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SPLM (IO) condemns, rejects army positions offered to them by President Kiir and termed the decision as ” violation”.

Juba, South Sudan

March 26, 2022—-The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-In-Opposition SPLM(IO) under the country’s First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny has rejected the positions relinquished to them by President Kiir last night saying the decision was unilateral and as such it violates the terms in the power sharing ratio between peace partners.

Dr. Riek Machar Teny, First Vice President, Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of the SPLM/A-IO speaking at the National Conference on December 1, 2020(Photo credit: courtesy image/Nyamilepedia)
Dr. Riek Machar Teny, First Vice President, Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of the SPLM/A-IO speaking at the National Conference on December 1, 2020(Photo credit: courtesy image/Nyamilepedia)

On Friday March 25, 2022, President Salva Kiir Mayardit issued a republican decree on the unification of command of the unified forces in which he relinquished thee (3) positions of command in the military and two (2) in the National Police Service to the SPLM/A (IO) and South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA).

In a decree, the president also directed the Chief of Defense Forces and the Inspector General of Police to immediately implement his order.

In a statement seen by Nyamilepedia, the Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of the SPLM/A(IO) Dr. Riek Machar says his leadership turned down the offered positions by President Kiir and rejected the decision because it was unilateral which is tantamount to gross violation of the power sharing provisions of the agreement.

“. It is to be noted that this is a unilateral decision”, the SPLM/A(IO) Chairman Dr. Machar assured in a statement obtained by Nyamilepedia.

“.. It is important to recall that on 27th September 2018, the parties agreed in the Khartoum Workshop as stipulated in the Agreement (Art.2.1.11) that the size and composition of the forces shall be based on ratio of 50% percent for ITGoNU and 50% percent for the opposition “, Dr. Machar’s statement elaborated.

Dr. Machar says following the Khartoum Workshop, IGAD and R-JMEC convened two subsequent workshops of joint Security Mechanisms in Juba on 10th-11th May 2019 and 9th September 2019 which reaffirmed the 50-50 ratio but President Kiir dishonored all these agreements.

“.. President Salva Kiir Mayardit reneged on these agreements which prompted the guarantors to intervene to resolve the matter”, Machar stressed adding that a dialogue is ongoing and the parties have not yet reached an agreement on the unification of command.

Following the said reasons, the leadership of the SPLM/A(IO) condemned the decision of President Kiir in the strongest terms possible, saying it is a violation of R-ARCSS and rejection of the on-going IGAD-led mediation process; however, the main armed opposition reaffirmed its commitment to the mediation process and the full implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement in text and spirit.

“The unilateral decision by President Salva Kiir is a violation of the R-ARCSS and it is a clear rejection of the on-going mediation process by the Republic of Sudan, Chair of IGAD”, Dr. Machar further emphasized in a statement.

“.. The SPLM/A(IO) reiterates its commitment to the full implementation of the Agreement in both letter and spirit and looks forward to IGAD mediation to intervene in this matter”, the statement concluded.

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