
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

CEPO Condemns SPLM-IO Military Clashes Between Riek’s and Gatwech’s Forces at Magenis, Upper Nile

3 min read

CEPO Press Release: Internal SPLM-IO frictions turned into military confrontation between the Forces of Riek Machar and Gen. Gatwech at Magenis, Upper Nile Region, South Sudan

Saturday, August 07, 2021 (PW) — The forces of former SPLM-IO chief of staff General Simon Gatwech Dual and First Vice President Riek Machar clashed in Magenis area of Upper Nile State on Saturday morning dated 7th August, 2021. Community Empowerment for Progress Organization strongly condemned the negative development and it is unfortunate situation.

This act of fresh clashed among the conflicting factions of SPLM-IO constitute violation of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement 2017.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO said the conflicting parties need to cease military confrontations now and resolve their grievances in non-violent manner. The citizens of South Sudan are tired of the armed violence. The Leadership of the conflicting SPLM-IO factions should take responsibility to dialogue and find solution for sorting out their misunderstanding immediately.

This negative development that undermines the process for transitioning the situation across the South Sudan from violence to peace is clear demonstration of some political and military leaders’ lack of will for implementing the signed Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan.

The primary responsibility of implementing the R-ARCSS provisions is at the hands of the parties that signed the R-ARCSS. Mr. Yakani stressed CEPO is urging the conflicting factions of the SPLM-IO to respect the cessation of hostilities agreement, 2017. Protection of civilians and human rights should not be compromised with by any one of the conflicting parties in Magenis

Finally, CEPO is calling upon IGAD leadership to immediately intervene for resolving this internal SPLM-IO frictions that has already lead to military confrontation. This negative development among the conflicting SPLM-IO will undermine the implementation of the R-ARCSS chapter directly.

The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) is a non-profit, civil society, South Sudanese organization, registered by the Ministry of Justice on 17th November 2010. The organization was initially formed in Khartoum in 1999 and consisted of mostly University students, but its scope broadened after it was established in Juba, Southern Sudan as a separate entity. Presently, CEPO is engaged in the areas of Peace and conflict mitigation, human rights, rule of law, livelihood, governance and democratic transformation. Mr. Edmund Yakani Berizilious is the Executive Director of CEPO.

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