
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Why Gen. Akol Khor Should Clean Up and Repair the Tarnished Image of NSS

3 min read


By Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit, Juba, South Sudan

Saturday, July 25, 2020 (PW) — The incident that occurred in the country judiciary premises, done by a senior officer in NSS, Brigadier Gen. Gum Agok, on July 20, had shocked me a lot. The institution that trusted as citizens eyes for the nation turned to have personnels who misbehaves like untrained soldiers, forcing the judges to sign an illegal document for the land he grabbed.

I am aware that NSS had been infiltrated by wrong elements through recruitment on relatives’ basis with little training and then promoted to the high rank of Brigadier General, that took me 17 years in Sudanese army before I joined the SPLA to reach a rank of Colonel, with a lot of courses, promotion exams and staff good work that’s in yearly annual reports for an officer.

There is a great need to review the mandate of NSS, because so many issues occurred before that it shows, they over jumps their dictates stipulated in the Constitution. Interfering in police and army roles, although CID is doing the same thing all together.

The action done by this senior officer is difficult to be describe, but mere criminal acts with humiliation done to Judiciary staffs. Arresting and detention of that officer in Blue House for trail will not be substantial; the trial will not cover the humiliation done. Confession is acquired if there is real justice to those humiliated leave alone premises where chief justice of the country office is situated.

The SPLM party although it achieved the objectives, still yet, it has responsibility of orphans, widows/widowers and wounded heroes that are now in streets begging necessities to settle, so criminals that intrenched themselves in institutions, their acts should not be condoned.

My appeal to H.E President Gen.Salva Kiir Mayardit, is to make some reforms in NSS, to let the institution restore her respect back like before. I am a MP in Transitional National Legislative Assembly with SPLM ticket, a member of specialized committee for security and I had several records of incidents caused by NSS personnel.

When Assembly security committee calls for minister of National Security, he did not turn up, even a single call to interact with committee chaired by Retired General, Hon. David Okwar, to discuss things happening in his institution. For the next Assembly’s sitting, I will raise a motion for the reviewing of NSS mandate.

I advice my comrade Gen. Akol Koor, Director General of NSS to clean up those who have nothing to do with National Security. If they are left, they are tarnishing the NSS.

The writer is a liberator, R-TGoNU National MP, Former Deputy Army Chief of General Staff, Former Deputy National Minister of Interior and the Acting Apuk Community Chairperson in Juba; He is reachable via +211925571888

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1 thought on “Why Gen. Akol Khor Should Clean Up and Repair the Tarnished Image of NSS

  1. Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit, there is nothing wrong to give your say on such matters. Our country requires many things including good analysts who usually let the country leaders know what went wrong. None of us (South Sudanese) never and will never tolerate such criminal act at any time. However, it would be more judicious if you approach your comrades (SKM and A. kor) and talk to them about all that you have witnessed about Gum Agok or others who might have committed the same mistake. Thanks

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