Latest Opinion Politics South Sudan news

Opinion: Government urged to finance local initiatives

By Rt. Rev. Prof. Kole Jale William

Juba, South Sudan

Sep 27, 2021 — I was there in the liberation struggle in my own contribution that counted to the liberation of this country. Many people contributed positively for the success of the liberation but only generals are these days counted liberators. We know the front lines were successful because of them but behind them to defeat the enemy were people praying for their victory, raising military morals, contributing food items,  non food items and giving encouragement. Some were busy building the capacity of the South Sudanese through education. Many people working and helping the government were educated by contributors who were contributing for the good of South Sudan.

Primary schools, secondary schools and colleges were opened in the neighboring countries and many South Sudanese received their education. We have Alere Self – Help Secondary School in Adjumani, Quiver Self – Help Secondary School at Rhino Camp, Arua, Bright Hill College School, Kiryandongo, Dika High School  Kiryandongo and many others in refugee camps and in towns of Uganda and Kenya.

I urged the government of South Sudan to plan and draw programs that finance local initiatives by giving grants or loans for citizens to advance and meet their dreams, innovation, creativity and this in turn will bring development, job creation and peace. Without jobs, youths become chaotic and dangerous or misused.

With these creative, innovative, positive planners and thinkers who started their initiatives in their own country South Sudan, you find some government officials instead of calling and persuading the government to support and finance local initiatives by giving grants to boost their efforts, you find them calling the government to close down what have  been started by the citizens. I condemn these types of officials calling for local efforts to be closed down instead of giving guidance, encouragement and financial support in order for the initiatives to be successful.

Do you government officials have forgotten the speeches of Dr. John Garang De Mabior or you ignore Garang because he is dead? Do we have another vision and mission than the one he led? For me SPLM/A vision and mission remain intact and alive but spoilers must stop spoiling it. It was a national vision and mission for everyone to do good works.

I read calls today 27/9)2021 in opera news where the government official was talking of closing down South Sudan Christian University of Science and Technology and Kampala university branch in Juba. A repeated call by those who do not want to see good things done by others and who enjoy salaries without starting anything small on his or her own to benefit citizens. Others did not even take a borehole for people to start drinking clean water in their own village, only being unhappy to see good things springing up. He did not see the facility, the library, the computer lab and lecture halls, if one person can make such wonderful contribution and you who did not dig public toilet for South Sudanese is talking for it to be closed down, I see that it was not you talking but Satan through you who does not want to see good things done. An official is not to be happy because he/she won employment but is to be happy because he served people and there are things that count to his/her work.

Working in top government offices are opportunities for good officials to do right things to the citizens. If one failed to do anything good to the citizens in his time in office, let him or her find out whether he or she was used by God or Satan. God tells you to do good work, plan good things for the citizens. Satan tells you to do bad work and bad things to the citizens. Everyone knows this by checking the feelings you have towards citizens and what you have done.

Other officials want to close other people’s efforts because they do not want someone to make good records or history in his name. Good men support and promote innovation and creative people because they support the government in creating employment and keeping people busy and not to go and commit crimes. Always idle minds are the workshops of the devil.

I urged the government to come up with the programs to finance local educational institutions like primary, secondary schools, colleges, universities and companies to boost their service and capacity and employ citizens to promote peace and security in the country. Without employment of the majority, many go for wrong survival options. Peace needs work to keep people busy and committed to service.

Do not close Christian University and Kampala university but ask them and guide them to meet the missing requirements or give them grants or loan to meet the missing requirements, otherwise, they are doing good and have contributed positively towards development of South Sudan; only that others blindly refused to know because of inbuilt hate or inborn hate. Others are born to hate every good thing but others were born to see good things plorish. Let all of us work to promote development and peace. Government cannot do development alone but local efforts are supporting the government to develop quickly and rule in peace because it’s people are everyday busy working.

Let everyone say Amen for every good thing made as a contribution by citizens.

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