
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Martyrs’ Day: Weep My Soul, Weep ye Daughter of Kush, for thy Son is Slain on July 30th

4 min read

Dr. John Garang: Heroes Do Not Die

Friday, July 30, 2020 (PW) — “Real heroes don’t die,” it is said and that is true of Garang in the minds and hearts as in the souls of the South Sudanese people for whom he dedicated his entire life from age 17 to 60 when he passed on, on the line of duty. 

This living testament to how much Garang is held dear by the people of the Republic of South Sudan, the Sudan and across Africa is succinctly expressed by the following moving poem by Enoch Ngor, a young South Sudanese scholar, written in tribute to Garang, just ten days after his demise in the helicopter crash on July 30, 2005.


Weep ye daughter of Kush

Weep ye mother of Kaladosis

For thy son is slain

For thy hope rests on a pool of blood

It made my soul to burn in grief

My mind engulfed in disbelief

How could that be?

For you to leave so soon

The world asked in bewilderment

Is it the son of de Mabior?

The White Calf of Peace

Is it Garang?

The same one

Who proclaimed hope for Sudan?

The New Sudan

A New Sudan where all shall live in harmony

United with dignity and free will

But there are some who wish not for this Sudan

Who reject the Sudan of your dreams?

A Sudan so different from what you advocated

Discrepant with what you initiated

A Sudan that will never be appreciated

Have not you said in Kauda

That no medicine is sweet

No balm soothes our tastes

That is why truth is prosecuted

Denied justice

For the truth is holy

Behold, the messenger of peace

Behold, the Vincent of the oppressed

You are not yet done

You abide in the millions who believe in thy vision

Thy vision that resembles the fragrance of the flowers

The breeze of the sea

The whispers of the brooks

They thought by picking a flower

The fragrance would be sent to oblivion

Nay they did not realize that

You are the fragrance of the struggle

You are the substance of the peaks

You are the soul of liberation

You are the symbol of the New Sudan

Your departed soul shall enliven the struggle

The struggle for Justice and Equality

The struggle to make humane this land of millions

This land of many gods and people

Thy strong will for a New Sudan shall remain entrenched in history

Thy patience to restore dignity to many shall glitter forever

Thy virtue for the truth and justice shall guide the path of many

Thy sincerity for change shall be the conscience of the people

There is no truth in this land of mortals

The absolute truth abide in the world of tomorrow

Where each truth will freely mingle with others

There we shall discern the mockery and treachery

Of the enemies of truth

The ones who assassinated Luther

The ones who slaughtered Gandhi

The ones who crucified the Nazarene

The ones who poisoned Socrates

The ones who killed the source of our hope

As long as they continue doing these

They cannot bend the spirit of the truth

For the truth is absolutely free and seeks no gratifications

For the truth gratify itself

But Weep not any more daughter of Nyankiir

Weep not ye granddaughter of Pyre

For thy beloved has not died

Your beloved son is not gone

For tomorrow shall give birth

To another Garang

May your soul rest in peace

Who Killed Dr. John Garang? Paperback – July 27, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël (Author)
The Genius of Dr. John Garang: Speeches on the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) Paperback – November 26, 2015 by Dr. John Garang (Author), PaanLuel Wël (Editor)
The Genius of Dr. John Garang: Speeches on the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) Paperback – November 26, 2015 by Dr. John Garang (Author), PaanLuel Wël (Editor)
The Genius of Dr. John Garang: Speeches on the War of Liberation Paperback – November 26, 2015 by Dr. John Garang (Author), PaanLuel Wël (Editor)
The Genius of Dr. John Garang: Speeches on the War of Liberation Paperback – November 26, 2015 by Dr. John Garang (Author), PaanLuel Wël (Editor)

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1 thought on “Martyrs’ Day: Weep My Soul, Weep ye Daughter of Kush, for thy Son is Slain on July 30th

  1. Strong words, brother, Enoch. The fires of search for truth, justice and peace shall never die in our hearts untill the bells of Garang’s and our nation’s rebirth rings in beings.

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