
We rely on donations from individuals across the world who refuses to be silenced and who want to stand up for the truth. They are mainly lesbians, gays and bisexuals but we have many straight allies and we are particularly grateful for the support of transgender friends who know we wish them well.

Our team is largely volunteer led. We do of course hire the services of specialists such as lawyers, IT professionals and branding experts on an ad hoc basis. This has been the case since we were founded in October 2009. All the money we raise goes towards the cost of running the organization which involves fighting on many fronts simultaneously

Your donation is tax-deductible in the U.S. To make your donation by check, please make contact us :

If you are in UK  make it payable  to “LGBT Voice Tanzania”  and mail it to:

GlobalGiving UK

6 Great James Street
London WC1N 3DA

We issue financial accountability reports for any funds received and spent to the specific donor on a quarterly basis and at the end of the project, according to the donor requirements. We contract external auditors to audit our financial statements every year.  We have nothing to hide. Feel free to ask us questions about how your donation will be used

Original LGBT Voice Logo Courtesy of Deane Nettles
Web Site by Franzworks