
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Garang Atem Ayiik “Dr. Gatem” Wins TEYA Election in Juba

2 min read

Twic East Youth Association (TEYA) in Juba election results are outlined below :

TEYA’s castes votes were =1,395 Votes

Uncasted votes = 28

Undecided votes =06

Invalide votes = 31

TEYA’s Election results on 2nd May 2021 Were as follows :

  1. Gabriel Garang Atem Ayiik results per each payam

(a) Paker :61 votes
(b) Ajuong : 133 Votes
(c) Nyuak :86 votes
(d) Kongor : 72 votes
(E) Lith : 27 votes

Total votes for Garang Atem= 379 votes

  1. Chol Yaak Akoi votes per each Payam were as follows :

(a) Paker:30 Votes
(b) Ajuong :13 Votes
(C) Nyuak :153 Votes
(D) Kongor :62 Votes
(E) Lith:29 Votes

Total votes for Chol Yaak =287 votes

  1. Deng Junior William results per each Payam

(a) Paker:32 Votes
(b) Ajuong :34 Votes
(c) Nyuak :20 Votes
(d) Kongor : 20 Votes
(e) Lith : 120 Votes

Total votes scored were =226 Votes

  1. Alier Garang Ajak results as per each Payam were as follows :

(a) Paker: 9 votes
(b) Ajuong :91 votes
(c) Nyuak :07 votes
(d) Kongor :48 votes
(e) Lith :12 votes

Total votes scored by Alier Garang =167 Votes

  1. Atem Dut De Kuek results per each Payam

(a) Paker:20 votes
(b) Ajuong :08 Votes
(c) Nyuak :17 Votes
(d) Kongor :46 Votes
(e) Lith :70 Votes

Total votes scored by Atem Dut =161 votes

  1. Anyuon Atem De Dau results as per each payam
    (a) Paker: 117 votes
    (b) Ajuong:01 votes
    (c) Nyuak :05 votes
    (d) Kongor :11 votes
    (e) Lith : 04 votes

Total votes scored by Anyuon Atem Dau =138 votes

Hence, TEYA’s IEC declared Gabriel Garang Atem Ayiik as new TEYA’s Chairman elect

I congratulate TEYA members for the free and fair elections conducted today in Juba.

At the same time, I congratulate Gabriel Garang Atem Ayiik for having won the trust of TEYA’s members in Juba as their chairman elect.

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