Wednesday, July 24, 2024




We’ll wield big stick against corrupt legislators: ICPC

The ICPC chairman pledged the commission’s readiness to partner with the state legislative arm of government to fight corruption.



Tinubu’s Inflation: Nigeria’s high food prices worsened in June, says data bureau

The National Bureau of Statistics says that the prices of beans, tomatoes, Irish potatoes, garri, yam, and other food items witnessed significant price increases in June 2024.


Azu Ishiekwene: Olatunji Dare: To repay is to owe more

“It’s not showing at all. I can’t see any trace of Dickens in your script. This is a classic example of disco journalism!” said Mr Dare.

Ecowas Court judgment may be hard to enforce, but Nigerian govt actors will pay for #EndSARS brutality

Instead of heeding the protesters’ calls for reform, Nigeria’s security forces unleashed a series of brutal assaults in various parts of the country.

The book after trial of Nuhu Ribadu 

Will it take another 16 years before a sequel? There’s never been a holiday between The Trial of Nuhu Ribadu and Writing for Media and Monetising It.

Azu Ishiekwene: Rishi Sunak’s next life

But Sunak is young and immensely gifted. He is not finished quite yet. His death might have been slightly exaggerated.

Rudolf Okonkwo: Why Donald Trump must be U.S. next president

I am already preparing for Trump’s second coming.

Joshua Opanike: Ojude-Oba was good distraction from Tinubu’s atrocity, but festival’s potential endless

What is the essence of a colourful ensemble of aso-oke, matched with exquisite adornments perfectly aligned for camera lenses?