Fought for the Liberation of His People, By Dengdit Ayok, Cairo, Egypt
  28. 7th Anniversary: Remembering Abyei Paramount Chief Kuol-Adol Deng Kuol, Media Release
  29. Obituary: Remembering John Luk Jok, the Prolific Lawyer and Shrewd Politician of South Sudan, By Deng Vanang, Juba, South Sudan
  30. Tribute to Col. Amos Ajak Garang: The Legendary Musician Who Sang for Love and Justice in South Sudan, By Atem Yaak Atem, Sydney, Australia
  31. Riaak ë Baai: Hon. Deng Alier Mading’s Elderly Message to the Youth of Jonglei, Speech by Hon. Deng Alier Mading
  32. Tribute to Cde Edward Lino Wuor Abyei, an Epitome of Bravery and Patriotism in South Sudan, By Jok WaMonychok, Abyei, South Sudan
  33. Tribute to Brig. Gen. Diing Aruei Bol, former head of signal unit, Hadid Battalion, under Lt. Col. Francis Ngor-Makiech, By Atem Yak Atem, Sydney, Australia 
  34. Dr. Salman Mohammed Ahmad: Eulogy and Tribute to the Friend, the Late Revolutionary Edward Lino, By Dr. Salman Mohammed Ahmad
  35. R.I.P Ambassador Telar Ring Deng, Death Announcement
  1. Tributes to Gen. Atem Aguang – One of the Most Iconic and Heroic Commanders of the Liberation Struggle, By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan
  2. Alfred Taban: A Patriotic South Sudanese Veteran Journalist Who Caught Khartoum Regime by the Horn, By Deng Awur Wenyin, Juba, South Sudan
  3. Mourning Justice Majok Mading Majok: My Personal Account of the Iconic Lawyer and Legal Advisor to President Kiir, By Kur Ayuen Kou, Melbourne, Australia
  4. Tributes to Ustaz Antipas Arok Biowei: Homage to a Creative Teacher and Great Man of Culture, By Atem Yaak Atem, Sydney, Australia
  5. The Freedom Fighter: Remembering General Chagai Atem Biar, By Atem Yaak Atem, Australia
  6. Tributes to Alfred Taban: Remembering South Sudanese Veteran Journalist, Alfred Taban Logune, By Mangar Marial Amerdid, Juba, South Sudan
  7. Eulogy of Gen. Gabriel Achuoth Deng: Celebrating the Life of Gen. Achuoth Deng Achuoth (Kärkäwään), By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan
  8. Tributes to Charles Manyang D’Awuol Padiet: Superstar Sportsman and Accomplished Diplomat, By Atem Yaak Atem, Australia
  9. Tributes to Lt. Gen. Johnson Gony Biliu: Former SPLA Sector Two Commander and Governor of Akobo State, Press Statement, 1stVP Taban Deng Ghai
  10. Tributes to Deng-Panan: South Sudanese Legendary Artist of the Liberation Struggle, By Willy Mayom Maker, Canada
  11. Eulogy and Tributes to the Late Lt. Gen. Anthony Bol Madut Bol, By Ustaz Abraham Mabior Rioc, Kuajok, Gogrial State
  12. Tribute to Ustaz Aquila Kelei Madol: The veteran teacher who led and mentored Jesh-Amer in Kakuma, Kenya, By Atem Yaak Atem, Gosford, Australia
  13. Remembering Mother Teresa Nyankol Mathiang Dut; on the occasion of women day in South Sudan,  By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan
  14. Our Fallen War Hero: Obituary and Tributes to the Patriotic Life of Maj. Gen. Atem Aguang Atem, By Manyuon Dhieu Chol, Kongor, Jonglei State
  15. In living Memory of Gen. George Athor Deng, an Outstanding SPLM/SPLA Commander, A Biography of Gen. George Athor Deng
  16. R.I.P Lt. Gen. Chagai Atem Biar: The Illustrious Life of the Most Respected Veteran of the War of Liberation, By Atem Ayuen Biar (Ayuen Matok), Melbourne, Australia
  17. The Biography of the South Sudanese administrator and politician, Uncle Aggrey Jaden, By Dr. Sam L. Laki, Ohio, USA
  18. The Unexpected Demise of Justice Majok Mading, Head of Legal Department in the office of the President, By Samuel Reech Mayen, Kampala, Uganda
  19. Condolences and Tributes to Manyang Dut, the South Sudanese student who passed away in China, By John Garang Ayii Riak, China
  20. Commemorating the 10th Anniversary: Who Killed Dr. John Garang de Mabioor?, By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan

History and Reports: Best Documentaries and Reports on South Sudan for the Year 2021

  1. Final Report of the Panel of Experts on South Sudan Submitted to the UN Security Council, April 2020, Final Report
