
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Plane Crash in Pieri, Uror County of Jonglei State leaves 10 Dead, including Pilot Majur Malou

8 min read

Do Not Treat Planes Like Second-hand Cars

Copyright ©️Mariak Michael |Feb|2021

In 2016, a friend invited me to a meeting he had set up with some Ukrainian and Arab businessmen in then Juba’s finest Crown Hotel.

The meeting was to discuss a partnership to import two aircrafts for both passenger and cargo services. Upon our arrival, the “Investors” made it clear; they have money and technical know-how. All they needed from us was our local faces and the market.

To understand, the private aviation industry generates an estimated 55 billions dollars in Africa (South Sudan included) despite exorbitant fuel costs, departure and landing fees, and taxes being the highest in the world.

Fast forward, the tycoon’s business model was to target humanitarian organisation operations, offering long term cargo and private chartering for field staff etc.

And since my friend, at the time, worked with one of the biggest international organisations in the country, the business potential was quite clear. My friend promised us “strong insider connection” to secure some of the most lucrative tenders. The Ukrainian’s were to handle technical operations while the Arabs provide finances. It was a dream team on solid partnership.

However, the partnership went south after my friend made an unsettling discovery. The God of South Sudan never let us down just as it did with Bahr El Ghazal Road. My friend subconsciously shared with another pilot friend the company profile containing falsified technical specifications of the two aircrafts which the “investors” gave us during our meeting. Upon reading the pamphlet and seeing the pictures, the pilot advised my friend to double check by simply Googling a few things before embarking on any business with them.

Indeed, we discovered that the aircraft model and the company behind it was banned and disposed in 2003 in the entire Europe. The company has a record number of 620 crashes and more than a thousand lives lost. When we came to seek clarifications on these details, the partners simply informed us there is no more business with us. Done! The deal was gone.

I’m writing this to shed light on the pattern of the private aviation business in South Sudan following South Supreme’s plane crash that led to the loss of more than 10 innocent lives. Our aviation authority deserve a lion share blame on this and all the previous fatal crashes, because by failing to meet the international aviation regulations, our people will continue to die helplessly. Our airport is a mess. Khartoum continues to control our own airspace, receiving taxes and so on. I’m told recently that, for the first time, South Sudan is constructing a modern Air Traffic Management System (ATMS) next to Crown Hotel, that if true, will give us control over our airspace.

There is no justification to license an outdated and rusty old airplane that is not allowed to fly anywhere in the world. Planes are not like second hand Japanese cars, you can’t allow people to bring in any cheapest model.

If an inspection is carried out today, half of the airplanes (if not most) at the airport will be grounded. Why do we keep hearing of crash-landings and failed take offs?

Because they’re mechanically dead. The Civil Aviation Authority need to be reformed and empowered to save lives.

Let it sink in.

Copyright ©️Mariak Michael |Feb|2021


By Pesuech Arok, Juba, South Sudan

On the 9th/September/2018, Yirol community in their walks of life were devastated by a shocking News of a plane crash killing 20 people and three survivors. It is the fourth plane to crash in Lakes State territory in history .The first was around 1905 killing bishop of Sudan, the second was in 1985 killing Governor of Lakes Makur Chagai and the third was in 2008 killing Minister of SPLA Affairs Gen. Dominic Dim.

On the 17th/September/2018, memorial prayers for the victims of plane crash was organized by Yirol community inside All Saints Cathedral compound in Juba. The occasion was attended by the President of the Republic H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit,  FVP Taban Deng Gai, Minister of Transport John Luk Jok and many other senior government officials. In that occasion, I sat opposite to the president and his FVP.

As the speeches were going on, President Salva called Ayii Duang Ayii, the Director of South Supreme Airlines. Ayii hurriedly came with a smile on his face because it is rare and a privilege to be called by Head of State in a functions of this nature. Kiir murmured to Ayii and the smile gradually reduces which is a signal of negative news. I was so keen enough to mark what was Kiir telling Ayii from his gesture as the sound of their conversation couldn’t be heard but my own instinct made me to guess what he was communicating to Ayii given the nature of the occasion but he later revealed their conversation in his speech.

