
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

An Open Letter to South Sudan IGP, Comrade Gen. Majak Akech Malok (Part 2)

3 min read

On considering total redeploying in new Directors to only three burning Directorates: General Administration police, Traffic police and Migration department.

By Philip Majak Malow, Juba, South Sudan

Thursday, July 23, 2020 (PW) — Your Comradeship IGP, Pursuant to the “OPEN LETTER ADDRESSED TO YOUR OFFICE DATED 18/07/2020 by the same author,” Concerning deteriorating performances of some Directors in many units / departments of police services and those who are not collaborating with their junior staffs in the services, I hereby re-adress my strong call to review redeployment of new commanders in all states and National Directorates of the police.

This second open letter serves to again remind your comradeship in services to look into those three directorates with maximum changes.There has been an overdue for a low work performances and outcry by junior police personal with officers in active services. Since these junior staffs are low ranking personals vested with Much work and they are the victim of work overload without incentives, it is your task as comrade IGP to keep rotate Directors of units for better performance and cooperation.

The above mentioned Directorates in the police are in-dire needs of new Directors if there a will to carryout any necessary reshaflling or redeployment at your prerogative powers.

1. The Traffic police department needs a new Director who will put Much effort in cooperating with personal, officers and NCOs to make work possible. The current Director of traffics has been staying in office for four years without change and achievements. The work reluctant and work negligent in traffics police is becoming paramount (increasing).

2. The General administration office; this is the place where the work overoad of police are documented together with rotational perfroamnce of officers and junior staffs who seeks states transfer and medical referral. New Director who is active and committed without tiresome is much needed to carryout activities of overseeing and supervising the whole police work under your leadership.

3. Nationality passport and immigration has numerous complaints from foreigners and South Sudanese National who doesn’t get access to their traveling documents being issued by immigration department. Changes are also expected to carried out for a better director who will vested all his energy on daily routines activities to make sure foreign Nations and South Sudanese have access’s to their documents on time.

However, Cde. IGP; due to Military doctrine, I am unable to disclose the most and impeding activities which are not going well in this three contentious Directorates, therefore, more works disobedient and negligence between lower ranking staffs with their directors are always on your desk.

To be continue in Part ~III. Yours in active services.

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