• yprisonslider
  • xskyslider
  • The International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) releases a map which shows gay rights by country. The countries with the most homophobic laws are shown in red and the countries with the most open laws are green. In between are various shades of orange, yellow and light green. Tanzania is colored a bright red, indicating… [Continue Reading]

    What does it mean to be gay in Tanzania?


We are currently running a project that aim to end violence based on gender identity and sex orientation.


Violence based on SOGI, including physical and sexual abuse, is widely used to intimidate, oppress, silence and subjugate LGBT+ people across the country. It devastates those who are targeted and destroys the social fabric of families, communities and societies.


In short, violence based on SOGI is one of the most significant barriers to LGBT+ people accessing their human rights.

  1. We train survivors provide tools and infrastructure to mobilize at the community levels and to take concrete steps to end SOGI violence.


  1. We facilitate our activist`s efforts to document violence, and we enable them to present their demands before relevant decision-makers and change laws and policies.


  1. We invest in the experience of LGBT+ people providing immediate protection and care and that shifts mindsets around SOGI violence. To ensure there is increased recognition of LGBT+’s solutions to end violence and understanding that violence can be prevented. Violence, homophobia, transphobia and discrimination are reduced.


Original LGBT Voice Logo Courtesy of Deane Nettles
Web Site by Franzworks