  2. Governance and Social Cohesion: Resolution of the National Dialogue in South Sudan, Summary of the Final Report
  3. South Sudan National Dialogue: Summary of the Final Report, December 2020, Summary of the Final Report
  4. What Transpired in July 2016: The Long Marathon from J-1 Dogfighting to the DRC Congo (Part 1-2), By Tut Gr. Chuol, Summary of the 2016 J-1 Dogfighting leading to the long Marathon of SPLM/A-IO from Juba to the DRC Congo
  5. Tale from the Blue House: A Review of the Book ‘No Justice, No Mercy’ by William Endley, By Dr. Robert Portada, Pennsylvania, USA
  6. Final Investigation Report – President Kiir’s Investigation Committee Over the Killing of Civilians in Sherkat, Juba, South Sudan, June 2020, Final Investigation Report
  7. Research Report: Reasons Behind Girl Child’s Dropout in Primary Schools – The Case of Awerial County, Lakes State, in South Sudan, By JOHN GARANG AYII RIAK, China
  8. August 18th: Commemorating the 65th Anniversary of The 1955 Torit Uprising, By PaanLuel Wel, Juba, South Sudan
  9. UN SC Report on South Sudan: The Security, Economic and Political Situation in South Sudan, 08 Sept 2020, Final Report
  10. The Murle cattle raider is a National Threat, not Greater Jonglei region’s threat alone, By Noble Leek Goi, Jonglei State, South Sudan
  1. Motion for the Impeachment of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly Speaker, Anthony Lino Makana, Press Statement
  2. The Dangerously Slow Wheel of Justice in the Republic of South Sudan, By Dut Deng kok, South Sudan
  3. “We were better off in the warzone than in Australia” – The cries of South Sudanese women in Victoria, By Biong Deng Biong, Melbourne, Australia
  4. Yirol Liberation Day – Saturday, 14 June 1997: Tributes to Our Fallen Comrades and Martyrs, By Gad Abraham Majak Makur, Juba, South Sudan
  5. July 9th: The Roles of CDR Arok Thon Arok and CDR Edward Abyei Lino in the Liberation of South Sudan, By Engineer Deng Diar Diing, Mombasa, Kenya
  6. The “Trust Deficit Factor” in the December 2013 Crisis and Civil War in South Sudan (Part 1-6), By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan
  7. Why the Extension of the Formation of the National Unity Government is Logical, By Garang Kuot, Juba, South Sudan
  8. The Legality of a Revitalized TGONU without Riek Machar’s SPLM-IO Faction, By Bol Chol Kucdit, Juba, South Sudan
  9. Hon. Governor Jadallah’s Order: A State’s Quest for Public Morality or Banalisation of Real Issues?, By Wol Deng Akech, Juba, South Sudan
  10. One-Year Anniversary: Kerbino Wol, the Good Citizen of South Sudan, Deserves His Freedom Now, By Dr. Robert A. Portada III, Pennsylvania, USA
  11. Stop blabbing about the University of Juba’s students in your tea places and alleys, By Marial Mangar Akol, Juba, South Sudan
  12. Meet Aluel Manyok Barach: A Proud South Sudanese Feminist and Social Activist, By Amer Mayen Dhieu, Brisbane, Australia
  13. South Sudan: The Looming Crisis in Central Equatoria and Yei River State, By Oliver J. Lomeri, Minnesota, USA
  14. Pan-Africanism: Africa Should Return to Its Roots and Legacy, By Ariik Atekdit – Wau, South Sudan
  15. Why President Kiir May Remain in Power for the Rest of His Life in South Sudan, By Dut Kuot Akok, Aweil, South Sudan
  16. Al-Sabah Children’s Hospital: A shocking state of healthcare system in South Sudan, By Rajab Mohandis, Juba, South Sudan
  17. What is happening to my brother Kerbino Wol is a Tonj internal issue, not the government nor President Kiir, By Anyar Agok Wol, Juba, South Sudan
  18. South Sudan Under Salva Kiir: An Examination of Three Transitional periods in the South Sudanese Politics, By Tong Kot Kuocnin & Yar Telar Deng, Nairobi, Kenya
  19. The anticipated Red Card Movement protest on 16 May is the ugly face of the failed opposition, By Longar Mathiec Wol, Juba, South Sudan
  20. The Appalling Situation of the South Sudanese Nationals in Egypt Needs an Urgent Intervention from Juba, By Mabil Manyok Nhial, Gweru, Zimbabwe
