
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The waters of the Nile River, Euphrates, Tigris and the Curious Positions of the Arab League

5 min read

By Hon. Atem Garang Dekuek, Juba, South Sudan

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 (PW) — It is reported that the League of Arab States has decided to bring the issue of the Ethiopian renaissance to the UN Security Council for the international intervention to solve the issue between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. I think this move has a lot of reckless intervention on the part of this moot institution; but despite its picture, Africans must have a clear position on this undue diplomatic intrusion. The League of Arab States, primarily a racist gathering, is a failed organization that did not solve any dilemma between its components. How are the conditions now in Yemen, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Western Sahara and Gaza Strip? It is evidence of failure and the inability to solve these Arab issues.

The question of the renaissance dam is a great opportunity for the people of South Sudan to understand the intentions of Egypt and its Arabs, regarding the waters of the Nile. These situations in which Egypt, Sudan and the League of Arab States wave using military force, are a lesson for us to alert future generations, which will be in the amount of dams on some tributaries of the Nile to generate electric power and irrigate streets. Agricultural for self-sufficiency and export purposes. The world is awake while we are sleeping!

The League of Arab States which Egypt drips to any direction it wishes, where is it from Turkey’s dams on the Tigris and Euphrates? Where is this university of Iran’s dams on all the tributaries of the Tigris River that emanates from its lands. The Iranian issue is not only building dams on these tributaries, but diverting their sewage, which has led to depriving Iraq of the water coming from those tributaries. We have not heard of the League of Arab States lodging any complaint to the United Nations for intervention in the affairs of the Turkish and Iranian dams. Why is this so barrier? The answer is simple: Turkey and Iran are strong military and are sore by this lost university, so it did not discuss the issues of the Tigris and Euphrates river water and will never think about circulating around it.

In order to clarify the seriousness of the dams on the Tigris and Al-Furat river and their tributaries and their impact on the amount of water reaching both Syria and Iraq, which the university was silent about, here are some of what was said about the dams of Turkey and Iran on the Tigris River and The Euphrates:

(Turkey used the Tigris River to pressure Iraq and dry its water resources by building the huge Alesso dam on the river, which opened in February [February] 2018, reports that the dam builder reduced Iraq’s share of river water by 60 %.) (Turkey’s water war has cast its shadow on Syria too. The ′′ Atatürk ′′ dam on the Euphrates river in Turkey’s Urfa governorate, which is the largest dam in the country, has decreased the share of the river water to less than a quarter of the internationally agreed quantity, which is unprecedented levels) Bilal Kabash (

(However, the Ethiopian renaissance dam, despite its exclusion, is not the only one determining the water security of Arab countries). (Turkish dams distributed 14 dams to the Euphrates River, most notably Atatürk dam, and 8 dams on the Tigris River, most notably Aliso Dam)

(As for Iran, Alesso’s dam threatens the Great Lake of Poplar, which will lead to an environmental disaster in the surrounding areas of the lake. Despite the complaint of the United Nations by the Arranians about the damage of the Turkish Alisu dam on the lake, they (Iranians) changed Hungarian 43 out of the 45 that were flowing to Iraq and pouring into the Tigris River, and this is a hurry from the drought of the river Degla in the regions of northern Baghdad and Kurdistan) (

Where is the League of Arab Countries among the (Arab) water issues between Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria? This interest in the issue of the renaissance dam is definitive proof that the League of Arab States is an Egyptian trailer, its wheels have been eroded since the days of Anwar Sadat’s visit to Israel and the Kemp David agreement. Despite the picture of this Arab organization, its beer is disturbing and causes diplomatic headaches among sub-Saharan African countries and the components of this university.
All this tragedy on the waters of Degla, Euphrates, and the university with a dumb saying nothing except about the renaissance dam, which does not reduce or prevent water from reaching Sudan and Egypt, and does not dry the Nile in my country (the estuary)

We note a common factor between Egypt and Turkey, which is historical colonialism, that Turkey views the Arab State with the perspective of the Ottoman Empire, which has killed the Arab countries, exploiting its resources; and Egypt looks at the perspective of Egypt in the nineteenth century. When I practiced slavery traders in Sudan and on Ethiopian camps. Any Egypt and Turkey yearn for our hateful past and their thriving. We stand against that exploitative mindset and the pursuit of dominance by all means.

I hope Egypt will abandon the language of power and antariya, and start speaking in the language of the Nad to the Nad, not a language between the owner of the river water and the guardian of the river water sources. Asylum to the League of Arab States is evading the African Union, which will not solve the issue, but rather complicate it. Egypt knows more than others that this university is a mirage that a drop of water will never fall from it, but it is a deaf rock.

I, as a citizen of South Sudan, condemn this open and unjustified Arab intervention, and call on every citizen and all civil society organizations in my country, to condemn the position of the League of Arab States in the most powerful terms, and we refuse to prolong Ethiopia’s rights in the waters of the Nile. What Ethiopia is facing today will undoubtedly face us tomorrow, when we undertake a development project linked to the use of Nile water inside our lands, so our position on blocking the renaissance must be clear and no ambiguity.

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