
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Salvaging the Wreckage of the Revitalized Peace Agreement (R-ARCSS) in South Sudan

8 min read

By Koang Tut Jing, Juba, South Sudan

Sunday, August 07, 2021 (PW) — Despite the 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement signed between fracture of opposition forces and the government of President Salva Kiir, there is no change. The no peace no war situation has become lethal weapon the political leaders in Juba have employed against the South Sudanese masses. In 1955, 1975 and 1983 few men and women took it upon themselves in which President Kiir and his colleagues in the SPLM/A were part of. However, it was through the support of the masses that voluntarily supplied information, food and many shed-blood for the cause spearhead by the SPLM/A led by late Dr. Garang Mabior in which Kiir and other senior members were partakers.After the independent, many South Sudanese people are askingthemselves a lot questions including, why did we fight successive regimes in Khartoum? The hope to free ourselvesfrom the tyranny and improve our standard of living has been dashed.

Despite attainment of independent in 2011, we are still bogged down by the legacy of wars that our nation inherited from Sudan resulting to desperation for ordinary citizens. The freedom we have voted for in 2011 and the blood of our martyrs have changed nothing. Few individuals who have hijacked the SPLMare holding all of us hostages. It is unfortunate that the guiding star we have been using for navigating our ways during the struggle across the South Sudan land is no more. Our problem is a leadership deficiency left by Dr. Garang when he departed prematurely. I have no doubt that President Kiir would always remain a symbol of darkness for all of us given his legacy of failure during the liberation war. When Kiir ascended into SPLM leadership, I knew he was going to fail us and I said this in most of my previous writings. Anyhow this article is aboutsalvaging the wreckage (South Sudan) after years of conflict that decimated the country. In a 21st years long struggle against the North Sudanese successive regimes, South Sudanesecommunities have hurt each other in one way or another.However, South Sudanese political leaders have failed to implement true reconciliation and healing program that wouldheal and possibly reduced friction between the communities.

The reconciliation and healing program if implemented would have provided an opportunity for the leaders to discuss how the country would be governed. Although, it was certain thatreconciliation and healing program was to be conducted, there was nothing as such that was held. It was later revealed that it was a lack of will from President Kiir which had watered down the program. But if we are to rescue this country, there has to be national reconciliation and healing and a political will to pursue such cause. Nevertheless, President Kiir has nothing left he can offer to this nation. Kiir has finished and he ran out of ideas and energy to save this country from self-destruction. South Sudanese people across the globe (in abroad and at home) must now accept the challenges and confront the current government in South Sudan as the men of 104 & 105 battalions did in Bor, Pochala, Pibor, and Ayod in May and June of 1983.

Since the birth of this country in 2011, South Sudanese masses have continued to suffer the consequences of tribalized politicswhich was a result of grudges accumulated from long years of Sudanese Civil War. Tribalized politics in South Sudan and failure to reconcile South Sudanese communities have led to this despicable situation, in which only innocent South Sudanese are paying heavily. Our political leaders did not utilize the unity of purpose demonstrated by South Sudanese people when they overwhelmingly voted for a nation of their own in 2011 and the united front they shown when they stood shoulder to shoulder in celebrating the birth of the country in July of that year. However, South Sudanese leaders still have opportunity to demonstrate leadership and change the course of theirs actions to salvage what left in the nation they decimated. 

Since 2005, the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) under President Salva Kiir Mayardit had lost its vision. And as a government, there is nothing that guide them. This lack of guidance has resulted to pursuit for personal interests and hence resulting to struggle for control of resources. The wrangling between the SPLM members that was the cause of war in December 2013 was actually a fight over the control of resources. However, President Kiir tribalized it and used it as issue between Nuer and Dinka to cling on power. The execution of operation that uprooted the Nuer tribe members into UN Protection Sites across Juba was tribally implemented just to make the national issue as Nuer versus Dinka. President Kiir toured of regional Bharelgazale in September 2013 was the beginning of tribal war he orchestrated and his visitation to Kuacjok, Rumbek, Wau and Aweil was to shore up support from Dinka of that region for upcoming conflict against Nuer tribe. And despite his full knowledge of what he was doing, the President shamelessly claimed it was a coup attempt which was not. Given his brutal legacy dated back since the time of liberation war, President Kiir shall always remain a symbol ofnational calamity as long he stays in power. Kiir is responsible for all our agony and if we do not take collective action against him along with his entire NCP leaders in SPLM cloth, the suffering of South Sudanese people shall continue. 