  21. Tribal Revenge or Democratic Transformation: What is Dr. Riek Machar Fighting for in South Sudan?, By Amb. John Kassara Koang Nhial, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  22. The Principles of Tribocracy (Part 1-8), By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan
  23. Yirol Revolutionary Sons: Honoring the Pioneers of Our Revolutionary Armed Struggle in South Sudan, By Abraham Majak Makur, Juba, South Sudan
  1. What Really Happened to Gen. Martin Kenyi in the Aftermath of July 2016 Fighting in Juba?, By Nicholas Osobi, Kampala, Uganda
  2. The National Dialogue – Final Communique from the Equatoria Regional Conference in Juba, Aug 2019, Final Report from the National Dialogue initiative
  3. South Sudan National Dialogue: Final Communiques from Upper Nile, Bahr el Ghazal and Equatoria Regions, Final Report from the National Dialogue initiative
  4. Taking of South Sudan – The New Sentry Report on Corruption in South Sudan, September 2019, Sept 2019 Sentry Report
  5. The Sudanese Revolution: A Different Political Landscape and a New Generation Baptized in the Struggle for Change, Yasir Arman’s Presentation at Oxford University’s North East Africa Forum and the African Studies Centre
  6. 16th May 1983: Childhood Memories of Yom Sitashar Mayo, By John Deng Diar Diing, Mombasa, Kenya
  7. The 74th Birthday Anniversary of Dr. John Garang – The Towering Legacy of Dr. John Garang De Mabioor, By PaanLuel Wel, Bor, South Sudan
  8. Joseph Ukel Garang Wël – The Dilemma of the Southern Intellectual (1961), By the southern Sudanese communist leader, Joseph Garang
  9. John Garang’s 1987 Heritage Interview with Arop Madut – By Hon Arop Madut Arop, Khartoum, Sudan
  10. The 35th Anniversary of May 16th: Comrade Salva Kiir and the Founding of the SPLM/A, By PaanLuel Wel (Juba) and Simon Yel Yel (Kampala)
  11. HSBA Report: The long, traumatic Flight of Dr. Riek Machar from Juba to the DRC Congo – Spreading fallout; The collapse of the ARCSS and new conflict along the Equatorias-DRC border
  12. Chiefs’ Massacre: The 50th Commemoration of the killing of Chief Athiu Madol Anyar – By Peter Wal Athiu Madol Anyar, Kampala, Uganda
  13. How South Sudanese Ruling Elites bankrupted the “Young” Nation: Leaked audit report by the UK Guardian newspaper shows how family and friends of top government officials benefited from letters of credit scam.
  14. John Garang’s Last Speech Marking the 22nd Anniversary of May 16th, 2005 – By Dr. John Garang, Rumbek, South Sudan
  15. Commemorating the 10th Anniversary: Who Killed Dr. John Garang de Mabioor? – By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan
  16. Glimpse of History: Maker Jool Deng was not the only Martyr of May 16th Bor Uprising – By David Aoloch Bion, Bor, Jonglei state
  17. Remembering the Launching of the SPLM/A Liberation Struggle, 1983 – 2005 – By Thiik Mou Giir, Melbourne, Australia
  18. Joseph Ukel Garang Wel: The Firebrand Marxist and Intellectual of South Sudan, By Mangar Marial Amerdid, Juba, South Sudan
  19. Happy Birth Day South Sudan: Reflections on the Independence of South Sudan – By Hon. Arop Madut-Arop, Nairobi, Kenya
  20. The exigency of an indigenous middle-class caste for state building in South Sudan, By Hon. Peter Wal Athiu Madol, Kampala, Uganda
  21. South Sudan: The Role of Intellectuals as Cream of the Society, By Hon Arop Madut Arop, Nairobi, Kenya
  22. Gen. Paul Malong: Why is the Government so Bent on Making me a Rebel?, By Gen. Paul Malong Awan Anei, Nairobi, Kenya
  23. Bush Chronicle with Gen. Anthony Bol Madut – By Okello Peter, Juba, South Sudan
  24. 34th anniversary of May 16th: Reflection on the contributors through the 34 years of our liberation struggle – By Kur Garang Deng, Nairobi, Kenya
  26. The 32 Federal States of the Republic of South Sudan, By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan
  27. President Kiir’s remarks concerning the removal of Gen. Paul Malong Awan – President Salva Kiir Mayardit briefed the public on the Removal of General Paul Malong Awan from his Position as Chief of General Staff of the SPLA
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