
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Government should consider minority tribes for Gubernatorial Positions in South Sudan

6 min read

Government should consider minority tribes in Dinka majority States to achieve real Democracy and inclusivity

By Ariik Kuol Ariik, RUMBEK, South Sudan.

Saturday, June 20, 2020 (PW) — First and foremost, I would like to congratulates His Excellencies President, Salva Kiir Mayardit and his FVP, Dr. Riek Machar Teny for reaching final agreement and consensus on the allocations of States to parties and signatories of Revitalized Agreement on the Resolutions of conflicts in South Sudan (R-ARCSS). 

We acknowledged the roles played by all parties to R-ARCSS since its initial signing on Sept 12, 2018. But, greatly disappointed and frustrated by many challenges derailing the Progress of Peace Agreement such as deadlocks over number of States, their boundaries and security arrangements throughout 2018 and 2019 respectively.

This led to missing of many datelines on the formation of R-TGoNU on May 12 and Nov 12, 2019. After breakthrough of the deadlock on number of States by His Excellency, President, Salva Kiir Mayardit on his brave decision of Reverting the Country back from 32 to 10 States on Feb 14, 2020, the partial Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (R-TGoNU) was formed on Feb 20, 2020. 

Again, the deadlocks over allocations of states to Principle parties has taken nearly 3.9 months, equivalent to 117 days without formation of states’ governments until June 17, 2020 when His Excellencies, President, Salva Kiir Mayardit and his FVP, Dr. Riek Machar Teny reached final Agreement on the allocations of States to parties and Signatories of R-ARCSS. We hope, the formation of States governments will not exceeds current week.

Therefore, on the formation of States governments, R-TGoNU should consider minority tribes in Dinka majority States of Lakes, warrap and Northern Bahr el ghazal States to achieve real Democracy and inclusivity. 

Lakes State

Lakes State is comprised of Dinka majority and Belle (Jur Beel) minority tribes that coexists for many centuries in peace, love and Unity. The state is made up of 8 Counties, 7 for Dinka and one for Belle/Jur Beel tribes. These Counties includes; Rumbek Center, Rumbek East, Rumbek North, Wulu, Yirol West, Yirol East, Awerial and Cueibet Counties respectively. 

After signing of Comprehensive Peace Agreement, Cueibet County dominated the seat of Governorship from 2005-2010. That was the time of Late. Maj.Gen: John Lat Zachariah and Gen: Daniel Awet Akot. 

After 2010 Elections, Greater Agaar Community inherited the seat of Governorship from 2010-2015 before President Kiir restructured the Country into 28 that later became 32 states in 2016. That was reign of Eng. Chol Tong Mayai and Maj.Gen: Matur Chut Dhuol.

Before and after Independence, Greater Yirol did not hold the position of Governorship but, repeatedly represented entire Lakes State in Ministerial positions at National Level and South Sudan Head of Mission. This was time of Hon. Deng Athorbei 1& 2 (Ministry of Finance), Dr. Moses Hassen Tiel (Trad & Investment) and Telar Riing Deng (Presidential Legal Advisor & Head of Mission to Russia), just to mention few.

During period of disarmament exercise in Lakes State, Belle (Jur Beel) would remain neutral and impartial Community in local conflicts that engulfed all Dinka communities in Greater Lakes State. Because, entire Dinka communities in Lakes State have messed things over communal conflicts, cattle raidings and revenge killings among others.

It is only Belle son/daughter that will apply fairness and Rule of Law without biases and vested individual interests attached at the background of his/her duties and Responsibilities. Most of our Dinka leaders are much inclined towards their families and tempted to corrupt state resources, labour system and use their government power to revenge on vulnerable communities and individual groups. 

Jur Beel representation at National Ministerial, Deputy Minister, Undersecretary and commissions had ever been null. Likewise, to Senior positions at State such has Deputy Governor and Speakership were only exchanged among Dinka themselves ignoring Belle Community. Jur Beel of Wulu County deserves seat of Governorship in upcoming appointments of Governors of 10 States. 