When Kiir was given a speech to deliver, he said this ” ke wen ye wek a tïng ce nener Ayii Duang col, ace lek yen tiereet kun ke, hen ace kon kac kek. Lanu hen erioc areet tiera wet nong ke ce ro Kang luoi hen tueng.” In English, he said, when you saw me talking to my uncle Ayii Duang, I told him I will never use your planes as means of transport because I fear alot airplanes given what happened to me earlier”.

After hearing these words, My heart leapt up and I threw my eyes straight to the Minister of Transport late John Luk Jok whether he was listening to President’s speech. To my surprised, he was sleeping on his chair. That could have been a great opportunity to shut down South Supreme Airlines because they are declared by the President of the Republic as unfit for transportation.

President Kiir survived a plane crash in 1993 as God destined him as the Joshua to south sudanese in which he later became the first president of the Republic of South Sudan.

After the occasion, I came back Home with a believe that, If south supreme airlines is not stopped, it will one day cause impeccable destruction of lives as it happened three days ago.President Kiir is endowed with natural wisdom and I am one of the human being who doesn’t ignore what he says. I promised never to use South Supreme Airlines as a means of transport like him but I later broke the promise.

On the 1st/October/2019, I and my brother planned for a marriage ceremony in Rumbek. He booked the plane without my notice . Early in the morning, I rushed to Juba International Airport for check in. To my surprised, it was South Supreme Airlines. My blood started clotting as my mind was reading Kiir’s words in that occasion. There was no alternative but I resorted to call my spiritual grandfather Chuanga Ahoc-kuei for his guidance during the journey.
When we were about to take off, a humble and kind gentleman with a smile on his face announced to us “we shall take one hour to reach Rumbek”. I later came to know this gentleman as David Majur, the pilot who crashed recently in Uror’s plane crash.

The plane took off at 9:11am with 23 passengers on board including the pilot and Co pilot. I became so terrified and so worried as chances to see Juba and my family members again are so bleak unless otherwise. After 5 minutes flight, the ground became invisible due to dense snow and the plane started battling with clouds in a scary way. I was spiritually and mentally dead inside but blaming myself for breaking the promise “never to use South Supreme airlines”. We sweated like people inside a bakery.

At 10:11am, the plane touched Rumbek airstrip like a broken calabash guak guak guak guak nyib nyib nyib nyib cik cik cik cik.

I came out from the plane , moved 100 metres and threw back my glance and saw my humble brother David Majur standing next to this outdated plane. I inwardly asked almighty father to give job to this kind gentleman in another airline company and  leave Ayii’s scraps . God didn’t get my prayers. I just learned later Majur is no more. Wicked world.

I spent three days in Rumbek without knowing the east, west, north and south direction. The town I know very well got deformed in my eyes. I couldn’t even trace home alone once I go to the market unless escorted back home by someone. I really came back from a death row as my mind was totally altered.

On the 8th/ Oct/2019, we came back to Juba using the same plane with Majur as co- pilot. We started off at 10:43 am and arrived Juba at 11:53am. This time, the ground was clear but the stumbling as if running on a rocky surface was too much.

Another vague organisations is South Sudan Civil Aviation Authority (SSCAA).This organization is ran by cattle keepers and incompetent khartoumers who turned JIA as a venue for accommodating their concubines. They don’t learn from previous plane crashes and strive necessary changes in the aviation sector. My lovely brother David Majur is a victim of ignorant leadership that has engulfed the whole country and in all the sectors. The SSIA turned JIA as a symbol of shame given the way bags are grabbed for checking and unnecessary questions to foreigners.

Dear family members, I am deeply saddened by the demise of your lovely son whose good services are cut short due to negligence in the country that could have been corrected once and for all. Let me also also extend my condolences message to the families of the victims who perished in that accident. May God rest their innocent souls in peace.


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