
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Deliver Public Goods and Services to End the Wars in South Sudan

3 min read

By Machien Luoi Dagoor, Juba, South Sudan

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 (PW) — In an Ebony Center for Strategic Studies (ECSS) document entitled, “South Sudan: The Institutional Environment forService Delivery,” published on September 20, 2019,Professor Daniel W. Bromley writes, “when conflict finally ends, those who have devoted their lives to that conflict have a set of expectations about improved livelihoods now that peace has emerged.

Then, when daily life remains problematic, frustration emerges and if not addressed, serious political problems may soon appear.”

He is quite right on South Sudan matters, particularly now that parties to the R- ARCSS are near to completing the full formation of the R-TGONU. This stint of progress is encouraging. It makes citizens whose livelihoods and  dreams were shattered by the civil wars hopeful. 

There is an opportunity to reclaim what was lost through the wars. It isn’t time to plan for another violent conflict, but a period to make our masses happy.

Cynics, pessimists, skeptics and critics are quick to point out that delivery of public goods and services at this time, at whatever level of South Sudan government, is utopian. They painfully and ignorantly conclude that failures and shortcomings of leader A will be the same as that of leader B (successor). 

Some think public goods and services can only be delivered with unhindered flow of funds from the top to the bottom. This is true to some extent. Yet this kind of thinking tends to forgo the logic that what comes from up must have left the bottom at some point.

The oil, gold, timber, customs revenue, taxes and the list all our national, state and County sources of revenue, are extracted or collected from the bottom (States, Counties, Payams, Bomas, Villages) before makingup the national coffers. It then follows and should be discerned that these sources of revenue (taxes, local court fines and other) fall within the jurisdiction of a state, county office.

If utilized on tangible development activities. It is highly possible a local school, clinic, police post, or border court works could change lives and inspire the communitiesplaced at the bottom level of government structures. 

Endeavoring to deliver public goods and services must remainthe cardinal actionable objective of public office holders in our country. By doing this, “social contract” between our masses and their government will be strengthened. 

In particular, the State and County governments must remainresolute in the quest to deliver public goods and services, though against the tide of surmounting challenges of our varying contexts. 

As Professor Bromley seem to suggest, the unending wars and needless transitional governments will truly come to an end, and for good, when our citizens are satisfied with the level of service delivery by their government.

Machien Luoi T. Dagoor is a South Sudanese residing in Juba. He can be reached at

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