Our Vision and Mission

LGBT Gay Rights Africa Tanzania

Image Courtesy of Art Makes Me Smile

LGBT VOICE is a registered national Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) organization working to advance equality, diversity, education, and justice for LGBT people in Tanzania.

Although Tanzania is a member and a subscriber of the United Nations Human Rights Declaration, the government does not comply with its international human rights obligations, and provides no protection against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. In addition, homosexuality is criminalized in sections 154-157 of the penal code, and the state does not recognize marriage equality rights for all couples, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Homophobia takes many forms in Tanzania:

  • verbal abuse and intimidation
  • physical abuse
  • expulsion from school
  • discrimination at work
  • psychological abuse
  • the production of anti-Gay movies
  • rejection and isolation from families, friends, and communities
  • sexual abuse
  • denial of health care services
  • arbitrary arrest and imprisonment

All these forms of homophobia are destructive, not only for those who live openly as LGBT, but for our country and society as a whole. Children are taught to hate from an early age, and the cycle of prejudice, violence, and hate continues, generation after generation. This must be stopped.

We mobilize the international community to pressure the Tanzanian government to live up to its moral obligation, according to the United Nations Human Rights Declaration. We insist that all citizens are entitled to equal rights and protection under the law, and we seek a country where all can enjoy “life, liberty, and security of person.”

Our Vision

To be the leading LGBT organization in Tanzania promoting equality, human rights and the upliftment of LGBT people

How do we pursue our mission?

To fulfill our mission, LGBT VOICE creates strong, sophisticated, and vibrant organizations meeting the needs, advancing the rights, and celebrating the lives of Gay, Lesbians, bisexual and Transgender people and communities in Tanzania; generates a large and diverse group of informed and generous supporters giving time, energy, and resources to Gay, Lesbians, bisexual and Transgender issues; and educates the public about the nature and impacts of anti-LGBT discrimination.

Our Values
All of LGBT VOICE`s work is guided by a commitment to five core values:

  • A commitment to social justice
  • A commitment to building our communities and the organizations that serve LGBT people
  • A commitment to diversity
  • A commitment to openness, inclusion, and partnership
  • A commitment to challenging and ending anti-LGBT discrimination

Original LGBT Voice Logo Courtesy of Deane Nettles
Web Site by Franzworks