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Two suspects arrested over the killing of a chief in Nimule as insecurity engulfs the border town .

Juba, South Sudan

July 13, 2022 — Two suspects have been arrested for allegedly shooting the Nzara Boma chief dead in Nimule Payam of Eastern Equatoria State while chairing a community meeting yesterday.

Nimule Payam of Eastern Equatoria State (Photo Credit :courtesy image)

Following the incident, local youths took to streets protesting the incident but were dispersed by security forces.

According to SSPDF commander in Nimule, Major Akol Amet Amet, Chief John Ebele of Nzara Boma was shot dead while chairing a community meeting to fund-raise for the burial of two men who were slained over the weekend by unknown gunmen.

“The late chief had called a meeting over the two people who were killed the day before. They wanted to take one body to Mugali while the other was to remain in Nimule.” Maj. Akol said

“Many people gathered including bodabodas and the whole area at his compound. But one civilian came from nowhere took the gun and shot the chief. I tried my level best and brought the two of them now into the military prison,” He added.

Gen. Akol identified the suspects as Atem Akwoch Akuny Alit and Matoch Mayam, both of whom believed to be 27-year old from Jonglei State.

On his part, Nimule Payam Chief Alira William said the culprits aimed at the chief, shooting him dead at 9 am. He also said the Nimule police inspector was injured during the melee that followed later in the afternoon.

“At 3 pm, they shot the police inspector of Nimule David Kasmiro, they shot at his leg, his leg is broken, they took him to the hospital,” he claimed.

Hundreds of Nimule residents fled the town into neighboring Uganda seeking refuge, according to William.

Bosco Ayella, Nimule youth leader, said the situation is becoming worse as youth protest the killings and are calling for the evacuation of community members from Jonglei State.

“Right now what the people are saying is that all the Dinka community who are not employed by the government should have to leave Nimule. That is the only solution. Every day people are being killed by the Dinka community who have traveled thousands of miles away coming on the ground here. This is the voice of the people, this is what they are saying,” Ayella said.

He appealed to the government to provide security to the people of Nimule to mitigate further loss of lives and destruction of property.

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