Contributor's Mak Banguot Opinion

Opinion: Akobo County Commissioner May be wrongly extorted to Defy the Governor’s Suspension Order!

By Mak Banguot Gok (Makjohnson)

Juba, South Sudan,

Jonglei State governor, Denay Jock Chagor speaking at the Lou-Nuer Youth Elders forum in Juba(Photo credit: courtesy image)

Feb 06, 2020 — Akobo County Commissioner Mr. Gatwech Ret Deang is making a wrong verdict if the news which is streaming in are happens to be factual. The media talks labelled that Mr. Commissioner is defying his recent suspension from the office of Jonglei State Governor. Also, there is going on an unsubstantiated saying about some invisible hands whose interests differ with the Governor as being the power behind Mr. Commissioner’s objection. Plus many other core inquiries yet to be verified, the real political situation of Akobo, and  due to the variety of conflicting decision makers,  it continues to be disturbing many. And, nevertheless, the true picture of what took place there and/or still going on in Akobo is yet to be painted.  

In fact, the pronounced deferral of the Akobo County Commissioner has come with an extreme shock to many of the Akobians. It was such a bolt from the blue especially for those who have only learned the deferment just as the hearsay without further details through social media platforms. They don’t know what was really happening simply because the nature of the political undertaking of South Sudan does not take into account the public views.  

And, to some other people who have made it and passed through the preview, it was not actually a very  great astonishment simply because there has been lingering around the rumours of the same  suspension even before its publicity. Those who knew and/or might have heard of the leaked information two to three weeks before the day of its pronouncement by the Governor, they were certain that it could only be a matter of time for the Akobo Commissioner to quit. This was real because the rumours  once circulated through social media was supported by strong articulation and, it’s that has turned out to correctly precasted the outcome and enough to educate the Commissioner and someone who is behind him of the truth. “Who is behind the Commissioner’s suspension was known even when we don’t want to talk about it “! Even how the Governor comes to be the last person to pronounce was in due process. 

And, due to the wrong extortion of the Commissioner by some of the wrong political elements within the Akobo community,  and, indeed  the nation’s political formation as well, the Governor’s executive order is being turned down. Meanwhile, the response by the Commissioner was so listless and politically discreditable to the point that, the Commissioner, who is not even Elected rather nominated stood to be rejected his supreme political directive and chose to be adamant on taking up his position by force even whence his constitutional immunity lifted by the Governor.

That as to an average minded person,  it doesn’t sound like any pragmatic option that a well informed political subordinate should react as if he had once alone ascended to the power by force. “If someone doesn’t respect the supremacy of a political legitimacy, that person equally deserves no opportunity to lead”! If Mr Commissioner intended to be somehow realistic on the decision that he is making,  he would find another means to approach the situation whence he set to respond. 

To make the matter worse, those who may have no clue of the power deep-seated behind the ongoing grimy political wrestling over Akobo County, they end up shooting at the wrong target. Even without regard to the actual consideration of the real situation which had happened, some people, and indeed amongst the Akobians were to be seen rushing to blame a wrong person (Governor Denay) who was only acting upon a binding request from the presidency. Governor can pronounce the suspension order whence that also may only mean the political hierarchy and bureaucratic formality. 

And, to be somewhat of my own opinion, the real situation may be somewhat entailing of different aspects altogether. For those who may have heard of the rumours once circulated through social medias platforms a propos of the same Akobo ‘Commissioner‘s probable suspension, I believe there are strong reasons for you to deemed that, what is happening in Akobo (controversial suspension of the County Commissioner) was not actually begun as immediate rift versus the affected Commissioner and the Governor. Indeed, the very first person who have suggested for not only a mere suspension of Akobo County Commissioner but, the total elimination and replacement of the Commissioner over an alleged reproach of failing to fights for the SPLM_IO’s Juba-base interest using local Lou-Nuer civilians against the Kitgwang faction was Dr Riek Machar.

Whilst acting upon the request by the SPLM_IO‘s Juba-base as partner to the Revitalise Transitional Government of the National Unity, the Governor of Jonglei State Honourable Denay Jock was implementing a binding resolution. And through presidency, the power was a concurrence and only bestowed upon him to pronounce the edict of the suspension after the decision had already been made. If in this confusion a person may be held liable for causing such an unverified cause of action, it would have been none other than Dr Riek Chachar.

Some other individuals, even devoid of properly scrutinising their thoughts-provoking, have come to the conclusion halfway that the friction which prompted the Governor to take action against the Commissioner has been triggered by an ongoing antagonism for quite some time between the Jonglei State Governor Hon. Denay Jock Chagor and Akobo County Commission Mr. Gatwech Reat Deang. Presumably not everything that many may be thinking could be the best cause! Frankly speaking, there has never been an obvious enmity as others may have suggested between the two leaders that can just like this lead to sharp political fallout. 

Some other people speculate that the cause of the Akobo County Commissioner ‘suspension may have been associated with the disagreement between the Governor and Commissioner over a proposed transfer of the high profile inmates from Akobo prison to Jonglei Central prison in Bor town. According to those views, there has been an issue between the two leaders over the best location for where the prisoners of high profile demeanour could be kept. And that, some of the ill-wishers were trying to exploit the minor misunderstanding between the Commissioner and his Governor so that the two young brothers would fall apart. This according to the few ‘conclusions, it may be a contributing factor whence that was really not the case.  

Some other people are reciting the recent spoiled visit of Akobo County by a group of SPLM_IG that might be somewhat linked to the action. That means, once a team of disorganised political personalities headed by Hon. Lual Chuol Dol, and with unclear mission objectives, attempted to enter Akobo where they were barred from landing and establishing their base in Akobo by the same Commissioner. The reason for the denial of landing and establishment of a base by the SPLM-IG members was that the delegation weren’t authenticated with an official permission from Juba.  All in all, there are others allegations that are treated as scapegoats to reveal the Commission that drove someone to puzzled.  But, the fact that, both Kiir and Machar shared the same destructive vision towards the Lou-Nuer community, makes everything politically suspicious.  

Thus! It couldn’t end just like that if those of you may have been somehow realistic and aware of the processes that are to be followed in case of a similar nature. There are processes whence to appoint and/or relieve an official with a constitutional immunity that a decision of the same character had to be taken. It may not be because of such a single decision finally displayed by the Governor that makes it possible for the suspension to be administratively considered but, somewhat somewhere existing as a trick of a collective aspect .      

But, and above all, the question remains as to “whether the said Akobo County ‘Commissioner is the one disregarded that pronouncement from the Governor or someone else somewhere may have been fishing for such an unexpected confusion objectively to confounded the Lou-Nuer community.” And, a questions may arise such as:

  1. Is the Commissioner defying an order from the SPLM_IO Juba based Chairman who at the same time is the owner of a political ticket that brought the Commissioner to power? 
  2. Is the Commissioner in loggerhead with the Governor who was only pronounced the degree or people tended to be exaggerating?
  3. Is the Commissioner‘s suspension proposal had been originally initiated by the Jonglei State Governor or other group (giving the nature and Powers Sharing Mechanism of the Revitalise Government of the National Unity and the fact that, Akobo County Commissioner was the SPLM-IO Juba based ‘ticket bearer?) 
  4. Does the Governor have such absolute power and/or a freedom of relieving and/or reinstituting an official from another party to the agreement?

These very simple queries plus many other impressive questions which are not mentioned here should be asked by any concerned member of Akobo County. These questions above can take you through individual thoughts of reality although the answers that we will provide may be set apart and differ depending on individual’s personal and/or a group acuity in regards to the situation in Akobo. 

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