
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

SPLM-IO Politburo Condemns Gatwech’s Coup against Dr Riek Machar

3 min read

SPL/M (IO) in Juba military press releaseSource Col. Lam Paul Gabriel

August 6, 2021

For Immediate Release

The SPLA-IO component of the Security Mechanisms under the leadership of Lt. Gen. Gabriel Duop Lam, the Acting Chief of General Staffs and the Co-Chair of JDB sighted with concern the attempted coup document (the Kitgweng Declaration) on 3rd August, 2021 by the Former Chief of General Staff, Gen. Gatwech Dual, who was already relieved of the command of the SLA-IO forces and appointed as Peace Advisor to the President.

The SPLA-IO leadership in the Security Mechanisms met on 6th August, 2021 in Juba and came up with the followings resolutions;

1. The SPLA-IO Command reaffirms the decision of the SPLM/A-IO Political Bureau in a meeting held on 4th August, 2021; as it is subordinate to the civilian rule of the movement under the leadership of H.E. Riek Machar Teny (PhD), Chairman and Commander in – Chief of the SPLM/A-IO.

2. The SPLA-IO denounce and condemn the Kitgwang Declaration in the strongest term possible and stand behind under the able leadership of the SPLM/A-IO, Chairman and Commander in Chief Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon.

3. The SPLA-IO applauds the patriotic move of the Sectors and Division Commanders for openly denouncing the Kitgwang Declaration, and pledging their unwavering support to H.E. Riek Machar Teny (PhD). This proves that the failed coup attempt is zeroed to only few elements in Magenis, who succumb to pressure from the enemies of peace.

4. The SPLA-IO would like to point it out that the incident that is happening in Magenis is related to the incidences that happened in Maiwut, Kajo Keji, Maban, and Lieng due to encouraged and sponsored defections from the peace partner. This was evident in the recorded conversation of the former SPLA-IO Spokesperson, Brig. Gen. William Gatjiath Deng.

5. The SPLA-IO would like to inform the people of South Sudan, the Region and the International Community that the delay in the unification of Command and the graduation of the forces are not failures of the SPLA-IO but the peace partners6.

In conclusion, the SPLA-IO under the leadership of H.E Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon, would like assure its supporters and the South Sudanese general public that it is in full command and control of all the forces in its 8 Sectors and the Divisions therein.

The SPLA-IO remains committed to the implementation of the Transitional Security Arrangement and reserves the right to self- defense when aggressed.

Lt. Gen. Gabriel Duop Lam

Acting Chief of General Staffs and

Co-Chair of JDB

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