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President Kiir blames FVP Machar for delayments in graduation of unified forces

November 18, 2021 — While addressing outstanding issues to the delegation of the United Nations Security Council today in Juba, president Salva Kiir blamed the First Vice President and leader of the main armed opposition, Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon, for delaying the implementation of security arrangement.

President Salva Kiir speaking to members of the United Nations Security Council in Juba on November 18, 2021(Photo credit: courtesy image)

In response to critical questions raised by the UNSC delegation, president Salva Kiir claimed that he has given clear instructions to his subordinates and heads of opposition parties on what needs to be done to graduate the unified forces but the First Vice President failed to meet his obligations.

According to president Kiir, he requested Dr. Machar to scale down his forces and submit a reasonable list that fits the size of his forces but the First Vice President has failed to do so.

Kiir promised to track down Machar through the meeting of the presidency to discuss and resolve this issue.

“H.E President Salva Kiir Mayardit said he requested his First Deputy Dr Riek Machar Teny to align the ranks of his soldiers according to the size of his force and up to now he has not got the feedback but he is waiting to discuss the subject matter in the next Presidency meeting on the progress in order to establish unified command.” Reads part of the statement from J1.

In addition to lack of cooperation from other parties, president Kiir said the forces are ready in the cantonment but they can’t be graduated without weapons.

“H.E. president Salva Kiir Mayardit also told the UN delegation that the forces are trained and are in the cantonment sites ready for the graduation but there are challenges hindering the graduation of the unified forces, no basic equipment that makes a soldier complete as a soldier but he has already given instructions for his team to arrange and organise the graduation process of the unified force.” J1 said.

The today’s meeting presented a grand opportunity for president Kiir to persuade the UNSC to lift arms embargos on South Sudan; however, the UNSC strictly promised to consider lifting arms embargos and sanctions in May next years as long as South Sudan implements the peace agreement and good reports reach the UNSC table before May, 2022.

While the two parties agreed to disagree, President Kiir promised to implement the peace agreement but urged the UNSC not to collect their reports from “sources that have no base and not accurate”.

“H.E President Salva Kiir Mayardit told the UN delegation not to rely on the information about South Sudan from the sources that have no base and not accurate but rather seek information about the nation from the right channels in order to make right decisions, otherwise, they will continue to make wrong decisions based on the wrong information given to them about South Sudan from the wrong channels.” Said the press secretary in the office of the president. 

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1 comment

Gol Bol November 19, 2021 at 5:30 am

“President Kiir blames FVP Machar for delayments in graduation of unified forces”

Does Mr. Riek achar exists if at all he does exist, where is army in South Sudan? Probabably is army is the United nations missions in South Sudan (the UNMISS) of Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, Rwandans, Abeshas prostititutes and some of other pieces of trash who were brought to our country on disguised of the *UN AGEND 21, UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS, AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATAION, HUMANITARAIAN AID, DONATIONS, PEACKEEPING AND THEIR SO-CALLED HUMAN RIGHTS Business scams.

Mr. Salva Kiir and his our elders have gamble very badly on our country and over our people.

I,my own humble self advised the empty headed edlers, to never renewed the then United nations mission in Sudan (UNMIS), Because there was no need for it and because, the UN so-called peacekeeping is a disgusied way to occupy and colonized other people countries on the pretext of damned so-called *peceakeepers.

But well informed South Sudanese and I, were harshly rebuked that we were ‘just bunch of young boys with very bad attitutes towards white peopl’ Yeah, the white people have become a pain in the arse in our coutnry and over our people.

White people don’t have lives, Bantuses are not our equals, not even in the slighetest, Mr. Salva Kiir and his Roman Catholic faith and his weakness of trying to appease every piece of shits. has been badly exploited by our enemies, Mr. Sakva Kiir probably he doesn’t know what he said before, that “white people wear ‘white colour inside clothes and wear wear black coats outside” That is a plain truth, but the evils and the devils like South Sudan and the South Sudanese people

That quote has be taken by as an assault by our enemies, cotton, is just our cotton

White people are most low lives on this planet earth. They even claim, our Pyramids came and be built by ‘vikings’. They always used our country and our people as ‘benchmark’. of racial experiment, now it has mould into ‘climate change’, here we go!

Romans have never ever colonized us, not in the slightest, Greekis have never ever colonized us, the only people who almost colonized us were the ‘Ottomen’—–today’s Turkey. Arabs are not our equals, never has and will never will.

Mr. Salva Kiir was informed before hand to let our be used as ‘Eastern Demicratic republic of Congo (D.R.C) of former Zaire, but our elders don’t listen little boys.

A lot of times, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4900.Heart_of_Darkness
by Mr. Joseph Conrad, a piece of low life of ‘Polish-English piece of trash.

Belgium is what the evils think, South Sudan and South Sudanese should be.
During the so-called COLD WAR, Mr. Patrice Lumumba, he had religion with us here in South Sudan. He kicked the Beligian evils out of his country and told them ‘matter-of- fact, the Belgiums went and hired ‘The US, the UK and France and killed Mr. Patrice Lumumba and deployed their In mercenaries in Congo, installed their piece of trash Mobuto Seseko, puppet/stooge, thief and and a low life.

Mr. Mobuto Seseko used to ‘fire his own corrupt MPs or Minsiters, and when they go and make a lot noises out power, then he rehired them back ‘keep quiet’ Yeah!

Here in our Niolitic plains and valleys, corruption is frown upom. We are eglalitarian people, we got rid Pharhs eons.

Mr. Salva Kiir right after our country indepandence in 2011, he took almost his entire cabinet to go to Washington, to go and solicited the US investors to come and invest in South Sudan. The US investors went and tild Mr. Salva Kiir and cabinet ministers that there “were no infrastructure in South Sudan to come invest in them” That is 100% true, but When Salva Kiir asked the Chinese to come and invest in South Sudan. And the Chinese agreed. The US went ‘blastic’ South Sudan had became a red China overnight, Salva Kiir and his allwere were enemies and must be remove from power and be replaced with their low lives who sold themselves and sould the devil.
Mr. Riek Machar was evils and the devils picks they had used him in 1991. and his their secret society low life, But South Sudanese people have other ideas*

No more cheap and dirty intrigues COLD WAR-like-games in our country by low lives who are not our equals. No damned so-called UN AGENDA 21, UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT WITHOUTH BORDERS, damned so-called AFRICAN UNITY and REGIONAL INTEGRATION. No evil white Americans, evil English people, cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudam, Abeshas (so-calledethiopians) prostitutes, some of their Bantuses, Indians, Pakistianis, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Sri Lankans, Rwandans, Nigerians in our country and our backyards, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM


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