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Newly appointed Juba Mayor promises to implement policies introduced by his predecessor, Kalisto Lado

Juba, South Sudan

December 9, 2021—The newly appointed mayor of Juba City Council (JCC), Michael Lado Thomas said he would continue with the previous programs that were initiated by the former Mayor Kalisto Lado who was sacked last month.

New Juba Mayor, Michael Lado Thomas, after being sworn in as the Mayor of Juba(Photo credit: courtesy image)

Early this week, Mayor Thomas has launched the campaign of demolishing the illegally constructed buildings that blocks mobility of the cars across the city as was done by the former mayor, Kalisto Lado.

Speaking on assuming office at the end of the  last month, Mayor Thomas said the programs that were launched by his predecessor, Kalisto Lado, to organize the city would continue unabated.

“Today, we the authorities of Juba City Council are launching the start of the demolition of squatters and shanties which were constructed on the roads behind the president’s residence,” Mayor Lado said.

He said some of the people who were requested to voluntarily relocate their properties have complied with the order but said those who failed to do so will be dealt with.

“We found that some of the people whose properties were marked for demolition had already removed them but that some of them did not and we were able to demolish the illegal structures to ensure that the roads are opened.”, he added.

Thomas stressed that they were able to open the roads so as to implement their plan of organizing the city of Juba and transform it into a modern city.

Al-Fateh Mirghani Ajel, the executive director of JCC, said that the process of opening roads is a part and parcel of the implementation of projects for cleaning and organizing the city and for enhancing the environment so that it looks attractive to many people.

“We are implementing the program to make the city clean and organized so that we are all proud to live in it. So, today we are opening the roads in Juba Na’Bari,” Mirghani said.

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