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SPLM-IO peace delegation holds meeting with Chollo Community in Khartoum.

Khartoum, Sudan

September 25, 2021—-A delegation of the SPLM in Opposition that was dispatched by the chairman, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, to Khartoum, Sudan, for Peace and Reconciliation met the Chollo elders  yesterday,  September 24, 2021 in Omdurman.

The peace delegation led by MP Kuong Dak was dispatched with the mission to enlighten the masses about the implementation of the peace process and specifically on the recent fragmentation within the ranks and files of the SPLM/A-IO.

Speaking to Nyamilepedia yesterday, Cde. Tut Nen, a member of the SPLM-IO chapter in Khartoum said, the SPLM IO Delegation for Peace and Reconciliation held a fruitful briefing at the house of the Chollo’s King in Omdurman on the recent fragmentation of the SPLM/A-IO.

According to Nen, the briefing also addressed the unity of the Chollo community as a whole regardless of members’ political affiliations or social status.

“The main message is the Peace and Unity amongst Chollo People’s inside the SPLM IO and non-IO Chollo members in Upper Nile State plus the situation of our people’s in the Refugee’s camps and implementation of peace agreement in Juba between the SPLM-IO and SPLM-IG”,Cde. Nen told Nyamilepedia from Sudanese Capital, Khartoum.

He added that the program was successfully organized by the leadership of the SPLM/A-IO in Khartoum, Sudan under the auspices of the SPLM-IO National Coordinator in Sudan, Cde. Daniel Yoahnes Magok in which the peace delegation enlightened the community on the achievements and challenges affecting the implementation of the peace agreement.

The delegation spent a week and met with internally displaced persons at refugee camp in white Nile state.

The SPLM-IO Delegation for Peace and Reconciliation to Sudan is led by Hon. Kuong Dak Wieh and include Hon. Achol Thomas, Deputy to the head of delegation, Hon. Ding Yual, Hon. Thokhat Khor Wiu, Hon.John Oreg, Hon. Gatkuoth Waat Joar and Hon. Anna Samuel.

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