
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Hon. Nhial Deng is not too Selfish to Grab Power through Unconstitutional Means: A Response to Malith Alier’s Article

5 min read

President Kagame received Gen. Nhial Deng Nhial, Minister of SPLA and Veterans Affairs of Southern Sudan, 4 May 2011

Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial is not too much ambitious for the top seat in the country through Unconstitutional Means: Response to Malith Alier’s article Entitled “Why Nhial Deng Nhial has No Clear Path to the Presidency in South Sudan”.

By Ustaz. Morris Mabior Awikjok,  Pretoria, South Africa

Thursday, June 17, 2021 (PW) — First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to make some few remarks and to respond to a  bunch of unverified and untrue malicious misleading information contained in an article written by the so-called Malith Alier contained in Paanlueel Wel online Media Limited. I wish to state in the strongest terms that the allegations published in Paanlueel Wel online Media are unsubstantiated, baseless and untrue.

Such misinformation and concocted lies were framed by  enemies of peace and meant mislead  the public, the region and the whole world. I know my brother Alier has been misled by some few power hungry Military Generals in Juba to write as if he was dreaming. My brother Malith Alier should be made to understand that, political power is not acquired through war of words and political wrangling; in a democratic nation like the rest of democratic nation-states in the world, a peaceful transition or transfer of power is a concept important to democratic elections which is a method of government peacefully handover. Describing Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial in all sorts of names will not buy you a ticket to the kingdom of heaven. 

Initially, the inaccurate information of such kind are threats and challenge to the values of truth, and consequently trust. Parts of these  political songs sung by Malith Alier were composed by invisible artists in the Kingdom empires and my brother was told to dance to their tunes. Alier’s article is full of invisible hand behind him who doesn’t know the true political background and contributions of Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial.

Having a large number of young people in the society who are not politically oriented and politically informed about the theories of democratic nation-states is absolutely devastating and extremely difficult to transform them. They just wake at night and whatever comes to their limited knowledge they just write with no fact checking. I am very sure, the readership will judge the distinctions between the truth, truthfulness, and a coined unpolished lies. The general public who knows about who is Nhial Deng Nhial will come out with  considerable conclusion and instrumental judgement that should be valued and respected.

Malith should be aware that, Jesus said, tell the  truth and truth shall set you free because truth is invaluable to the integrity of the person, public and nation at large, and a climate of trust to the proper public recognition. Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial is a man who believe in the spirit of democracy as the only means of getting power. Comrade Nhial Deng Nhial is closely guided by modern political theories of nationalism and patriotism related to trust, sincerity and integrity. With all these media campaign and propaganda, nothing under the sun will pressure Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial to behave like the way other disgruntled politicians in South Sudan behave. 

Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial is ones of the public figure with unquestionable qualities of a good leader. His personality and diplomacy is the reason why South Sudan is respected today by the region and international community at large. President Salva Kiir Mayardit is the Chairman of the SPLM, where Cde. Nhial Deng is serving under him as a leading instrumental key player in the party. I don’t know why Malith Alier wanted to see Hon.Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial making honeybill noise over the media and he is in the hierarchy of power in the country.

The online Media, print Media and other media fraternities to know that, the fake lies framed against Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial by the writer in question, lack basic knowledge or insight about the fundamental political objectives and principles of Comrade Nhial Deng Nhial. However, I would like to request the entire readership and those who have come across this article to disregard and treat it as baseless and lack substantial senses of intellectuality with the proliferation of lies and fake research.

The article is full of inaccurate, shamelessness, profound ignorance and assassination character of Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial shining political Glory.Conclusion,  Malith Alier is a “learning political kid “someone who purports to be an intellectual political writer with lack of political ethics. Alier is either very ignorant or at best a lazy researcher of facts. Any simple  man or woman on the street of Juba or any state in South Sudan will tell you that Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial is a leading member of the political Bureau right after your fellow Bor elder Hon. Gen. Kuol Manyang Juuk.

Who is not aware that Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial is a member of (SPLM) National Liberation Council (NLC) and among the six rankings Military High Command. To try and present a theory missing such a fundamental fact, renders your writing worthless and has no substance. Your level of ignorance is quiet amazing and deserve no attention at all.

The writer is a political Activist on good governance, rule of law and equity for all currently based in Pretoria, South Africa. You can reach him by email: or WhatsApp me on +211928663444.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made is the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël Media (PW) website. If you want to submit an opinion article, commentary or news analysis, please email it to the editor: or PaanLuel Wël Media (PW) website do reserve the right to edit or reject material before publication. Please include your full name, a short biography, email address, city and the country you are writing from.

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1 thought on “Hon. Nhial Deng is not too Selfish to Grab Power through Unconstitutional Means: A Response to Malith Alier’s Article

  1. Dear Ustaz,
    I also used to be a teacher many years ago, both primary and secondary.
    Thank you for responding to my last article on this website. In authoring that article, I did not expect to agree or not to agree with anyone. Everyone has a choice including your good self. I, as the author strongly disagree with your accusations contained in response as follows:
    1. In my over ten years of political commentary, I never published under influence of anyone!
    2. I stand by all that I authored in that article
    3. My research is upto date and valid
    4. I am not the writer in question, I am Malith Alier and you have mentioned my name many times in the response
    5. No one is urging Nhial to take power by unconstitutional means. There is a distinction between politicians and civil servants – politicians speak their minds and civic serveants are restrained. Without “name recognition” Nhial would be a perfect civil servant!
    6. Even Kiir himself, with rare political instinct, challenged Dr. Garang at the time Garang had total and unconstrained power both politically and militarily
    7. I simply cannot see how Nhial with all the “great things he did that earned S. S. respect,” will ascent to the top of the SPLM and therefore, the country.
    8. Hon. Nhial is a soft political ball. No one, I supposed, loses sleep in SS so as to sponsor someone to write against him.
    9. Those with real power are not invited and jetted out of the power at will without consequences. You know some of those people minus Hon. Nhial.
    10. Finally, in the article you referred to and these points are just personal opinions. They’re relevant as we speak!

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