
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Dr Riek Machar’s SPLM-IO Factional Discord Imperils South Sudan’s Fragile Peace Agreement

6 min read

The never-ending rebellions, defection, and re-defection rocking Dr Riek Machar’s SPLM-IO undermine the revitalised peace agreement in South Sudan

By PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd.

Wednesday, 18 October 2023 (PW) — Military defections and a history of fractures within the SPLM-IO, South Sudan’s primary opposition party, have cast a shadow over the renewed peace agreement. Dr. Riek Machar and Madam Angelina Jany Teny, prominent figures in the country’s political landscape, have been grappling with a series of defections and re-defections that have shaken their leadership.

Dr. Riek Machar’s political journey has been marked by consistent departures by key allies, starting with the infamous 1991 Nasir coup against Dr. John Garang. His rifts with former deputies like Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin, Hon. Alfred Lado Gore, and Hon Henry Odwar have been well-documented, each schism occurring in the wake of significant conflicts, including the December 2013 mutiny and the 2016 dogfight at J-1.

Prominent commanders and leaders, such as Taban Deng Gai, Gen Peter Gatdet Yaka, Gen James Koang Chuol, Gen Gabriel Tanginye, Gen Gathoth Gatkuoth Hothnyang, Peter Adwok Nyaba, and Hon Lol Gatkuoth, have also severed ties with Riek Machar’s SPLM-IO.

Notably, Taban Deng Gai, Dr. Lam Akol, and Peter Adwok Nyaba were key figures in the 1991 Nasir Coup led by Riek Machar, all of whom have defected from his faction. The December 2013 conflict was orchestrated by Taban Deng Ghai, Gen James Koang Chuol, and Gen Peter Gatdet Yakka, all of whom have similarly left Riek Machar’s camp.

In a significant twist, the Kitgwang Declaration of August 4, 2021, saw Simon Gatwech Dual announce Riek Machar’s removal as the SPLM-IO leader, asserting himself as the new leader. This declaration came after Riek Machar appointed his wife as the defense minister, which led to the defection of Hon Henry Odwar, the SPLM-IO deputy leader, and Gen Simon Gatdwech Dual, the SPLM-IO head of the army and chief of staff.

Even Mabior Garang Mabior, the son of South Sudan’s founding father, Dr. John Garang, switched allegiances by joining the Kitwang Declaration before ultimately supporting the government of the President.

The list of former SPLM/SPLA-IO Generals and politicians who parted ways with Dr. Riek Machar due to grievances related to mismanagement, dictatorship, weak leadership, nepotism, and favouritism is extensive:

