Africa Economics News

African Development Bank appoints Ms Yacine Fal as Acting Vice President, Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery

Ms. Fal joined the African Development Bank as Principal Legal Counsel in the procurement unit (1998-2007) and subsequently served as Manager in charge of the reform implementation team in the office of the President,

ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast,

Senegalese Yacine Fal, appointed interim vice-president(Photo credit: courtesy image)

December 19, 2021 — The African Development Bank Group (www.AfDB.com) is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Yacine FAL, currently Director General, Cabinet Office of the President, as the Acting Vice President, Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery of the African Development Bank Group. Her appointment is effective from 17 December, 2021.

In her current position as Director General, Ms. Fal oversees the administrative and operational work and activities of the Cabinet Office of the President. This includes providing oversight of all units and departments reporting directly to the President. She ensures enhanced delivery, efficiency and effectiveness for all Presidential initiatives and Bank operations, as per agreements with respective Vice Presidency Complexes. She also oversees the work of senior staff to improve overall coordination and engagement of the President and Chairman of the Board of Directors with the Board.

Ms. Fal, a Senegalese citizen, is a seasoned and results-oriented business development and service delivery professional with over 20 years of experience in the banking, legal and procurement fields.

Ms. Fal joined the African Development Bank as Principal Legal Counsel in the procurement unit (1998-2007) and subsequently served as Manager in charge of the reform implementation team in the office of the President (2007-2008). She was appointed Officer in Charge of the Procurement and Fiduciary Services Department (2010-2011); and Manager of the Procurement Services Division (2008-2013). Ms. Fal later served as the Resident Representative of the Bank’s Morocco Office (2014-2017).

In 2016, African Development Bank President Dr Akinwumi  A. Adesina appointed Ms. Fal Deputy Director General of the North Africa Business Development and Service Delivery Office. She was appointed Director General, Cabinet Office of the President, in November 2020.

Commenting on her appointment, Ms. Fal said: “I am greatly honoured by the confidence reposed in me by President Adesina in appointing me into this role as Acting Vice President for Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery. I will bring my extensive knowledge and experience of the Bank’s operations and on-the-ground experience working in various countries and regions to support our director general and country managers. I will also work closely with the Bank’s operational complexes and the Senior Management team, to build on our achievements and further enhance effectiveness in the delivery of quality operations for the Bank.”

Ms. Fal holds a Master of Law degree (1984) from the University of Dakar, where she specialized in corporate and tax law, and a postgraduate degree in International Law (1987) from the University of Paris X.

Dr Adesina said: “Yacine Fal is one of the most experienced leaders in the African Development Bank Group. She has managed large and complex African Development Bank operations involving several countries. She was Country Manager responsible for the Bank’s operations in Morocco and later in Tunisia, where she was Deputy Director General in charge of operations in several countries. Until her appointment, she has been Director General in the Cabinet Office of the President. Yacine is an astute and effective leader who builds and inspires teams to work effectively in delivering results. She will deliver quality leadership for the directors General and country managers and work effectively with all other vice presidents of the Bank to further enhance the delivery and quality of our operations until a new substantive vice president is appointed.”

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Development Bank Group (AfDB).


African Development Bank Group (AfDB)

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1 comment

Gol Bol December 20, 2021 at 5:21 am

“African Development Bank appoints Ms Yacine Fal as Acting Vice President, Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery”

African development bank, is good for African countries if were not ‘hogtied’ to European and American banks. Here in South Sudan we later found out the vermins/parasites/viruses in the IGAD were behind the deadly war in country. Our country is the richest in the region. But we have a bunch of low lives who don’t know anything than the UN, the NGOs and supersititions left handed Nuer, with gaped teeth, will rule South Sudan, Mr. Riek Machar May our Nuer ke nyantoc Ngundeng Buong god helps them. Since 1991 to 20/12/2021. What did Mr. Riek Machar——their so-called Ngundeng Buong re-borned gave them or South Sudan, abac/nil/zero/nought/nothing. Only death and destruction.

But our nuers ke nyantoc of way of life is to live a child-life, create a violent it is not even needed. But when their child-like-life style is later taken head-on. they the cry babies. Nuers ke and our Nuers ke nuers ke nyantoc are same with the Muonyjaangs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt, go to another country, play game with a Nuer boy/girl, a Jaang/Dinka boy/girl will revenge that is how it is in our Nilotic plains and Valleys.

Back to the topic, now wants There are countries who rich, they have a lot money. But money probably some it stolen here in South Sudan, but don’t a concret evident, and it is not South Sudan priority. South Sudan had signed aggement with China. US and her allies can scream all 24/7 about South Sudan being the poorest on earth all they want, and they are going to to bombed very bad OUT OF MAP, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.

The evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, are daring evils. The vermins/parasites/viruses thought, we are their equals. This is the dirty and cheap intrigues being played over our country and over our people by our informed criminals—–‘from Jerusalem to Tigris rivers, to Euphrates Rivers and right upto our Nilotic valleys and plains. and evil so-called civillization will expanse to. Says former evil juus prime minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu and his zionist criminal. They can dream, dreaming is not a crime. Never underestimate evil juus (so-called israelis), they are evil and terrorists, they are not biblical Jews anyway.

They are criminals from Eastern Europe. Let tell you story, there were so-called African Jews from Ethiopia taken to Israel, since they are Jews. I met one of tthem at Technische Universität Berlin, we hard lunch at student cafe and have chat about what is going on in Sudan and Ethiopia, I what was going on. He said, regreted his so-calle African Jews to be taken israel, his people are treated very badly by European so–called, they think, the so-called African Jews are out breeding the so-called European jews, and their women are sterilized and some men, organs removed.

He is here in Bor, Jonglei state with his family. He is well educated. He advised his Abeshas so-called African Jews, to be very careful not to go to evil juus (so-called israel). We are the Ancient Egyptians. But are some people don’t heed the warnings, our nuers ke nyantoc of all people with the children-like-behavior. Don’t heed the warnings—–they are *they are alledgedly Israelis fighting the whole of Africa

The Organizantion of Africa Unity (OAU), just took borders which created by Europeans, and they didn’t want borders to be changed, here in South Sudan we are bound by damned AOU nonsense. we were get our independence from from of trash on this planet earth with ‘hooks and crroks’ and we did it. but our enemies sit around, they brought their usual foreign puppets/stooges, traitors, secret societies criminals and thieves of Mr. Riek Machar, Lam Akol, Aduok Nyabe, their new recruits of Pagam Amuom, Uyai Deng Ajak, Majak Agoot, Rebecca Nyandeng, here son, Thomas Cirillo and they using these of trtashes as their bargaining cards or blackmails over South Sudan and the South Sudanese people.

The evils love country to death Some European bulshits are against South Sudan and the South Sudanese people glaring example is brexit, UK leeving the European Union, is being negotatiated over the back of Sudan and the South Sudanese people and this is precisly help by other evils who have badly attached themselves to our country and our people like leeches or ticks. But the vermins/parasites/viruses wasting our times and their times.COLD WA the Nile is control by the owners. That the British (UK) leave their Mainland Europe, and to their former former colonlies of the US, Canada, some Carribean islands, India, and and Australia. Good luck to evils. The countries which consider them creeps anything are *Singapore, South Korea (South Korea will roll over) and white Americans oand her out their countrey, Japan will rollover and kick out the rubbushes out ouf Okinawa and Guam. Indians will roll over and stop being slave to the devil, Indians are are evil anyway. Arabs and who they are going to go to——hell, reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.


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