Package rekall :: Package plugins :: Package overlays :: Package darwin :: Module darwin :: Class LIST_ENTRY
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XNU defines lists inline using an annonymous struct. This makes it hard
for us to automatically support lists because the debugging symbols dont
indicate this inner struct is of any particular type (since its annonymous).

We therefore depend on the overlays to redefine each list memeber as a
LIST_ENTRY member. For example we see code like:

struct proc {
   LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_list;


#define  LIST_ENTRY(type)                                             struct {                                                            struct type *le_next;  /* next element */                           struct type **le_prev; /* address of previous next element */     }

Nested Classes
Give each object a unique ID. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
Instance Methods
Must have both valid next and prev pointers.
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dereference_as(self, type, member, vm=None)
Recasts the list entry as a member in a type, and return the type.
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find_all_lists(self, type, member, seen=None)
Follows all the list entries starting from lst.
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list_of_type(self, type, member=None, include_current=True) source code
reflect(self, vm=None)
Reflect this list element by following its Flink and Blink.
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This method is called when we test the truth value of an Object.
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__iter__(self) source code
Returns the raw data of this object. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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SetMember(self, attr, value)
Write a value to a member. (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct)
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__comparator__(self, other, method) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
Hide any members with _. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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__eq__(self, other) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
__format__(self, formatspec)
default object formatter (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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__ge__(self, other) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
__getattr__(self, attr) (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct) source code
__gt__(self, other) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
hash(x) (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct)
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__init__(self, members=None, struct_size=0, callable_members=None, **kwargs)
This must be instantiated with a dict of members. (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct)
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Return our offset as an integer. (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct)
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__le__(self, other) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
__long__(self) (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct) source code
__lt__(self, other) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
__ne__(self, other) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
repr(x) (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct)
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str(x) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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__unicode__(self) (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct) source code
cast(self, type_name=None, vm=None, **kwargs) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject) source code
deref(self, vm=None)
An alias for dereference - less to type. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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dereference(self, vm=None) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject) source code
m(self, attr, allow_callable_attributes=False)
Fetch the member named by attr. (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct)
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multi_m(self, *args, **opts)
Retrieve a set of fields in order. (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct)
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The number of bytes before the object which are part of the object. (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct)
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proxied(self) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject) source code
Produces a pointer to this object. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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v(self, vm=None)
When a struct is evaluated we just return our offset. (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct)
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walk_list(self, list_member, include_current=True, deref_as=None)
Walk a single linked list in this struct. (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct)
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write(self, value)
Function for writing the object back to disk (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
Return all members that are intended to represent some data. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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Class Variables
  obj_name = <No name> (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
  obj_parent = <No parent> (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
  obj_producers = None
hash(x) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
Returns (usually 1) representation(s) of self usable as dict keys. (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct)
  obj_end (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
  obj_size (Inherited from rekall.obj.Struct)
Returns all the parents of this object. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details


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Must have both valid next and prev pointers.

Overrides: obj.BaseObject.is_valid

dereference_as(self, type, member, vm=None)

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Recasts the list entry as a member in a type, and return the type.

Args: type: The name of this Struct type. member: The name of the member of this Struct. address_space: An optional address space to switch during deferencing.

find_all_lists(self, type, member, seen=None)

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Follows all the list entries starting from lst.

We basically convert the list to a tree and recursively search it for new nodes. From each node we follow the Flink and then the Blink. When we see a node we already have, we backtrack.

reflect(self, vm=None)

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Reflect this list element by following its Flink and Blink.

This is basically the same as Flink.Blink except that it also checks Blink.Flink. It also ensures that Flink and Blink are dereferences to the correct type in case the vtypes do not specify them as pointers.

Returns: the result of Flink.Blink.

(Boolean test operator)

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This method is called when we test the truth value of an Object.

In rekall we consider an object to have True truth value only when it is
a valid object. Its possible for example to have a Pointer object which
is not valid - this will have a truth value of False.

You should be testing for validity like this:
if X:
   # object is valid

Do not test for validity like this:

if int(X) == 0:


if X is None:

the later form is not going to work when X is a NoneObject.

Overrides: obj.BaseObject.__nonzero__
(inherited documentation)