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Woman detained in Renk for chanting “Salva Kiir Must Go”

Upper Nile State, South Sudan

September 29, 2021—The commissioner of Renk County in Upper Nile State announced that a protestor identified as Fadhia Ngor is in detention for calling on the president to step down

According to reliable source from Renk, Ms. Ngor was detained two weeks ago together with other demonstrators on the alleged orders of Duk Guot for taking part in a peaceful protest against an NGO operating in the area.

“Ms Ngor was arrested when they interrupted a security committee meeting on 18 September”, Renk Commissioner Chot told Eye Radio.

In a statement extended to Nyamilepedia, the local residents believe that an NGOs identified as Medair discriminates their applicants who are as qualified as other nationals.

According to the commisioner, these two people, Fadhia Ngor and Malik Angok, acted disorderly when they attended a security committee meeting on the issue of the NGOs.

The demonstrators accused the commissioner of failing to implement an agreement between the NGO and the locals.

During the meeting, Ms. Ngor barged in and yelled chanting: “Down down Salva Kiir, down down Renk county commissioner, and down down SPLM.”

Authorities in Renk dubbed Ms. Ngor’s call as crime against the state.

“The organized forces consider it is a crime against the state,” said commissioner.

It’s not the first time for citizens who called on President Kiir to step down from power to get into trouble; however, the slogan “Salva Kiir Must Go” has been getting popular since December 2013 as Kiir’s popularity continue to decline.

Citizens like Ms. Ngor believe that President Kiir has imposed himself on power through military means and his exit could be a solution to numerous crises the country is facing.

Like Ms. Ngor, several activists including politicians who served high profile positions in Kiir’s administration are currently behind bars not only in Renk but also in Juba and other parts of the country.

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