
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Governor Denay Jock Chagor Represents the Youth, not just SSOA Political Interest in Jonglei State

4 min read

Denay Jock Chagor, the Governor of Jongeli State does not only represents SSOA as his political entity but youths in general.

By Kuek Deng Kuek, Juba, South Sudan

Monday, August 11, 2020 (PW) — First and foremost, youth in South Sudan’s constitution is defined as someone from 18 to 45 years. And when it comes to reality we become responsible for our actions being wrong or good when we have reached 18 years and above, meaning we can hold even a national position. A child in our constitution is defined as some from 1 year to 18 years. When we were doing elections in 2010, the only people that were allowed to vote were people at the age of 18 years and above. Even when we were voting for our independence.

Chagor became South Sudan’s Minister of Higher Education on March 12, 2019. Chagor was also the deputy chairman and chief of general staff for the South Sudan United Movement (SSUM), a rebel group part of the South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) coalition. After the death of Peter Gadet Yak, the founder of the SSUM, Chagor was appointed on May 14, 2019, as the temporary head of the movementThe SSOA was divided into two factions after a leadership dispute in late 2018, but in July 2019 Gabriel Changson Chang’s Federal Democratic Party merged with the SSUM’s faction and named Chagor as chairman.

Chagor’s leadership was rejected by six of the alliance’s groups. On August 31, 2019, Chagor suspended three SSUM officials for disobedience; however, his term as interim chairman had expired on August 16, 2019, leading to divisions in the group’s leadership.Chagor became South Sudan’s Minister of Higher Education in 2019. As part of the R-ARCSS, the SSOA was allowed to nominate one governor, the governor of Jonglei State. However, the alliance could not agree on a candidate, as the SSUM’s faction nominated Chagor, while the NDM’s faction nominated Mahjoub Biel. Finally, on July 15, 2020, president Salva Kiir picked Chagor as governor, removing him from the Minister of Higher Education positionJonglei State did not have a governor from February 22 to July 15 due to the dispute in the SSOA.

However, we as youths should.look at Denay Jock Chagorappointment as a national call and he has to be supported regardless of his political affiliation but we have to support him as a youths who is brought to power to make change as a young person and to prove the elders wrong that we can also lead and deliver. Like yesterday he has immediately walking on water with his people in Jongeli State.

I urge Denay to work on unity of our people in Jongeli State, people in the said state deserves peace, stability and peaceful coexistence, I hope Denay will be a great peace partner to the revitalizedtransitional government of national unity.

I think this is the only thing we can appreciate from this Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity and Revitalized Peace Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, because since the onset, it has proved itself to work with youths to bring peace to the whole country. I think the appointment of they like of Denay, Dr. Albino Bol, as the Minister of Youths and Sports, Mr. Puot Kang, the Minister of Petroleum shows that our government under H.E Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit is committed to groom youths who will be the leaders of tomorrow.

Denay, I hope will work with youths, chiefs and women to bring holistic and permanent peace to the people of Jongeli because you must lead by examples so that we other youths who are looking for such opportunities can be sure that we can manage if Hon. Denay managed. I wish our Governor a good health and to execute his duties in peace. There is no doubt that Denay can deliver since he is someone who is informed politically and he is educated, someone who has been serving as National Minister of Higher Education.

The only different is the position he is handling now and the duties and because he has became the head of administrative affairs at the local government level, meaning he will be inchage of security situation and stability in the state. He will be a supervisor of State ministers and he will have advisors, state legislators, commissions chairperson and counties commissioners. In fact he will now run a very vast government in the state.

There is no doubt that Denay may discharge his duties to the fullest, he will be supported by youths since President has tasked us youths with our brother Hon. Denay. You are welcome to Jongeli State boss. You will lead with good health.

I would like to say to you a happy international youths day in advance Hon. Governor and I hope you will enjoy well with your fellow youths in the state of Jongeli. God will continue to bless you Honorable. That is my prayer!!

Writer is a south Sudanese national and he could be reached via

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