
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Obituary – Biography of Late Hon. Akoon Monydhar Atek

4 min read

By Ariik Atekdit, Tonj, South sudan

  1. His early life
  2. Late Henry Akoon Monydhar Atek popularly known as Kuclou-beny was born in Akook Village of Lou Ariik Area, Akop District – Tonj, Warrap State on Jan. 1937.
  3. Kuclou-beny like any other African Leaders, the exact date of his birth was not known.
  4. Hon. Akoon Kuclou-beny was known of his bull name as Akoon Manyiel
  5. He was born to his Father, Supreme Spiritual Master, Monydhar Atek Mawien and his Mother, Ayuang Monydit Mabior
  6. Kuclou-beny was the 3rd born in the family among 6 brothers
  7. Monydhardit had 4 wives and Kuclou-beny was born to the first wife.  
  8. Akoondit went to school as a young boy at the age of 11 in 1948 at Longkap Village Primary School in Lou Ariik area.
  9. He later went to Warrap elementary school and finally to Kuacjok where he sat for Intermediate examination certificate in 1958 and later to Khartoum Comboni College.
  10. He sat for Oxford Certificate of Secondary Education in Khartoum and was admitted to study in London in 1963 but due to the untimely death of his mother Kuclou-beny decided to return to the village.
  11. Kuclou-beny died in Juba at the age of 84 on July 12, 2021.
  1. His Leadership Services
  2. Upon his return from Khartoum, Akoon was arrested in Tonj 1964 when the government was seriously oppressing the Southern Sudanese intellectuals. He was later released bearing witness of documents that he was a student from Khartoum.
  3. Young Akoon consequently defected from the government in Tonj 1964 meeting with Kuol Amuom and Abur Matuongdit who defected from Wau; the three being the lead commanders for Bahr el Ghazal region in the movement.
  4. While in the bush Captain Akoon was elected second to Capt Kuol Amuom commanding the Anyanya Leadership in Greater Bahr el Ghazal.
  5. Capt. Akoon knew French Language and he was used by Anyanya Movement to get support from Central Africa Republic. The first Anyanya weapons donated by Government of Central Africa Republic were negotiated for by Capt. Akoon Monydhar in 1964.
  6. Capt. Kuclou-beny commanded the first rebel attack on Tonj in August, 1964.
  7. In 1967, the Khartoum regime arrested and wanted to kill Akoon’s father, Spiritual Master, Monydhar Atek Mawien or else call back his son from the rebellion;
  8. Hon. Akoon never wanted his father to die for his sake and he was prompted to abandon his leadership in the movement and struggle to come to Thiet town to surrender to the government for the release of his beloved father
  9. Taken to Tonj town’s prison, Akoon was to be killed but due to the intervention of veteran Politician, William Deng Nhial, Akoon was released and flown to Khartoum for safety
  10. Kuclou-beny was appointed in Khartoum as an accountant at the department of Urban Water and Electricity in 1967.
  11. 1970 Henry Akoon shifted his profession to teaching in Thiet Primary School
  12. In 1974, Henry Akoon grown into Politics and elected to National Parliament at the age 36 representing his people and the Political Party of SANU.
  13. In 1978, Henry Akoon joined the Humanitarian Service with World Food Programme (WFP) in Wau
  14. In 1998 Kuclou-beny left his WFP job in Wau and joined SPLM/A where he had contributed to success of civil leadership and education in the movement.
  15. While at Home he was elected in 2000 as Lou Ariik Community Leader until 2012.
  16. In 2005, Henry Akoon was appointed to Warrap State Parliament at the SPLM ticket.
  17. In 2010 Kuclou-beny was elected to State Parliament once more, a position he has served until his demise.
  1. Youth activities
  2. Being a son of spiritual leader in the community, late Akoon grew up with great respect and was regarded as a man of principles and a man of few words.
  3. He loved everyone and a strong-hearted human being with great courage as result of such Akoon was badly wounded with spear fierce while trying to separate fighting brothers in the village. He was fierce at the chest at his lungs when he jumped in between them making him the victim.
  4. While in the bush Capt. Akoon was regarded as a physically strong person and a brave man when he with his colleague Ayii Deng Ayii held the buffalo by the horns so that the starving recruits of Anyanya could kill the buffalo using sticks and Pangas.
  5. The Legacy
  6. Akoon advised his father in 1970’s for the construction of Dong Spiritual Byre in Toich, Lou Ariik Area.
  7. Akoon is regarded by all sections of Lou, Tonj and Warrap State of being not biased and God loving man.
  8. Being a Christian, Henry Akoon Monydhar is a prayerful and a committed Catholic faithful who loved doing his rosary prayer every evening throughout his life.
  9. Being a very intelligent person with huge experience, Kuclou-beny died as a liberator and an archive of South Sudan history and liberation struggle.
  10. His body was flown from Juba to Lou Ariik area and laid to rest in Akook village on 18 July 2021
  11. Kuclou-beny survives in 25 children of his 4 wives among them (15 M, 10 F).

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