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Opinion: What are the achievements of Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon?

Many of his critics say he did nothing in South Sudan history or in Greater Nuer Land (rool Nuarä) in particular but take notes here please.

By David Gatkek Tap Shang.

First vice president Dr. Riek Machar Teny in his office this morning (Photo credit: FVPO)
First vice president Dr. Riek Machar Teny in his office (Photo credit: FVPO)

September 24,2021—First, Dr. Machar organised the rural Nuer Communities during the long civil war. Marriage dowries were reduced to 25 cows instead of 200 or more. Moreover, initiation of boys was banned through out Nuer land. Marked boys and their markers were given heavy fines.
Furthermore, removing of lower teeth among young boys and girls was strongly restricted by laws in liberated areas.

Second, Dr Machar reopened the British close Districts within the greater Upper Nile region. Many bush schools and clinics were created and many local thousands of airstrips or Airports were operated which make Nuerland easy accessible regionally, continentally and internationally via NGOS airlines.

Third, Dr Machar fought grossly against two pandemic or castrophies – the Kalazar and severe starvation of 1989 known by Nuer as Ruon Nyakuojuok. Many who would had perished save due to his contribution and advices.

Fourth, Dr Machar had broken the British yoke of oppressive policy which banned Nuer boys and girls not to acquired or lader into Military College and Police Academy. Dr Machar after signed Khartoum Peace accord on 21 July 1997, convinced Arabs’ leaders in Sudan to reversed the previous British authorities’ policy toward Nuer tribe. Thereby, many Nuer boys were admitted at Military College in Omdurman and Policy Academic in Buri at the time. Moreover, Dr Machar was appointed as Assistant President in Sudan and President of South Sudan Coordinating Council. He broken the colonies yoke which banned Nuer sons and daughters not lader into Presidency or Vice Presidency in Sudan since 1 January 1956- 2005. In South Sudan, himself he was/is the First Vice President since 2005-2011, 2011-2013, or upto date.

Fifth, Dr Machar in year 1991, corrected unachievable vision of SPLA SPLM which meant to liberate the whole Sudan from Nimule to Wad Halfa, from Tokar to Geniena corridor in Western Sudan. Dr Machar declared Nasir Declaration on 28 August 1991 as mean to pressured Torit Faction under late Dr John Garang de Mabior to abondaned the Secular Democratic United Sudan via “New Sudan Vision”to total independence South Sudan via “Self Determination Referendum”. If it became the battle of ideas, than Dr Machar”s ideology won. We all voted for secession of Southern Sudan from successive Arabs Islamic rules in Sudan. We raised our National Flag on Top of Jabel Kujur in Juba jubilantly on 9 July 2011. This wouldn’t be possible without Nasir Declaration under him.

Sixth, In Nasir 1991, Dr Machar signed treaty with UNHCR to settled South Sudanese refugees from neighbouring countries like Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo or Asia to First World countries. Dr Machar believed that settled them in Western world will let them acquired modern technology and industrial skills and experiences. The South Sudanese diasporans will return home with various knowledge and experiences which can help South Sudan to catch up with rest of the world countries quickly. Thank God and Dr. Machar for paved ways to South Sudanese in diaspora. Congratulations, we got about 2 millions South Sudanese in First World countries as we speak.

Seventh, Dr Machar in year 1998 organised the Wunlit Peace Conference in Warap State whereby Western Nuer and Dinka Bahr el Ghazal region ambicaly resolved their communal conflicts and feuds. Moreover, Dr Machar’s leadership organised Akobo Conference in 1994 to resolved “Khor Leek predicted by Prophet Ngundeng Bong which occurred between Lou Nuer and Eastern Jikany Nuer. Thereby, after historical Akobo Conference, no big sectional fighting occurred again between two clans of Nuer Nation.

Eigth, in year 2008, Dr. Machar had campaigned to bring UNMISS ( United Nation Mission for South Sudan) task forces in Southern Sudan. The main aim was/is to protect South Sudanese from Sudan Army Forces (SAF) around main cities like Malakal,Juba, Wau, Bentiu, and Bor Town in case if Khartuom dishonored CPA or outcome of Self Determination via Democratic Referendum in 9 January 2011 or rejected the independent of South Sudan on 9 July 2011.

Ninth, in year 2010, Dr Machar managed to convince the most world wanted terrorist – Gen. Joseph Konyi of Lord Resistance Army (LRA) in northern Uganda. After the meeting between him and Konyi, No atrocities, robberies or war crimes committed against Ugandan citizens, Congolese, Kenyans or South Sudanese citizens along border of Western Equatoria State and Western Bahr el Ghazal State by LRA forces .Therefore, without Dr Machar’s efforts where do you think our current refugees in Uganda or DRC live? Who can protect them?

Furthmore, Dr Machar resolved political differences which emerged between late Dr John Garang de Mabior and incumbent President Salva Kiir Mayardit in Rumbek and Yie Town. Gen. Salva Kiir rebelled against SPLM SPLA under late Dr John Garang de Mabior and declared him as useless dictator who run the Movement singly with iron fist. The blood that would had shed was stop by him through persuasion and diplomacy rather through military forces. Hence, Dr Machar is peace lover man ever born in South Sudan.

Finally, in term of National building, Dr Machar and late Dr John Garang de Mabior in early 1970s created what is so called SPLA SPLM after scientific evaluation of factors which led to setbacks of Anya Anya One Movement (Southern Sudan People’s Liberation Movement) under Gen.Joseph Lagu Yanga. Dr Machar designed our current National Flag in London in year 1984 before join Bill Pham Training camp. The flag was raised in Bill Pham in 1985. Furthermore, Dr Machar and other colleagues wrote our National Anthem.

Last not at least, Dr Machar is only politician who abhorrent bribes and favouritism of Juba regime under Salva Kiir. He is only one who quest for democracy, federalism, justice and accountability, good governance and freedoms of arbitrary arrests – speech, expression, press, association, worship and movement. Dr Machar is peace lover, voice for voiceless, help for helpless and marginalised South Sudanese people from biggest to smallest tribes across the RSS. We are lucky to have him in South Sudan.

Therefore, the achievements of Dr Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon are many but I mentioned only a few points. Please add more if you can.

The author can be reached through email at davidshang705@gmail.com

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