As of now, President Kiir’s office has lion share of the national revenues that comes from oil and other sources. The Office of the President and others that associate with it are using our dollars against us. The President and his circle have been busy buying loyalty and paying mercenaries to aid him in fighting his internal enemies. As a result, our own civil population are starving and many of which are depending on hand out food from the UN agencies. As a nation we must be able to feed ourselves, but we aren’t and this intensifying food insecurity,cattle rustling and robbery in a broad daylight. Intercommunal and tribal fighting among civil population has intensified. Murle versus Nuer, Dinka and Anuak in Jonglei, Nuer versus Nuer, Dinka versus Dinka in Bharelgazale, Nuer versus Dinka in Unity, Warap and Lakes states, Buoya versus Toposa, Didinga, Lotuha versus Lotuha in Eastern Equatoria and Azande versus Valanda in Western Equatoria. In this anarchy, our roads become a death traps for innocent travelers. This mess can only be stopped by creating a genuine unified forces (police, prison officers and strong national army) that draw its membership from all walks of South Sudanese people to bring an end to this national crisis. However, the President and his associates are not ready to create a true national armed force, which would response to any challenge including his incompetent leadership that South Sudanese people have been putting up with since 2005.

It is a responsibility of the sitting government to provide conducive atmosphere for civil population to produce food and cash crops to help uplift national economy standard. Salva Kiir knows very well that it was through subsistence farming of our people that facilitated the SPLA during the long liberation war. Without food supply and information from our civil population SPLA could have not made it. Likewise, South Sudanese Government cannot do well in terms of economic if the population is not productive. It is a responsibility of the government to provide security for citizens so that they go about their business without fear of being killed by unknown gunmen. People cannot cultivate theirs farms to grow food to feed their families in present of widespread insecurity across the country.Unfortunately, the President has been blaming the economic crisis on others such as targeted individual sanctions that the UN, EU and USA imposed on some South Sudanese politicians. In my opinion, this is not relevant argument unless the President has not connected his dots well. Our oil sale has not been sanctions. President needs to accept the responsibility and exit the leadership honourably so that others clean the messes he has created.

Our neighbours are stealing parts of our country while the sitting government is busy stirring up internal wars. Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Kenya all have chopped offsome lands belonging to South Sudan. For example, Uganda is encroaching into Kejkeji area, they are just across the River from Nimule, almost to Parajwok, Owinykibul, Lobone, and are approaching Lotuke. Meanwhile Kenya have taken over Kiasaand close to Marengagopi (Spelling check). All the northern frontier of the country has been taken over by Sudan and to the east, it is not clear how far are Ethiopians from Pochala and Rad. Shamelessly Mr. President prefer to stay in power without exercising his role as the person in charge of defending the integrity of this country. Instead of strengthening our national army to response to those challenges, the President is busycreating loyalist militia, and small unit of Presidential Guardsfor his own protection. 

Such move is intended for pulverization of national army as was the policy in Sudan during Omar El-Bashir rule. This tactic has left the SSPDF disorganized and useless. I can argue that the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA of 1983 to 2005) which I knew was far better organized and useful than the so-called national army (SSPDF). President Salva Kiir has opted for policies similar to those of National Congress Party of Sudan that kept them in power for 30 years. The creation of personal militia and empowerment of National Security Service by President Kiir was done intentionally to keep him and his circlein power even though President Kiir does nothing that salvages the remnants of his unnecessary conflict.

It is only through national view which will arrest the tribalized politics in our country; heals our communities through leadership, justice & fairness by providing good management of resources. For many of us who missed our childhood life because of national cause, it is personal. Torch will not be passed to us nor shall we implement the reconstruction of the nation as promised to us by late Dr. Garang and his colleaguesduring the war of liberation. Patriotic intervention is urgently required and we must mobilize to rectify the situation and salvage what left in our country. And if South Sudan is to stand tall as the rest of nations, we must accept the challenge.

Koang is a former Gurtong reporter and concern South Sudanese living in South Pacific and can be reached at

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