Health Care Access

Have you, or has a member of your family, ever been seriously ill? Imagine, for a moment, the pain and shutterstock_149234927frustration of being refused treatment at a hospital or clinic, simply because of who you are.

More than 2 million LGBT people in Tanzania do not have access to quality health services, including HIV prevention, treatment care, and support, due to prejudice based on gender identity and sexual orientation. Denying health care access in Tanzania, including HIV prevention and treatment, is simply unjust.

Things are so difficult that some of these people living with HIV, desperate for relief, medicate themselves with battery acid because they have heard that it kills the virus.

Free LGBT Clinic Project

LGBT Voice works in partnership with health providers who run  LGBT+ friendly facilities in Dar es Salaam that  provide the following free quality health services to  LGBT+ people who do not access services due to homophobia based on their sexual orientation:

  • HIV testing
  • TB screening
  • treatment care
  • free condoms
  • HIV-prevention education
  • physical and emotional support

This is the only way we can help and ensure that LGBT people access free quality health services.

As a gay man who has been denied access to quality health services in public health facilities several times due to my sex orientation, I was looking for a way to help end this problem in Tanzania.
– James Wandera Ouma, Executive Director

Original LGBT Voice Logo Courtesy of Deane Nettles
Web Site by Franzworks