1. Hon Taban Deng Gai.

2. Late Gen Peter Gatdet Yaka.

3. Late Gen Gabriel Tanginye.

4. Gen Gathoth Gatkuoth Hothnyang.

5. Hon Lol Gatkuoth.

6. Hon Stephen Dhieu Mathok.

7. Hon Micheal Chiangjiek Geay.

8. Gen Robert Ruai Kuol Jal.

9. Hon Thomas Maluit Hoth.

10. Gen Madit Gal Doh.

11. Gen Ochan Puot Buop.

12. Gen Gatwech Dual Hoth.

13. Gen Johnson Olony Thubo.

14. Gen Mabor Dhoal.

15. Gen Hoth Guor.

16. Cdr Gen Koang Chuol Ranley.

17. Hon Dak Duop Bichok.

18. Hon Tigo Peter.

19. Prof Elia Nyamlel.

20. Hon Henry Odwar.

21. Gen Khor Chuol Giet.

22. Late Gen Liah Dieu Deng.

23. Amb Dobuol Lualweng.

24. Hon Yien Thiang Luony.

25. Gen Michael Makal Kuol Deng.

26. Gen Karlo Kuol Ruai.

27. Gen Dor Manjur Gatluak.

28. Late Gen Wang Chioh Koryoam.

29. Hon James Kok Rueai.

30. Gen Johnson Kuol Gai.

31. Gen Lok Tang Reat.

32. Gen Toar Nyuel.

33. Gen Musa Lokojo.

34. Gen Puoy Yak Yiel.

35. Gen Gatluak Kach.

36. Gen Bol Puok.

37. Gen Lul Ruach Koang.

38. Gen William Gatjiath Deng.

39. Gen Dau Atorjong.

40. Gen Gai Yoach Dong.

41. Dr Peter Adwok Nyaba.

42. Hon Bol Ruach Rom.

43. Hon Duer Tut Duer.

44. Hon Gabriel Changson Lew Chang.

45. Gen Thoy Chany Reat.

46. Gen Wang Chany Thian.

47. Gen Gatiek Diar Rial.

48. Hon Afred Lado Gore.

49. Gen Khamis Abdallah Atif.

50. Gen Gordon Koang Chuol Kuolang.

51. Gen Tito Biel Wieh.

52. Amb Yoanis Musa Puok.

53. Mabior Garang De Mabior.

54. Amb Dr Kuajien Lual Wechtuor.

Recently, the “Thonyoor Declaration” in Unity State on October 7, 2023, saw Gen Maguek Gai Majak defect to President Kiir’s government, joined by several officers:

(1) Gen Maguek Gai Majak.
(2) Gen Samuel Dok Wanjang.
(3) Gen Paul Gatnor Ngundeng.
(4) Gen Bol Duoth Bakham.
(4) Gen William Dak Gatkuoth Geer.

This latest defection further exacerbated the challenges facing the SPLM-IO. In response to the Thonyoor Declaration, the SPLM-IO issued a press statement condemning the defection and reaffirming its commitment to peace and unity in South Sudan:

Press Statement: SPLM-IO Reacts to the Thonyoor Declaration

Republic of South Sudan

Unity State Bentiu

SPLA IO Sector Two

Dingding Cantonment Site

Date: 9/10/2023

The leadership of Sector Two, SPLA-IO, Unity State, Bentiu, wishes to inform the public that two separate consultant meetings were held recently. The first meeting took place at the General HQ in the Dingding Cantonment Site. This meeting included military and unifying police officers from various services, including the police, prison service, wildlife, and civil defense. Over 514 officers participated in this gathering, which was led by Maj. General George Gatthouy Thak, the acting Sector Two Commander, and Maj. John Turuk Khor Kuay, the 4th (A Division) Commander.

The second consultant meeting was held in Leer County, specifically at the SPLA IO garrisons and was presided over by Major General Stephens Gatgok Khor Riaka, the 4th (B Division) Commander.

The outcome of these consultant meetings resulted in the rejection of the recent defection of Lt. General Simon Maguek. Those who were in the battlefield expressed their belief that the SPLA-IO remains a strong and powerful people’s movement moving in the right direction. Simon Maguek lost his ground forces in Unity State, Bentiu.

We want to bring to the attention of the people of the Republic of South Sudan that Simon Maguek served as a former Sector Two Commander three years ago. Similarly, Major General Samuel Dok Wanjang served as the former 4th (B Division) Commander four years ago. Even now, their bodyguards have reported themselves to different SPLA IO garrisons. Sector Two, SPLA-IO, is dedicated to supporting peace and harmony in South Sudan, and we assure the entire people of Unity State, Bentiu, that Sector Two will not and shall never attempt to return you to tragic situations or war. The defection of Simon Maguek does not create divisions among us, and the same applies to SSPDF, which will not take you back into mayhem.

We would like to address the politicians who celebrated Simon Maguek’s defection with colorful displays, including dancing and wearing the red uniform logo of the SPLM ruling party. We observed this at the Army General HQ in Bilpam, where Simon Maguek was received by his colleagues. For this reason, Sector Two, SPLA-IO, will continue to monitor the situation for any signs of violation or chaos.

In closing, we reaffirm our commitment to peace and harmony. We wish for peace to reside in our hearts, homes, and to echo in our ears.

Viva South Sudan viva.

Viva SPLA/M IO viva.

Viva Dr. Machar Viva.

Viva Sector Two Viva.

By Major Kerbino Yai Pazale

Sector Two Military Information.

These persistent divisions and defections raise questions about the leadership of Dr. Riek Machar and the motivations behind these individuals’ decisions. South Sudan’s fragile peace agreement remains under threat due to the ongoing turmoil within its opposition party and military structures.

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