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TRIOKA welcomes new deal on command structure of the Unified Forces

April 7, 2022 — The United States of America, Norway and United Kingdom have welcomed the recent consensus reached the by parties to the Revitalized Agreement on the command structure of the Unified Forces in the country.

Troika community endorses Sudan’s Declaration of Principles
Members of the Troika Community deliver briefing on the Sudan Principles of Declaration (photo credit: Facebook courtesy)

“.. Following our statement of 23rd March 2022, the TRIOKA Countries (United States, United Kingdom and Norway) welcome the announcement by the parties on their recent agreement to progress the implementation of the security arrangements set out in Chapter II of the Revitalized Agreement for Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) “, the TRIOKA statement reads.

According to the TRIOKA, they commend the spirit of compromise shown by the parties to reach the agreement.

TRIOKA appreciates the decision taken by the SPLM/SPLA (IO) leadership to have lifted its temporary suspension of their participations in the meetings of the joint security bodies.

“.. The TRIOKA welcome the decision by SPLM/A (IO) to re-engage with the monitoring and verification mechanisms set in the R-ARCSS and the re-commitment by the parties to respect the ceasefire and desist from encouraging defections”,the statement further emphasized.

The TRIOKA Countries stressed that the graduation of the necessary unified forces will be a significant step forward for the implementation of the R-ARCSS.

“With less than a year left of the transitional period, wholehearted commitment is critical to ensure the newly agreed timeline on security arrangement is met.” The TROIKA said.

TRIOKA also reaffirmed their commitment to continue supporting the parties in their efforts to achieve a stable, peaceful society and meet the commitments they have made to the people of South Sudan.

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