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Recent Attacks on civilians in Lou-nuer blame on Murle gunmen

Nov 26, 2021 — A number of sporadic attacks on villages and ambushes on roads in Akobo county are attributed to armed gunmen from the neighboring Greater Pibor Administrative area.

Murle youth planning a war against their main rivals in the bush(Photo credit: courtesy image)

According to reliable sources from Akobo county, at least 7 students were killed on November 23rd in an ambush between Akobo West and Akobo East but the attackers remained in the bushes with intention to attack villages.

Eye witnesses and survivors of the first incident tried to alert the communities, especially the neighboring Dengjock payam through social media on November 23rd; however, the attacks escalated within a span of less than two days and caught the residents off guard. 

“7 students have been killed while others wound, and they are now in bush around akobo intended to attack Akobo county particularly Dengjock while there were peace delegates from akobo who went to murle to engage them purposely to end this senseless conflict but now abundant.” part of a reliable source extended to Nyamilepedia reads.

At the early hours on November 25th, the suspected armed gunmen, who are believed to be from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area, attacked villages in Dengjock Payam and other suburbs in Akobo County.

Elsewhere In Uror county, Bor and Twic East, similar attacks were carried out and civilians were killed leading to revenge on Murle business community in the capital, Bor.

The killing of two civilians in Anyidi on Friday, November 19th, led to retaliatory attacks on Murle civilians in Bor town, leading to killing of 7 civilians on Friday and 4 others on Saturday, all from the same tribe.

These communities have tried to resolve their differences in order to live in peace and harmony; however, a few criminals often breach the signed agreements and that breaches trust between these communities and in return, youth would revenge and counter-revenge leading to lose of many lives, cattle raid and abduction of women and children.

The government of Jonglei did very little in the past to end these inter-tribal feuds and the current leaders of Jonglei and GPAA are trying to resolve them once and for all but very little has been achieved so far.

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