Warrap State 

Warrap State is comprised of Dinka majority and Bongo minority tribes that has long History of cohesion since the time of their natural habitat. Warrap State has six (06) counties plus Abyei Administrative Area (AAA) attached to it by the principles and protocols of CPA since 2005 and regarded as County number 07.

These Counties includes; Tonj South, Tonj North, Tonj East, Gogrial West, Gogrial East, Twic Counties and Abyei Administrative Area (AAA). Bongo tribe is part of Tonj South County and Tonj Payam with only one (01) Boma known as Aguga.

Tonj North and Gogrial West dominated the seat of Governorship immediately after signing of CPA from 2005-2010. That was time of Ustaz. Lewis Anei Madut-kuendit, Late. Gen: Anthony Bol Madut and Ustaz. Tor Deng Mawien. 

After 2010 Elections to Independence 2011, Twic and Tonj South Counties held positions of Governorship from 2011-2015 before Country’s Transition from 10 to 28 and then 32 States in 2015 and 2016 under Presidential Establishment Order Number 36/2015. That was time of Ustaza. Nyandeng Malek Dielic and Maj. Gen: Akec Tong Aleu.

During periods between 2005 and 2015, Bongo tribe never held positions of National Ministry, Head of Mission, Deputy Minister, Undersecretary and commission. At state level, Bongo tribe never had chance for Governorship, Deputy Governor, Speakership and even position of Commissioner in Tonj South County that they are currently sharing with Dinka majority.

These positions at National and State levels, were only shared between Dinka communities of Greater Tonj and Gogrial, neglecting Bongo Community. This time, Governorship should go to Bongo minority than Dinka majority always monopolizing power that become monotony and lead to loss of trust and real value of democracy.

Northern Bahr el ghazal State-NBGS.

NBGS is comprised of Dinka (Malual Buoth Anyaar) majority and Jur-chol (Luo) minority tribes that stayed in harmony and trust for too long since time of creation. NBGS has five (05) Counties, namely: Aweil Centre, Aweil North, Aweil East, Aweil South and Aweil West respectively. However, Jur-chol (Luo) tribe is part of Aweil South County since establishment of 10 States.

Jur-chol/Luo is a minority tribe in NBGS that never held senior positions at National and State levels. In the upcoming appointments of State Governors, government should promote Democracy and inclusivity by appointing sons and daughters of minority Luo tribe to position of Governorship.


The R-TGoNU should consider minority tribes in three (03) Dinka majority states of Lakes, Warrap and Northern Bahr el ghazal respectively to ensure absolute Democracy and inclusivity. Democracy means, considering rights of minorities regardless of their population sizes, cultures, languages, economic and Social backgrounds. We must share power without overlapping and blogging each others chances of leaderships.

In Lakes State, Belle/Jur Beel deserves position of Governorship for they never had chance of leadership at National and state level. The Dinka majority have been dominating chances of leadership in various positions at both National and state level. Whereas, Belle Representation remains null throughout without significant recorded senior political and Administrative positions at all levels.

Belle Community can exercise fair and lawful leadership free from all kinds of administrative corruptions and revenge motives against certain communities and individuals communities and groups during disarmament Program taking place in the state.

Likewise to Bongo and Jur-chol ( Luo) minority tribes in Warrap and Northern Bahr el ghazal states. They will too exercise fair, free and fair leaderships to various communities in their respective states if given chances in regard to positions of Governorship.

I believe,  prominent politicians trying to block chances of minority tribes are those having specific vested interests of recommending their relatives and their love ones to be appointed into key state governments’ positions in the respective three (03) States. 

Best Regards, 

The author, Ariik Kuol Ariik, is a South Sudanese and Resident of Rumbek. A Bachelor’s Degree holder in Economics and Post Graduate of Rural Development and Community Studies from Rumbek University of Science and Technology (RUST). Worked with South Sudan Catholic Radio Networks (SSCRNs) from 2009-2017, Opinion Writer and a preliance Journalist in several occasions.  E-mail: Cell phone: +211928187790; whatsApp: +211923650380

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