Thursday, February 25, 2021

Two men charged with supplying bomb that killed Maltese journalist

Robert Agius and Jamie Vella pleaded not guilty to complicity in Ms. Galizia’s murder.

• February 25, 2021
Daphne Caruana Galizia
Journalist and Blogger, Daphne Caruana Galizia [Photo Credit: BBC]

Prosecutors in Malta charged two men on Wednesday with supplying the bomb used to kill journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Ms. Galizia, a journalist and blogger, described as a “one-woman Wikileaks,” was assassinated in October 2017 using a car bomb that blew up as she was leaving her countryside home.

Robert Agius and Jamie Vella pleaded not guilty to complicity in Ms. Galizia’s murder, possessing explosives, and forming part of a criminal organisation.

They were among four men hauled to court late on Wednesday night to face charges related to the journalist’s murder case as well as the 2015 assassination of lawyer Carmel Chircop.

Mssrs Agius and Vella were arrested in Tuesday afternoon police raids that took place as another man accused of murdering Ms. Galizia, Vincent Muscat, confirmed a plea deal with investigators.

Mr. Muscat agreed to a 15-year sentence in exchange for information that led to the raids.

Earlier on Wednesday evening, police commissioner Angelo Gafa told journalists that investigators believed every person involved in Ms. Galizia’s murder had been caught.

“With the evidence we have, we are in a position to say that every person involved, be it mastermind or accomplice, is under arrest or facing charges,” he said.

Mr. Muscat was one of three men accused of having placed and detonated the bomb that killed her.

A taxi driver who has turned state’s witness testified that he delivered money from millionaire business tycoon Yorgen Fenech to Mr. Muscat and two other men, George and Alfred Degiorgio, to carry out the assassination.

Mr. Fenech, who faces charges of complicity in the murder, is pleading not guilty. 

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