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TROIKA Calls on Sudan to implement security arrangements and hand over Al-Bashir to ICC

Oct 3, 2021 — The TROIKA, which is composed of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Norway, commends the Sudanese signatories, who signed the Juba Peace Agreement on this day last year, for the little commitment shown within the last one year but calls for more commitment on security arrangement, transitional justice, peace, healing and reconciliation.

Sudan peace talks adjourned, again
Mediating team to in the Sudanese Peace Deal (photo credit: Facebook courtesy)

According to a statement released through the U.S. Department of State this afternoon, October 3rd, 2021, the TROIKA demonstrated a mixed feeling commending the little progress made but also condemning lack of progress on vital mechanisms.

“Progress is needed now. We urge all JPA signatories to demonstrate leadership and work together to refocus on implementation to deliver much needed peace and security for the people. Special efforts should be made to meet the ambitious goals set in the Constitutional Declaration and JPA for the involvement of women.” Part of the statement reads.

The TROIKA is deeply concerned by delays in implementing commitments that include establishing the Peace Commission, Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism, the Transitional Legislative Assembly, and establishing the Darfur Security Keeping Forces and JPA security arrangements

On the other hands, the TROIKA welcomes Sudan’s good gesture shown so far to hand over al-Bashir to the ICC but also wants that process expedited so that Bashir and his former officials are actually handed over to be persecuted by the International Criminal Court.

“We welcome the Cabinet’s stated commitment to hand over former President Omar al-Bashir and the other former officials subject to international arrest warrants, and we urge the government to move quickly on this commitment and to make progress on establishing the Special Court for Darfur.  Due legal process will help give justice to victims and support the process for reconciliation.” The TROKIA said.

Despite,  TROIKA joins the Sudanese people in the celebration of the JPA and acknowledges its importance toward achieving freedoms, peace and justice in the whole Sudan and particularly for in the conflict prone regions.

“The United States, the United Kingdom, and Norway (the Troika) commend the Sudanese people as they celebrate the first anniversary of the signing of Juba Peace Agreement (JPA) on October 3, 2020.  This historic agreement responds to the Sudanese people’s calls for freedom, peace, and justice, especially from those affected by conflict across Sudan.” The TROIKA said.

“We commend the JPA signatories for upholding their partnership and urge the parties to recommit to fully implement the agreement.” The further added.

The Troika applauds the strides made toward transitional justice including the government’s cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC); however, they call on the signatories of the JPA to go an extra mile to ensure that peace is implemented in letter and spirit.

TROIKA is playing a friendly role in both Sudans to ensure human rights, freedoms and democracy are installed and respected; however, this role proves more challenging as the two countries are experiencing more war than peace.

According to the TROIKA, a sustainable peace will require a Sudanese led efforts to stop the war and implement the peace agreement.

“Sustainable peace will require dedicated Sudanese-led efforts to implement the JPA in a timely manner so all can benefit from equitable development, a new constitution, equal citizenship, and the opportunity to choose a democratically elected government. The Troika looks forward to continuing our support to the parties and all Sudanese in the realization of a lasting peace.” TROIKA said.

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