
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


2 min read

The Flag of the Republic of South Sudan

By Dr. Ben Guarken Chiman, Juba, South Sudan

Wednesday, September 09, 2020 (PW) — When I am gone: please pick up my gun if you can, Reload it and point it forward, be like a lion, be like an Eagle. Free Wau, free Malakal, free Jebel Boma, freeTonj, and free Torit. 

But be smart, negotiate and sign peace. Sacrifice and free all! Celebrate my victory with moral songs. Dance and ululate my child. Pray, praise & raise the flag. 

It is more than 2.5 million lives! Don’t step over it, starve for it! When I am gone; my son, my daughter, Collect my bones hide them with dignity. Collect my uniform, keep it.

Courageously wipe your tears; engrave my name on my gravestone. Celebrate my victory; I bought it with blood and sweat.

Courageously, I mowed a place as your identity!                 
With pride, own it and protect it! When I am gone; Give me, Wealth not wretchedness, unity not envy, bulls not bullets, African gums not guns. 

When I am gone; go around the world, bring your brothers and sisters home,Whisper like whistle we are no longer slaves but freeWhile sheltering them, shower them with hope, Watch them well, give them our flag.             

Sing our national anthem with pride!

When I am gone; Oh hear me, My nose smells peace; my feet feel free, When peace is here, build roads; let your sister go to school, Treat your mothers with care; become your brothers’ teacher,

Be your father’s freedom. Be the joyful creatures.                Behold! Hold your flag!

You can reach the poet via his email address:

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