
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Commanding the Martyrs in Heaven: Dr. John Garang, Kerbino Kuanyin, William Nyuon and Arok Thon Arok

3 min read

South Sudan, A Nation that Dr. John Garang De Mabior and other comrades have sacrificed their lives for its independence.

By Kuek Deng Kuek, Juba, South Sudan

Friday, July 30, 2020 (PW) — Firstly, I would to begin by saying that let us observe one minute of silence in membrane of our martyrs who have fallen victim during liberation struggle of our nation, the Republic of South Sudan.

However, Dr. John Garang deserves respect in this nation, he is pan Africanist who likes Africa and South Sudan as a nation today. He dies because of south Sudan.

I remember Dr. John Garang because he was wise in his fight for the independence of south  Sudan, his vision of new Sudan in the Sudan People Liberation Movement was to bring the diversities of south Sudan together.

He divided the methods of struggle into three, one was peaceful settlement to the conflict through negotiations, second was Armed struggle or armed resistance, third was Popular uprising.

Dr. John, Kerbino Kuanyin, William Nyuon and the rest who had fallen were really committed to the cause. They will be remembered for their commitment towards the independence of this nation.

South Sudanese will continue to remember you and I believe they remaining leaders have done their parts like our President Salva Kiir Mayardit, Dr. James Wani Igga and Engineer Kuol Manyang Juk. They are all still committed to the development of south Sudan, they had raised the flag and south Sudan is now seen as a proud nation among other nations in the world.

As young people, we will continue to praise your names and we shall be writing a lot of historical books in honor of your sacrifices.

Nonetheless, people of south Sudan are now enjoying what your generation have worked upon, I cannot emerge how we were really going to get independent without your efforts.

Black people of Sudan were really marginalised, enslaved, raped, killed massively denied their identity, they were denied education, positions in the government, denied religious freedom of worship and above all were made second class citizens in their own nation.

We all have worked towards independence of this nation, especially women have done a great contributions in terms of logistics, cooking food and providing milk to the soldiers.

We also have to thank our good friends of south, American people and government that have been standing side by side with our political movement party SPLM/A. Their logistical contributions, food assistance and humanitarian donation have helped us make it to this far. Thanks to them indeed.

Dr. Garang is the founding father of Sudan People Liberation Movement and Army and a founding father of South Sudan. We will continue to remember you papa. May your precious souls rest in eternal peace!

Writer is a South Sudanese citizen, he could be reached via

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